What do you look forward to most?



  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I want to be able to walk from my truck to my office and not be huffing and puffing. Im counting on losing enough weight that with the meds Im on for my lungs and a good healthy weight loss I'll be able to breathe better. Anything else is a bonus
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I look forward to not having a panic attack every time I need to dress nicely to go out for a special event. I can not communicate how much dread, stress and hate this generates in me. In my head I'm running through excuses and trying to come up with ways out. How many events have I skipped because I hate this process of dressing up and going out, hating what i look like, hating what i look like to others and the fact that looking halfway decent takes so much more effort then it does for others (its so nice that you can just slip into that sweater and pull on a pair of nice jeans and a belt, this rotund body doesn't work that way). I have no nice cloths that I like or that seem to fit. I hate the way I look in them. Theirs nothing nice looking about strapping this body into well fitting cloths (not that theirs much of a thing as nice fitting cloths in this weight range).

    I just want to be able to shop normally. To have cloths that fit. To have something in a closet that I know I can easily slip on when I need to look nice without wondering if they are still going to fit. I want to look handsome in clothing and not just feel like a fat head sticking out of dress shirt.

    Makes me want to scream and set some cloths on fire.

    And clearly I have some issues around this....
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    I look forward to not having a panic attack every time I need to dress nicely to go out for a special event. I can not communicate how much dread, stress and hate this generates in me. In my head I'm running through excuses and trying to come up with ways out. How many events have I skipped because I hate this process of dressing up and going out, hating what i look like, hating what i look like to others and the fact that looking halfway decent takes so much more effort then it does for others (its so nice that you can just slip into that sweater and pull on a pair of nice jeans and a belt, this rotund body doesn't work that way). I have no nice cloths that I like or that seem to fit. I hate the way I look in them. Theirs nothing nice looking about strapping this body into well fitting cloths (not that theirs much of a thing as nice fitting cloths in this weight range).

    I just want to be able to shop normally. To have cloths that fit. To have something in a closet that I know I can easily slip on when I need to look nice without wondering if they are still going to fit. I want to look handsome in clothing and not just feel like a fat head sticking out of dress shirt.

    Makes me want to scream and set some cloths on fire.

    And clearly I have some issues around this....
    Then there's your rewards. You said you didn't really have any. Now you do. Each time you shrink out of something reward yourself with a ceremonial burning!!! Don't just throw stuff away. You're burning the fat, so burn those clothes too! Let it all go up in smoke, as you become smokin hot!!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning!! I read this the other day and have been pondering it since. I think for me, I just generally want to be happy. Happy with me, my weight, my health..... just generally happy. Hope this makes sense.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    OMG I just read this.. Sandy I LOVE that.. let your clothes go up in smoke as you become smokin hot.. love it! I want a photo of that first pyre RatPat.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Then there's your rewards. You said you didn't really have any. Now you do. Each time you shrink out of something reward yourself with a ceremonial burning!!! Don't just throw stuff away. You're burning the fat, so burn those clothes too! Let it all go up in smoke, as you become smokin hot!!

    I did eventually list quite a few rewards in the rewards thread thankfully. I live up in a rather built up area so i don;t think they would take well to me going a little pyro, but you never know.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I look forward to accepting friends' invitations to go hiking or doing various other physically active things. Right now, I'm afraid to join people because I know I'll fall behind and/or feel like I'm about to die from effort.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Tonight to improve my mood, I did some "window" shopping online and I found my tall black leather boots. When they go on sale and I have a coupon code, I am buying them and displaying them. Oh yes, they will be mine. And I will wear them with black tights and a cute skirt.
  • I want my girls collapsing into bed every night after a hard day of play instead of me collapsing into bed after a day of trying and failing to keep up with them.
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    The thing I am most looking forward to is living a long, healthy life and being there for all the big events in my son's life.....high school graduation, college graduation, wedding, grandkids, etc...
  • EjSings
    EjSings Posts: 13
    You guys have all hit on a lot of the things that I am looking forward to. The overwhelming thing I am looking forward to is hopefully having some self confidence for the first time in my life .I can't tell you how many things I've missed out on because of my weight whether directly, or because of how it makes me feel. More specifically,

    I definitely am looking forward to not having the "will I fit" anxiety. I have a flight coming up in a couple months and I'm so worried about not fitting or someone who has to sit next to me complaining. I was on a roller coaster once and it took the guy SEVERAL tries to get the bar to lock over my thighs and it was truly embarrassing. I don't want to have those feelings any more

    I'm also looking forward to swimming again. I love to swim but I haven't done so in about 10 years or more because I'm too embarrassed. I'd also love to go to a water park.

    I'm looking forward to being able to wear the clothing I want and feel good doing so.

    I'm a singer, so I'm also looking forward to being able to put myself out there with confidence and without feeling like I will be judged or rejected for how I look.

    But like I said it all goes back to confidence. I've struggled with anxiety, depression, and low self esteem my whole life, and I'm pretty sure that a good deal of that stems from how I feel about myself regarding my weight
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Welcome, EJ! Great list of things to look forward to!
  • Healthy4Sarah
    Healthy4Sarah Posts: 57 Member
    There are lots of things that I look forward to so I had to really think of what I want the most. I think having the energy and stamina to get out and enjoy life is number one. I've already seen improvement since dropping some weight. I worked in the yard and flower beds for six hour last weekend. I could not have done that last year. Wouldn't have even tried. It was a great feeling of accomplishment (especially when I see how great they look) and a great time spent with my hubby. I look forward to more of those achievements.
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    I look forward to being able to hike our nearest mountain, to buy clothes or eat in public without feeling vulnerable, to having or adopting Children with my gorgeous Husband, to not get told off by the doctor, to endure a summer without begging for the comfort of Winter and I look forward to a longer, fuller life :-)

    Kaela x
  • EjSings
    EjSings Posts: 13
    Thank you for the sweet welcome, Karen! :)
    Welcome, EJ! Great list of things to look forward to!