Check-in for week of May 14-20



  • missyfit13
    missyfit13 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Like, Claudne, i am still trying to remember the names, but congratulations to everyone for their week. Lake Tahoe (doable for me), Caribbean ( been there, and loved it, but would go back in a hot second), and all the travels make me envious. My week was spent planning, participating in, and cleaning up, after our annual spring luncheon for our golf group. It was so hot, and i was so tired by the time i got home, I couldn't think about eating much. However, that didn't help my weight loss. I really splurged on Mother's Day, and the luncheon, but all in all, didn't do too bad.

    I didn't walk much as I have been running around trying to figure out what colors to paint the exterior of our house. We go get samples, put them on the house, look at them for a day or two, get more samples - you get the drift. I think we have it down to 1 trim color and a choice of two main colors.

    Anyway, I don't think I lost anything. It's hard to tell because I swell up so much in the heat and it has been hot this week. My legs and feet are like one long stump. I drink so much water and I am always running to the bathroom, but the swelling is still there. Doctors just say it is edema and want me to wear the pressure stockings. I do okay in the winter, but just cannot stand them in the heat. So it is "legs above heart" every night to get the swelling down.

    Hope everyone has a great week. I am going to try getting my 10,000 steps back in every day. I just have to walk alone and leave the dogs in the house because they don't want to walk far enough. I got in over my goal about 3 days out of 7. Like Claudine says, it is so great to read all of the check-ins. It is helping a lot, I know.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Love reading everyone's posts. Think everyone seems to have it together!

    Considering this is first week back from vacation, it hasn't been bad (except for the work my car needed, but I always figure anything less than $600 is cheap! Came in at $450 -- Everything car related costs $600+ so I'm ahead! :happy: )

    I haven't lost anymore weight since my return, but for some reason, my weight loss is always all on one or two days, so I'm not worried yet. Want 5 lbs. gone by end of month, but, I'm realistic and it is getting harder. My BMR is down and TDEE, so 2 lbs. a week is becoming unrealistic. 1 to 1.5 probably is more realistic and I need to accept that. Wish I were taller, 5'1" doesn't burn much.

    I am well on my way to my two walking goals. I am over 90 miles of walking, and at 32 for cardio miles so far for May. Unless I stop walking I will make my 100 miles/40 cardio miles by end of the month. I'll up the miles in June. Maybe 150/50?

    My goal was to walk at lunchtime twice a week. I've done twice this week and actually scheduled a meeting today at an agency that I can walk to. I scheduled it for 11:30 so I will go to my meeting, will only take a minute and then call that my lunchtime walk as I walk around that area of the city and then back to my office.

    My problem is heat! My heart really has problems with it. I can stand the cold so much better. I have thought about walking in the morning before carpool, but when I drive I have to leave my house about 6:25 a.m. It is hard for me to get up earlier than 5:30. I will try to force myself to do it next week. See if I can do it. It is just such a long day when I try to do my 2 miles of cardio, 30 minutes stationary bike, stretching, weights, and cool down, after work. That's why lunchtime if it isn't too hot is nice. Last night I had to do my cardio walk after work, the rest of my workout, and I also had to stop at the pharmacy and have dinner. It was 9:30 before I got home.

    Heat isn't a problem today. Was 35 degrees this morning!

    I would like to do something other than the weights at the gym. I think I might have found a workout I can do at lunchtime with resistance bands. I have to get some. Has anyone done the videos on SparkPeople. Thought this one looked pretty good:

    Finally, another agency always has their frequent bake sales right outside my office door. The donuts looked so good this a.m., so I bought 4! But gave them to my staff. Made myself my raisin cinnamon toast and a cup of coffee that satisfied me. :drinker:

    Have a great day and a better weekend!

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member

    I didn't walk much as I have been running around trying to figure out what colors to paint the exterior of our house. We go get samples, put them on the house, look at them for a day or two, get more samples - you get the drift. I think we have it down to 1 trim color and a choice of two main colors.

    I had to chuckle when I read this. When we remodeled our house a while back (took us years, but now it's 90% completed) I picked out paint for the kitchen, put a patch on the wall & see how I felt about it. Yup, I like it. Rick painted the kitchen (before the cabinets were in place). A week later... I don't like it. Picked out new paint, put a patch on the wall. Yup, I like it. Rick painted the kitchen again (half the cabinets were in place). Two weeks later... ummmm.. Rick? Poor guy had to paint the entire kitchen (all cabinets in place) over again. :ohwell:

    charlie - thank you for that youtube link. i keep toying with the concept of resistance bands, and that workout, from what i watched, looks like a great way to start..

