Saturday Check-In

suejoker Posts: 317 Member
Well, I see on the newsfeed that many of you have already started working on that 24 hours! Hooray! I'm moving a little slowly today, feeling a bit sore from all that dancing yesterday, so I'm giving myself a nice long ramp up to activity. I also poured myself 1.5 cups of coffee! That's a big splurge for me, because I usually only allow myself one.

I'm grateful for cooler weather today, because I'm going to walk over to the farmers market and that would've been difficult for me if it was still 90 degrees. Since I'm sore, I think that walking across town and doing the grocery shopping will be my workout for the day. I'll check back in later to let you know I made it & see what amazing feats you accomplished!


  • I don't drink coffee myself but my hubbie loves it. I used to get star bucks frozen coffee drinks java chip, I don't really see having those much now, lot of sugar. I think walking to the store downtown is great exercise. :o)
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    Okay, okay.....I'm in, but only because I love you! Hopefully I'll fraught naught! Sue, enjoy the cooler weather and the Farmers' Market! And 'WithGod.....have a great day!

    So far, an hour and 20 minutes gardening yesterday and 60 minutes of Zumba today! Since it's raining pretty hard in Maine today, no gardening for me.

    Later Warrior Women!!
  • amethyst70
    amethyst70 Posts: 68
    Well I have a walk planned today & my weight lifting. I ran across some Bob's Red Mill Muesli and love it to the point of over indulged so workouts are a must today. I will check in later to report workout progress. My goal today is to fall in to bed tonight and pass out. Lol.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I love walking to the Green Market. That's usually a feature of my Saturdays too, but this one I had to drop by work before my book club (at 1:30) and also fit in my bike ride, so I decided I'd skip a week. I am really hoping to get some time to work on my garden on Sunday, but time may not permit. Here it's not 90--50s and pretty nice today, but yesterday it was raining and we even saw some snow mixed in from my office window and I'm told even on the ground in the 'burbs (it was low 40s, so it didn't stick, at least), so that's my excuse for not having planted yet.

    So far I have 106 minutes--a short and easy run yesterday and biking today. Tomorrow, in addition to the possible gardening, I have a 10K which I'm a little nervous about.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hi, Warrior Women!

    I'm so proud of myself. I made it to the farmers market, Walgreens & Trader Joe's, and then I cleaned the kitchen (mostly because it wasn't fit to hold my gorgeous food!). I just had lunch, so I guess I'll have a late dinner. I'm really looking forward to it--filet mignon:p I decided that I needed to celebrate reaching 177lbs. That's miraculous to me. I haven't been this light in so long!

    Amethyst--Are you still working out or passed out?

    Lemurcat--YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK THE 10K! And, don't worry about skipping the green market, I'm sure I have enough veggies for both of us!

    Susan--Yay! I'm so glad you joined us:) There's no pressure to reach 24 hours in 2 weeks. If you do, great.

    Tammy--How on God's green earth do you manage to live without coffee?! LOL...

    Well, I'm 3:50 into my 2nd 24 hours of May exercise. That long walk and shopping helped a lot. Just this week, I've already exercised 805 minutes & burned 4,426 calories! I don't want to jinx it, but next week's weigh in could be especially sweet.

    Keep fighting the good fight, you beautiful women!
  • 2nd workout of the day here I go
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    Hey everyone! I had a busy day today at work! I will be counting my active minutes per my Fitbit, I actually walk longer than my active minutes but the active minutes are minutes I walk over 100 steps a minute. Today my total active minutes are 139. I may get a few more in before midnight but probably not. I worked out on the elliptical for 60 minutes today and counted that as part of my active minutes. I also used my total gym for 20 minutes and didn't count that as part my active minutes so in total I'm at 159 for the day. I needed the extra push today because it's my dad's birthday today and I'm about to indulge in a kahlua chocolate cheesecake!
  • amethyst70
    amethyst70 Posts: 68
    205 minutes today for a calorie burn of 1032 according to MFP.
    I walked with kids to get ice cream and down to river to play and back.
    Did my pushups, sit ups, leg lifts, and glute bridges.
    Did my Strong Lifts and added in some accessory work I haven't been hitting much lately. Still pleased to see none of my numbers went down, and most weights either increased in reps or weight. YAY!

    I could fall in to bed, but since I wore the kids out, I'm taking advantage of the quiet and having some ME time. :)
    Great Saturday All!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Wow! You warrior women are on FIRE! I'm watching Glee and I usually get up and do all the musical numbers with them, but I'm way too sore from my day. I'm going to lie down, as soon as I have some dessert...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Hi, Warrior Women.

    A fitting experience at my 10K today--I was rounding a turn at about 1.5 miles in and saw a huge banner that said Warriors on it. Looking at it more closely it was for the Warrior Runners, which google reveals is a running group out of the Pilsen neighborhood here that had runners in the race. I decided it was an auspicious sign.