Check-in for week of May 14-20

ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
CaliforniaGirl (Marjii) thought it would be a good idea to start a new topic every week so our check-in posts don't get too long. Should have started this one last night, but we were out late :yawn:


  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Good day all you lovely losers!

    How did the week go? I hope you stayed on track. I did ok. lost nearly a pound! I did exercise 5 of 7 days, so that is good. I also took a mile walk yesterday by myself! First time since having my hip replaced in March. It felt so good to walk that mile. I was walking a mile every day before the leg pain started in, which was 2 years ago, then it was all inside walks with Leslie Sansone and my elliptical, until the pain got so bad I could not even do either of those. So yesterday was a terrific feeling day for me!

    This week, I hope to again walk a mile on a day or 2, also do my elliptical and stationary bike at least 5 out of the 7. We leave for Reno for 2 nights on Friday, then over to Lake Tahoe on Sunday for 2 nights, so walking is all I will be doing.

    Have a great week you all and I can't wait to see your check ins'

    Oh and ker thanks so much for the new date and start of Wed to Wed.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Marjii, that is terrific news about your walk!! Two years of pain? OUCH!! and a loss besides... well done!!

    I had a good week too. My goal was to walk an average of 8000 steps during the week, with most days over 10,000. I hit an average of over 10,000 with my laziest day being 8300. Also wanted to reach an average daily calorie burn of 2200, and managed to hit over 2400. All info per my handy dandy fitbit. I am down 2 pounds as of today - i may check in and decide whether to move my normal check in day from Friday.

    I'm going to leave my goals the same for next week; I'm already having an extremely lazy day today. Out too late last night, weather is icky, I'm achy and I feel like this would be a good time to relax for a day (exercise, not diet). I'm hoping that I get more energetic as the day wears on, but not overly optimistic :blushing:

    We're off the the lake either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning for the weekend. Not as exciting as Reno/Lake Tahoe though :wink:

    Looking forward to seeing how everyone has been doing this week, and to wave hi to some of our newest members!:flowerforyou:
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Good afternoon (or fill in whatever part of the day it is for you). I wish I had only positive things to say but in reality it has been a mostly (but, of course, not all) crappy week culminating in a .8 lb weight gain. :explode: Can mood affect weight I wonder? Since Saturday we have had mostly rain, storms, wind, flooding and clouds. Poor tourists! Yes, even the Caribbean can have bad weather. Really the problem is that I am spoiled by so many good days that I have lost my tolerance to rainy days. On the plus side the island is getting greener by the minute which is beautiful.

    I love hearing about all you active people getting out on your lovely walks. I can still only walk about once a week but more than walks even I miss doing yoga. I have not been able to do regular yoga for the last 4 or 5 years. About the same time I started MFP I found a wonderful private instructor to help me doing restorative yoga and it feels wonderful! :happy: I just finished my class and am so happy to be able to do that.

    I discovered a new food love:heart: last night. Popcorn with nutritional yeast and chili powder. Yum!

    I have a lot to look forward to this week including a sleep over with a 5 year old friend :laugh: , DH returning from a business trip and losing that weight gain!

    I wish you all a wonderful week.:flowerforyou:

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi everyone...checking in from the UK on Wednesday evening. Has been an ok week......weight has stayed the same which is ok as I am pretty much where I want to be........ weather has let me down with the running...feeble excuse I know.......I have run a couple of 3 milers since last week but really feel I should have done more...... still managed to keep the steps up to over 12,000 most days though. :smile:

    Flying off to Italy on Saturday ......will be walking as much as ever but also eating and partaking of a glass of red wine now and we travel the evening meal is a huge part of our enjoyment, trying the local specialities etc so I will not be holding back.........I am taking the netbook so hopefully will have wifi and be able to check in each day.

    Hope everyone has a really fabulous week ...... off to paint toe nails orange now...the yellow just didn't work for me! lol :bigsmile:

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    edit to my earlier post: I had to go to the local grocery, so when I got back and figured, hey, i have on my walking shoes ANYWAY, so... Did two rounds on my 1000 foot long driveway instead of three or more, but the day isn't over yet :)

    Wanda - congrats on getting back into your yoga! Hope you have nicer weather this week

    Jean - I would be disappointed if you didn't enjoy the food & wine in Italy! But I know you'll be doing a ton of walking, oh, geez.. sounds so much fun!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Good job ker for doing that walk while you had the shoes on. Good thinking on your part!

