If you can't make it to the gym, What do you guys do?

I personally am struggling with the fact that I can't make it to the gym all the time. So when I can't I just want to know what others are doing. Do you think I should eat even less that day or keep up my same calorie goal?


  • Tigerorchid03
    Tigerorchid03 Posts: 5 Member
    I work out on the track near my home, or hike the trails. So, I do not go to the gym. However, when the weather is bad out and I can not get my walking done, I try to do some weight lifting or yoga at home. If I mess up and skip the workout entirely, I try to push myself a little harder for the rest of the week to make up the difference. Maybe just adding an extra 15 minutes to my walks. And I *try* to eat better, maybe cut out my sweet treat. The main thing is to create the calorie deficit for the remainder of the week, to make up for the missed workout.
  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    Thanks great advice! I have my eating down pretty good, it should be ok. I guess I just have to find that balance!
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    I personally do not use a gym... some days I wish I did so I could have a place of my own to go to... but as a sahm I make it my mission to conserve our money as my husband works very hard... so I have created a home gym slowly but surely and with minimal expense. I also walk with my kids and I do jm dvds and pilates becauee that ise my favorite thing in the world of exercise pilates is like my yoga its my zen
  • praevalere
    praevalere Posts: 24
    I kayak, play tennis, golf, and do yard work (in addition to working out). I do think it is important to set at least a little time aside though, for some sort of a workout most days, not including athletics (like the above). Even someone who works a job standing up all day and walking is not getting as much of a workout as they believe, otherwise we would see tons of skinny nurses (and many other professions). It is important to get that heart rate up and keep it there for a period of time to give it the exercise it needs. If you can't make it to the gym, don't sweat it (the added stress is never good), just make sure you get back in there the next day.

    edit: wanted to add, go for a brisk walk/jog to get your heart rate up for around 30 minutes if you can manage time for that.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    I walk or jog outside several days a week if weather permits, but on the days I can't get to the gym, I go on On Demand or YouTube. I let nothing stop me from getting in my workouts. :smile:
  • titiantop
    titiantop Posts: 9 Member
    Dance party in the kitchen!
  • PlayLove
    PlayLove Posts: 4
    Dance is a good one. I use a 10 minute standing pilates video with a dance option. I like to bike, play tennis, hike and weight train. I am surprised when I just get up to a good song and use some dance moves. If I am up to a video I use one I have or search for one on tv or on the computer. I found a good walking video on youtube. I use the idea of adding a little more to training in the week if I eat more. I also try to be very careful about how much and what I eat to make sure food and exercise balance.
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    Instead of the gym I've invested in a personal trainer, which has been amazing. She tailors my workouts for me and pushes me (safely) past where I might have given up (which I do very easily, haha).
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I don't go to the gym...Instead I plunked down several hundred dollars for an elliptical to put in my bedroom. Even having that, I know it's important to switch up my routine and, also, I don't always want to use the elliptical. I'm big on cardio videos--Fitness Blender, FitSugar, BeFit...they all have great youtube channels. They offer a lot of variety. My boyfriend is a gamer and bought a workout video game for me, which is actually fun. I'll walk outside, too. Our XBOX subscription offers us a lot of weight loss program services and videos that I use. I heard Daily Burn is good for workout videos and super customizable and I may look into that once our free membership runs out on the XBOX. I also have a few bands and weights that I use at home.
  • LaurenBG2013
    I had a gym membership gathering dust in my wallet. So I invested some money in free weights and a physio ball. I do all of my workouts at home, or outside on the great trails by my house. I also use Fitness Blender. It's a totally free website with 100% free workout videos.