Hello Pink Ladies (and guy)



  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    Congrats everyone on a successful week..

    I am also one who does fine all day and then the sun goes down.. I should just go to bed but instead I am grazing the cupboards and fridge. There is nothing outright unhealthy but I can eat everything. I have changed my goals here on MFP and see if there are any changes. I have upped my calorie intake..1200-1300 is not cutting it and incorporating more protein. It may take a couple of weeks for my body to adjust to these changes so I have to be patient.

    Have a wonderful weekend and keep your eye on the prize!
  • Mayra_121
    Mayra_121 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi Pink Team:

    Week 2 is almost over!! I for one am proud of myself for being able to get back on track with my workouts. My experience has been that if I slack off on exercising then I just find it harder to eat healthier, stupid I know but oh well... I am looking forward to achieve my goal at the end of this challenge and hopefully reach my UGW (120 lbs) at the end of this year!
    I hope you all are well!

    Go Pink!!!!
  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning Team Pink!
    Just a quick note before heading off to work...TGIF!

    if you have not already weighed in and logged your progress for this week, its time to do so.
    I hope your results were better than mine this week.. Exercising, logging food, deficit calorie-wise, the scale is moving but in the wrong direction. Perseverance is the key so I will not give up on myself!
    Anyone with a magic solution?

    Have a wonderful weekend!!
  • Irek_Wawa
    Irek_Wawa Posts: 41 Member
    I hope your results were better than mine this week.. Exercising, logging food, deficit calorie-wise, the scale is moving but in the wrong direction. Perseverance is the key so I will not give up on myself!
    Anyone with a magic solution?

    Hard to tell - your diary is closed. Two things I can think of right now:
    - if you're on low carb diet, try carb loading every 5 or 7 days to restore leptin levels
    - if you've recently started new workout routine you can expect to store some extra water weight for 2-3 weeks (natural reaction of organism for new, intense physical stress), it will go off on it's own - nothing to worry about.

    Have a great week as well!
  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!

    Here it is the first weekend in May and the spring weather seems to be missing.. I have been slack in the exercise department this week....between appointments and pure exhaustion I have not had the motivation to get moving..Rain and temperatures around 0C are not helping either.. Another week down, a little progress, hope you have had a good week and enjoy your weekend!

    p.s... Don'f forget to log onto the spreadsheet sometime today :)
  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday challengers!

    Don't forget to check into the spreadsheet and log your current weight.. I am still stuck at a plateau..Super fustrating but holding on and pushing through!!

    Have a wonderful day!!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I totally suck and forgot to log my weight this week. :( sorry
  • BelliDancer
    BelliDancer Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everyone. Just thought I'd check in with my Pink Panthers, see how everyone's doing. I also seem to be hovering around a bit of a plateau. Put on 200g at my last weigh-in -- even though I thought I should have lost. Funny, if I had cheated with my calories and gained 200g I would have thought I got away with something, but it's frustrating when you think you deserve to have lost and you gain. Anyway, instead of eating cake in frustration, like I would have before, I remembered the log sheet and dug in my heels. I exercised more. I hope it will reflect at my next weigh-in. At the very least, I can feel pleased with myself for not giving up and believing that the scale will catch up. If you're plateauing too, I hope you're thinking like that!
  • Irek_Wawa
    Irek_Wawa Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everybody:)

    For me last weeks are going quite well, losing weight according to plan. I just stick to low carbs, moderate protein diet and watch my calorie balance to be -7000 per week (not necessarily -1000 daily).

    I've readjusted my training schedule so i don't have to train every day (4 trainings +2 days running). Of course there is a trade off - individual training sessions take longer than before.

    I've recently noticed that I became really sensitive to caffeine due to eliminating foods / drinks that contain it. That's a negative, because when I drank 2,25l coke (zero ofc;)) last week I felt tired for few following days (after initial hype). I guess I'll stop using it at all then.

    Regarding competition - it will probably be my last as there won't be much more to lose for me when it ends and i wouldn't be much of an asset for the team. I'll stop being overweight in next 3,6kg (month or so) and achieve my desired weight in 6,6kg (two months or so). Then i'll have to decide what to do next - get leaner by losing even more and build muscle from there or just stay at 86kg and try some "carb backloading" (as there seems to be some science behind it) to burn more fat and build muscle simultaneously.

    I keep my fingers crossed for all of you, have a relaxing weekend :)
  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Friday Team Pink!

    It is the first long weekend of summer up here in Canada and I am pumped! I have plans to open up the trailer and get some R&R.

    I am not looking forward to the excess of snacking, treats and drinks but it will be a good personal challenge!

    To those hitting a plateau, fear not you will break through with consistency and patience.. I am down this week finally after weeks of not moving on the scale..

    Irek, I am very happy that you are finally seeing the end of the tunnel. It has been a long hard road (we started at the same time). Congrats! Your success is motivation for me to keep going. I will miss you in the challenges (although I hope this will be the last one for me as well) but there must be a maintaining group or something of the kind out there. Before this is over I will look into it..

    Do not forget to weigh in and log on the spreadsheet. Have a wonderful and safe weekend no matter what your plans, or lack there of.
  • QngieZ
    QngieZ Posts: 26 Member
    Hello everyone~
    it seems like most of us gained/maintained last week.hope next week is a better one for everybody.