    Wanda, sorry for the weather,but oh the green must be so beautiful. Hopefully weather will go good soon. And happy for you to be doing restorative yoga. Sounds interesting.

    Jean, your trip sounds amazing and I hope you have safe travels and enjoy every second, bite and sip! Want to hear all about it when you return.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Californiagirl--Congratulations on that wonderful walk. You have made outstanding progress!

    Jean--glad you are holding your own weight wise. Me, too. Enjoy your trip, it sounds delightful.

    Bvifun--I've never been to the Caribbean, but I did spend some time in Hawaii many, many years ago. The weather was fantastic 90% of the time. It must be great to be able to get out every day. It is cold and rainy here in my part of Illinois.

    I think I've done pretty good this week, mostly holding my own and that's ok. Got out for a couple of good walks, too.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    “There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.” ~George Shinn

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- No weight gain even with five meals eaten out plus a Mother's Day feeding frenzy
    -- Biked 127.2 miles -- which is the reason for no weight gain :wink:

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Move biking time up to 8am to beat the Phoenix AZ heat
    -- Reduce % of fat and carbs in diet
    -- Post a "You can't out-exercise a bad diet" sign on each kitchen door as well as the refrigerator door!

    Good job everyone and great posting! Thank you all for sharing your journeys. :flowerforyou:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi All,

    Californiagirl, I feel your pain, my sister had hip replacement surgery last Fall, it was a very difficult time and recovery takes a long time. I went to help her for almost a month.

    Jean, I envy you your trip to Italy, all that good food and wine cannot be overlooked. Like you said, you can walk it off.

    Ker, you can rest easy now that you did your walk.

    Bvfun, the Carribean - So exciting! Yoga sounds like a lot of fun, It's doing wonders for a friend of mine. Maybe when I'm well, I'll join a beginner class. I tried a class at the college for a semester but it was too advanced.

    I can't get on the scale yet but I'm doing better with my walker, feeling stronger and gaining speed. I try to suck in my belly with every hop. Haha. I guess I could ask my hubby to help me on the scale. But really, do I want to share that kind of news with my spouse. That would be BIG FAT (drum roll please) NO.

    Love all the positive sharing,

    Happy Trails,

  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    hayleyandpaigesgrandma Posts: 83 Member
    My chhallenges are for the next couple of weeks. The weather is so bad here. It never seems to stop raining. My knees are sore but I need to get more walks in. In two weeks we are going to Medieval Times so I have to try to find a way to manage the extra calories.
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Checked in on the other board this morning but want to stay with the Group - Doing ok - but have to stay away from chips - and had some booze for the Mother's Day celebration along with my fav - deep fried seafood - but it is a whole new week.

    Found out today that I plan - but the food gods laugh - I was not hungry so missed the breakfast I planned, then after workout and shower - ran to town for some healthy groceries - stressed me out so I just had toast and peanut butter for lunch instead of the healthy salad I had planned - then got a phone call to go on a trip to pick up a boat - plans for supper gone. lol

    Will check in next Wednesday - will wait for the weekly check in board.

    Thanks for all the help gang.

  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Oopsie.....looks like I checked in on the wrong board. So I'll repeat my shameful self....I only lost one pound this week. Ah well, after three meals out I guess it's the best I can hope for. Too much yummy food & too much vino :drinker: I AM going to do better this week (one more celebration to attend this weekend) . Kudos to all you achievers who have dropped pounds and best of luck for this week. :heart:
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Ha ha, I checked in on the wrong board as well. Keep up the good work. We will watch each other & offer support and we WILLL achieve our goals. :heart:
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    Walking a mile after two months sounds great from what I have read. Did you get short wended or have sore muscles? How did the pip joint feel?

  • NCbeachgirl27006
    NCbeachgirl27006 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello All,
    This forum has motivated me into thinking - I CAN DO THIS! And this discussion is excellent for me because I am among peers. I love reading how everyone is doing. I am just starting and the exercise part is is what I am having problems with. However I was motivated by reading the forum to get myself a pedometer. I did that yesterday and today was day 1 with it. I did 4000 steps which I know is pathetic but it is onward and upward from here. Good luck to everyone. I so appreciate everyone because you are so an inspiration to me and I hope to be the same for someone else someday. Have a wonderful and successful week.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member

    Walking a mile after two months sounds great from what I have read. Did you get short wended or have sore muscles? How did the pip joint feel?


