Don't forget to log - if you bite it write it :-)

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
How does/has logging what you eat and drink help you lose weight?

It has made me aware of what, how much, and why you I am eating. I'm not an emotional eater but I will eat if I'm bored. I think logging helps me cut down on mindless munching.

On a week when my weight loss is not as I hoped or expected I can go back and review what I ate the previous week. One area that I didn't take into account was my sweet tea addiction. I drank it all day - omg so many calories wasted.


  • telepneff
    telepneff Posts: 71 Member
    I'm the same as you. Tracking stops my mindless munching. Also I'm a lot more aware of what is 'worth it'.

    It does become a bit of a chore, especially over weekends.

    I never go back and look at what I've had, I probably should.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Have you downloaded the app to your phone? That way it's right at your fingertips. Another way is to preplan your meals as much as you can. Weekends are hard for me to especially being on the go so much.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Logging has been more difficult for me than eating less and exercising. So today, I prelogged everything, including exercise. I eat the same breakfast and lunch everyday to make the whole thing simpler, but logging those dinners just didn't get done.
  • Ziki252
    Ziki252 Posts: 6
    Logging is new to me, but (today is Day 1) so far I've noticed that I feel better KNOWING what I've eaten, as opposed to only a vague guestimation as to what I've eaten.
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    I am in my 5th week and I think logging in is a savior. I log everything in. Sometimes in the morning I will plan my dinner first and then adjust my breakfast and lunch to stay on target. Other times if I have an event I will log in whatever meals are not during the event, so I can adjust them to the lowest calorie intake, allowing me to know just how much room I have for the social gathering. Also, I have found it very useful to see the nutrients broken down, so I can know what I need to adjust . For instance when I first started I could not get my protein up anywhere it should of been, I changed foods around and am now much closer. Then I notice that my fat and sugar are way to high, again I try an adjustment again. I've found that I am reading labels or ore logging foods a lot just so I can be balanced. It's a great tool!
  • marilync1266
    marilync1266 Posts: 67 Member
    This is my 1st week back and I've made a commitment - for one week, I won't necessarily change my eating habits but I will log everything I eat without judgement - doing this has shown me how many calories I really take in - it has been very eye opening expereince!
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    I agree with @Adpalangi....logging is my saving grace!

    For me, it's actually been just as useful to keep track of my sugar/sodium intake, as well as the proportion of carbs, fats, and protein. It makes me more aware of the balance of the day than just counting cals.
  • hpmoon
    hpmoon Posts: 23 Member
    Logging made me realize how much I lie to myself. I also realized that a scale is needed. I can eyeball it but I always go lower and that helps explain how I do not lose as much as suggested.
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    Logging helps me keep my carbs at the optimal level. I'm really good with guessing and estimating how many calories are in a food, but I have no idea what the carb, protein, and fat breakouts turn out to be. Logging is a necessity for me in managing my diet and ensuring I am keeping aligned with my what my Doctor recommends for my health.
  • Like others said it helps me be real with myself. As long as I am honest with my logging. I used MFP pretty much every day last year from May to October and lost almost 50lbs. I thought I had gotten the hang of my food consumption and stopped logging. I did well for awhile, but recently the weight has started to come back (only about 5lbs, but it's a slippery slope) So I'm jumping back on the bandwagon in hopes to re-focus myself and gain control again.
  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    I don't think I could possibly do this if I didn't log my food! Its so important. I think that a lot of people I know think that if all the things you eat are healthy that you will lose weight. Well not true it has to be a balance, trying to keep a well balanced diet is truly the key.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    wesleysmom - great job catching that 5lbs. You are right as soon as I stop logging I gain weight... Overconfidence on my part.
  • stechan07
    stechan07 Posts: 7 Member
    I love that "If you bite it write it! However, I am doing just that and well, I realized I do mindless eating. I bought a jumbo chocolate chip cookie to snack on in a few sitings, I thought. Before I knew it, the whole thing was gone. When I tracked it, it was 560 calories!!!! Crikey!

    I thought I would go for a bike ride when I got home, but I had to work late, run errands, and make dinner. Before I knew it my evening is gone!

    I'm sick about it, but I know I will not be buying another Jumbo cookie. Ugh! I will be doing double workouts tomorrow. Way, way over on my calories. Now, I am finally realizing why the lbs have crept on.

    Back on track tomorrow. If you bite it, write it. It will make a difference.