coming out (of my cage, and I'm doin' just fine~)

emzyfish Posts: 40 Member
Okay, sorry, sorry, the Killers took over my brain for a minute there. But seriously, let's talk about it! The big it. Coming out. Have you? Universally, or to select people? How do you feel about it?

I'm out to my close friends, my sister, my coworkers, and my cousins as pansexual (though for a couple of them I simplified it as 'bi' just because... yeah). I'm not out to my parents, though I'm fairly sure they know anyway, and otherwise I'm not really going to come out until I have to because of relationships or whatever... I figure it's not worth the drama and heartache!

What's your story?


  • poppopboom
    poppopboom Posts: 5 Member
    I came out to my friends after high school because I was so worried about their reactions, turns out we were all hiding a bit because out of my group of six bestest friends one was gay, I was a lesbian, one was bi, one was trans, another asexual, and there was only one straight girl. I don't know if we unconsciously gravitated towards each other in high school without realizing it because no one was out yet.

    I came out to my mom a few years back after a disastrous attempt at being 'straight' or at least bi. I just straight up had a full blown meltdown over being a lesbian which is actually really embarrassing looking back at it. My god parents know, my grandmother knew, and I have a feeling the rest of my family strongly suspects.
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    a good amount of our personal coming out stories can be found here: myself included :) happy reading!
  • Chelsea_O
    Chelsea_O Posts: 45 Member
    Universally! With a bang! Got kicked out of my private Christian school.... and it all went to hell from there lol I lost all my friends, my school, I got cut out of my grandmother's will, etc. I was with my first-ever gf for about 3 years beginning from age 14, she was 17. I was outed by the first person I ever told, one of my friends at school. Every day of my life since my secret was exposed I wanted to die. My parents were disgusted by me and made it very, very clear. She left me when I was 17 and I had no one so I reverted back to what everyone wanted on the surface and put myself back in the closet, only having the occasional, discreet relationship or fling. It was nice not to live a lie for about 3 years, but it wasn't worth me losing my family. I'm not saying it was the right choice, but it's the one I made. Sorry it's not inspirational =/
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Pretty much I told my friends and they were okay with it.

    My family punched the lights out of me since they did not agree.
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    Had a secret relationship for seven years. When that hit the skids (mostly because I wanted to come out and she didn't), I finally came out to my family when I was 31. Friends and coworkers found out from someone outing me, so I never had to talk about it. No I'm out, can talk freely about relationships, crushes, etc. Much happier of a life now.
  • darrylmd
    darrylmd Posts: 1
    i bet it feels like a weight has been lifted as now u can just be yourself- good on you ,enjoy life now:happy: :happy:
  • marisarinde
    marisarinde Posts: 54
    I've known since I was like 4, hated it until I was about 16 though. Told one person at 16, a couple people at 17, and the world (literally) through a Facebook-official relationship (girlfriend's idea) at 18. Best decision I've ever made :) lost a few minor friends at 17, besides that, no one else. Everyone else is super loving and supportive <3 I'm very lucky, and I recognize that.
  • x_marianne_x
    I told my Mum I was bisexual when I was 16 but I don't think she believed me, I think she thought it was a phase. Never bothered coming out to any family or friends either as I figured it was a non-issue unless I ended up with a partner who was female/trans. So I've not said I'm straight or otherwise, I just 'am' lol

    I would say that now, I prefer not to label myself but I suppose pansexual covers it. I don't choose my partners based on whether they're male, female or transgender.

    I've never made an issue of hiding it I suppose but it just doesn't really come up, although everyone knows I have strong support for the LGBT community & marriage equality so maybe they do know. I dunno.

    Marianne x