    Hi Chuck,

    I was not winded and it actually was a pretty good pace. I stopped for a few seconds halfway through and did some butt kicks to stretch my quads and then I rested for about 2 minutes at the Plaza. Hip did not complain at all. Today though, I am achy all over LOL I have been really tired the past few days , more so than when I had the surgery, so I think my body is telling me to just go a bit easy every other day, so today was a lazy day!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,143 Member
    Hello All: Happy to read all your posts, thanks so much for sharing. Well my life is still consumed with the listing of my MIL's house. It did get listed this Monday, and the open house for agents only was held yesterday and we got an excellent turnout. Already many showings later that day and a few more today. Guess what, our agent has already received 2 offers so she has contacted the other people that had scheduled viewing later this week and advised them that she will be presenting offers to my MIL tomorrow night at 6pm so they need to have their clients see the place tomorrow if they are really interested. Of course my MIL (92 yrs) wants to know why she has to wait until tmrw at 6 to find out about the 2 offers! As I have been a little under the weather this past day or so my DH has had to try and deal with his Mother, speak to our lawyer re tomorrow night if we get any reasonable offer, and also is particularly busy at work! It is encouraging news but it seems very fast so I hope they are serious offers and not low balls because they think she is a docile senior. .. Which she is not!

    Congrats to both Ker and Marjie for all their successful walking and thank you both for finding the time to get us organized for our little Wed. chat.

    Wanda .. So happy you found an excellent yoga teacher and are enjoying your yoga again

    Happy to hear our resident Travelling Jean is off again, safe journey and enjoy a glass of vino for me!

    Ronna .. Glad to hear you had a good week and got several good walks in!

    Wooken .. You keep up your amazing cycling and we will expect to see you later this year in the Tour de France!

    Claudine .. So proud of you with the walker, now that is dedication!

    Joyce .. You are going to do great at the medieval times, remember you are there for the fun and friends, and get a little nutrition on the side, enjoy!

    Holly ... Welcome and not to worry if your plan didn't quite work out, it's ok, your awareness is even better because that is a good step towards meeting your goals.

    Alex you said 'only' one pound ... I think that is great, I love to think of a pound of butter and think, yippee, that's a lot to get off my tummy, well done!

    Ncbeach ..4000 steps is truly a wonderful start, my challenge is to just put down my book (or iPad) and get moving:wink:

    Well I have been quite the Chatty Cathy, but I have gotten a lot of sleep over the past day or so and I suspect I am ready to go ... Let's hope that produces a walk for me tomorrow ... Thanks for taking the time to read this novel! Cheers, Marian
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    ^^^ Ditto What Marian Said to Everyone!!!

    And Marian, you should be so danged proud of yourself for walking regularly now :flowerforyou: Keep it up; you're already starting to let go of the 'resident sloth' title you gave yourself! Had a not-so-great day yesterday myself exercise/diet wise, so must make up for it some today...

    it's so cool that the group is growing in numbers - more support, more motivation,etc. However, I've had to start a spreadsheet for nick/real names to keep everyone straight :laugh:

    Have a great Thursday all...... :drinker: (that's water, of course...)
  • jjjbkkkk
    jjjbkkkk Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Everyone. I forgot to weigh myself last night, but did this morning. I've lost 1.5 pounds. Yeah. Hardly can believe it. This is my first week and it's been kind of an up and down ride. Who snuck all those calories I find in such simple foods--must have been the calorie squad............Somehow, I guess, through no fault of my own I did stay within my calorie count and lost, but I'm not sure I have the confidence yet for the long haul... And, boy, what a haul awaits...........Anyway, I'm thankful and happy to be off to a good start. As one who HATES exercise I'm not sure how I'm going to fair I'm glad to be on this group discussion and hoping I can pick up some inspiration from others in my same age group. Have a great day.
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you all for putting it all in writing. These weekly check-ins are a great idea. I, too, am trying to keep nick and real names sorted out.