    Heat. Yeah. This Wisconsin born and bred girl has to relearn about Texas Gulf Coast heat and humidity every year. I promised myself I wouldn't complain this summer after a cold (TX version of cold) winter, but may not be able to keep that promise :glasses:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hello to everyone!!
    What a great group this is! WELCOME to all of our new people! It is exciting to meet and see new faces here!

    Well, I am two days late checking in - why??? Because I did not want to admit that I have NOT been walking much since Mother's Day week-end. Why?? Who knows :devil:

    But I have done OK with food.
    So.... my weekly goals
    Walking steps to get to 10000.- did not do OK but on Wednesday I did 9000+
    Losing weight - I have done OK as I have lost 3.2# this week.

    I do not have time to chat right now, but I will return later for our group bonding time :flowerforyou:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Charlie, you are doing so very well. Don't let the scale/pounds worry you so much. Just keep doing what you've been doing. It's Fantastic that you make the time to exercise so diligently. I hope I catch that fever. And congratulations on passing up those donuts. You are so disciplined.

    Ker, your husband has the patience of a saint. I'm glad you found a color you liked. It's true, it takes awhile to adjust and be sure you like your choice. It's better to do it over than to be unhappy with the selection.
  • jjjbkkkk
    jjjbkkkk Posts: 14 Member
    I like that pound of butter (LOST) image. I'm going to have to use that.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Ker95Texas: Ordered a very light resistance band. Didn't want to buy a whole set until I tried it. The problem at the gym is that the weight area is always so crowded and I seem to spend so much time in the evening as it is, I really would like a workout that I could do at lunch or at home.

    Claudine: I'm really not worried about the weight loss. It is, what it is. I'm doing everything I can. As far as the exercise goes, I always was very active until I couldn't be. That is why I gained so much weight and couldn't lose it. It is so good to feel healthy right now. My heart is functioning fairly normally (unless it is too hot); my RA is in remission, the plantar faciitis is gone. All these things kept me from doing anything very active for so long. Sweets usually aren't a problem for me. I can pretty easily turn my back. It is much harder for me to order the 6 oz. steak rather than the 12 oz.

    That lunchtime walk to meeting and lunch was so great! 57 degrees. No wind. 43% humidity. Partly cloudy! Unfortunately I had to come back after 2.16 miles. Grabbed a steak soft taco and ended up 1/2 of it landing on my lap! :grumble:

    Reba: Don't hide! You have been doing great! Promise we won't beat you up. But we do miss you when you aren't around. Besides, walk or no walk, look at your weight loss. Sure hasn't hurt you.

    Well, lunch is over!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Also, Claudine & Reba: It is easier for me to spend a lot of time exercising because I don't have anyone else depending on me or needing my time. Makes a huge difference. If I were married, it would be harder for me to go to the gym after work for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. I know. Been there; done that!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Charlie, you are very smart. You have your priorities in order. Good for you to keep pushing yourself.
  • HappyGramps
    HappyGramps Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, all! I just joined this group and I have an important question ..... where did you hide all the men???? :huh:

    I decided to try the "Check-in" idea because I need to keep myself motivated by telling others what I've done and what I haven't done so someone can give me a virtual kick in the butt when I need it.

    I know I won't be as detailed as many of you ladies on here, but that's mainly because my typing skills suck, not because I have nothing to say.

    I'm 69 years old living in Western Canada and want / need to lose about 70 pounds. Exercising is a challenge because I have knee and back pain problems which restrict the type of things I can do. Currently, most of my exercises and stretching exercises to try and limber up my knees and back. Hopefully, I can get into a walking habit in the near future. My wife walks briskly for an hour a day, and has for the last 45 years. She walks far too fast for me to keep up, but I'm going to try leaving the house for my walk at the same time that she leaves. I'll wear a surgical mask so I don't choke as she leaves me in the dust! :laugh:

    Well, I just (re)started on this weight loss journey, so wish me luck!

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hi, all! I just joined this group and I have an important question ..... where did you hide all the men???? :huh:

    We were all kind of hungry and before we could stop ourselves, we ate them...


    I don't know WHERE the men are. Maybe they are shy.

    Welcome to the group!! I like your sense of humor; I think you'll fit in very well! :bigsmile:
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,143 Member
    Welcome Gary and Good Luck, as Cris said we do get hungry sometimes! Not to worry when your wife breezes by you, just clap, it burns calories :laugh: We all try to be very supportive and I am not that physically active but our group of athletes make me feel welcome and encourage me on my modest walks!

