Week Starting 12th of May 2014

agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
Weekly thread to get us started for the week - In week 7 and I am getting stronger!

I smashed my workout last night and have moved to the Stability ball rollouts in a pike position for the final few in the set. I couldn't even manage 10 of these when I started!! I am also going to up my weights next week - push hard for final 4 weeks

Check in if you get a moment and see how your week is going :)


  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    I am finally feeling back to my self and strong enough to get back to working out tomorrow. Looking forward to it, in fact so I know that I am better.

    Oddly enough it is week 12 for me. I feel like I should just start at week 1 since I plan to do it again anyway. But I will start at week 12 and week 7 of workout. Then I will start at week 1 again. Perhaps I will have better luck on my second go round!! Then again 14 pounds isn't too bad for 12 weeks...
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Yay! Glad you are feeling better horrid when you are sick

    12 pounds is awesome - really great work :)
  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member
    Feeling good this week. No idea what week I am on now. I just eat 1000 cals a day have one maintenance day a week of whatever I want and do full body exercises mixing up the programme together with cadio on off days. It is starting to feel like a normal way of life now. Glad you're feeling less yuk Jaiden :smile: Keep up the good work girls :heart:
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    Today is a bit of a challenge!!! Turns out I am not on week 12, actually back to 1! I don't want to work out and I'm craving a huge bowl of ice cream!!! Oh the evils!! lol
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    I DID IT!! I worked out AND I avoided the devil ice cream!!! Now I am going to reward myself with a nice hot bath...
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Yah go you. :smile:
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    UGH!! Rebound on the virus!! Starting with the same symptoms again yesterday. I am hoping that it doesn't come on full blown like a few weeks ago. But there goes another week of working out!! :(
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Oh know - I am also coming down with something :frown:
    Need an early night
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    I slept almost 11 hours!!! Unheard of!! I know I've been fighting the rebound. Best tip I ever got was to suck on/chew a clove of garlic!! Its harsh but I felt better almost immediately!
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    cooking a roast with lamb and garlic...I will suck the cooked garlic :)