    Check out our May Challenge post and maybe you will join us in June? I know when you first start, there is a lot to take in, but my success so far is definitely due to this great Group!

    Btw, we do have a coupe of gents and they pop in occasionally! Jack is busy losing weight and playing golf, and Kevin is like yourself and still just trying to find his way around. Glad to meet you! Marian
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Gary, Welcome! I just recently joined this group as well. I'm not a very active person on my own. On a normal basis I force myself to exercise a little bit every day. Right now I have a broken ankle and I am very limited in what I can do. All this to say, we all have limitations.

    Check in with this group every day or as often as possible and you will feel motivated. You don't have to compete with your wife or anyone else. Eat as sensibly as possible and start with three 10 minute walks a day if you are able. Slow and steady will be more helpful to you than overdoing it.

    Good luck.

    Happy Trails,

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    That's exactly what my doctor ordered no more than ten min. at a time. Don't want to over do the heart of course I'm waiting to go and see a cardiologist june 20th what they do I don't know yet. Seen something in echo gram. So easy does it for now.

    Hopefully will be here with a good loss come wed. See you then if not sooner.

    See you all lighter
    Linda I'm in Northern Ontario Gary.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Howdy to all & WELCOME to the new group members! A very sincere WTG!! to all of you, especially those who are fighting injuries and health issues. It would be so easy to just kick back and eat, and yet... here you all are! :flowerforyou:

    I'm not doing well on the walking goal I set for myself. My ankle has decided to blow up on me (podiatrist never *could* figure out why it does this), so I've been taking it easy for a few days. But today we did some of our picnic prep and other purchases & ended up going to Lowes, Walmart and Sam's Club. I've gotten the walking in today, yup :bigsmile:

    And now I'm headed for the recliner for a while to give my balloon foot a break & see if I can work up the gumption to pot some of these gazillion plants that were on clearance that I couldn't resist. You'd think I'd learn! :grumble:

    Enjoy the last of the weekend!
  • HappyGramps
    HappyGramps Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you, ladies, for your sincere encouragement! I very much need it and appreciate it!

    Today, I'm restarting my weight loss that I restarted yesterday ... :grumble: I drank far too much alcohol last night. The 14 bridge players that came to our house FORCED me to drink with them, even though I said "No" (actually, I whispered when nobody was listening). :wink: The good news is that my back and knee pain disappeared for a few hours. :bigsmile:

    On a more serious note, thank you all for your comments and suggestions on getting started by taking small steps (e.g. 3 ten-minute walks) and getting involved in the monthly challenges. As you have recognized, I'm new and just feeling my way -- oops, naughty boy!! :blushing: -- you know what I mean.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend (long weekend in Canada)!!

  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Ker, you've probably considered this but could it be the footwear you're wearing that is causing the problem? When I lived in Long Island, NY, I used to do the same thing with plants, I'd buy more than I could handle. Now that I live in Prescott AZ, I don't bother cause the animals come and eat everything!

    Gary, you're talking to a wine lover, just want to say, try not to let the alcohol sabotage your weight loss efforts, cause it can! I speak from experience - LOL!

    Lin, Listen to your doctor. 10 min. at a time is a good amount.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Claudine, my doc had me get Asics and an arch support. That has helped a LOT, but not 'all better'. Instead of lounging on the recliner, I got my butt up and am happy to say that ALL my flowers are now in pots. And I'm tired :yawn: Going to take my Kindle to bed and read for 30 seconds before heading off to snoreland. Type with you tomorrow!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm like Gary starting over today. Did two days of no sugar no bread.
    Hubby came home with a raspberry lemon meringue pie. Well of course I had some only human after all.
    Oh well today is another day. Going to do this. One day at a time.

    Good luck all

    See you Lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good morning!

    I think the weekly check-in idea is GREAT.

    Congratulations to everyone who is doing WELL. You're all an inspiration.

    I have a confession to make. I'm not making excuses, or looking for anything. I'm just going to say:


    I have always disliked it and except for a couple of brief periods in my life where regular exercise turned into an enjoyable habit.. I have always looked for reasons to avoid it. This is the pattern of my entire life and I don't know why I think it should be any different now that I've reached the ripe old age of 64.

    Since we returned from our cruise at the first of the month, I've done zip, zero, nada nothing. Worked out in the yard a couple of days. That's it. No cardio, no biking, no *gag* elliptical.

    That is my confession. No excuses. I've been lazy and therefore I have not lost weight.

    If somebody could create a magic pill to make me LOVE, crave, WANT to exercise--I'd take it. :huh: :huh:

    That's all.

    Have a good day everyone!