Taekwondo calories

ovlatnomp Posts: 6 Member
I logged in a workout under Taekwondo. I worked on individual techniques, forms, one steps, and weapons for 77 minutes and it says 1674 calories. To me, that seems a bit too high. Am I wrong?


  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    It all depends on your class, the intensity, how you feel, etc.

    I take classes but they are half fitness, half technique, and the most I've burned is roughly 800 (measured with Polar FT4)
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    It definitely depends on the class. When i took TKD, i used to use a "guesstimate" on calories burned. Some classes were strictly cardio, some that were mostly self defense................and then I had the days of my belt testing. That had a combination of both.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    It depends on the class. I take TKD and if I feel I didn't get an adequate workout in the class, I'll cut it down a bit. Now my TKD cardio class on the other hand, yeah, that one is every BIT of those numbers IMHO.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    21 calories per minute seems really high..that is what it breaks down to.
    I'm sure some people can get really high calorie burns per minute..but to sustain it for over an hour--i'm not sure about that?

    i never quite believed mfp for the numbers it gave for taekwondo, I have worn my polar to the odd class and when I'm working very intensly the whole time it is averages about 700 cals/hour
  • Alanhalil
    Alanhalil Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in the same position with MFP and kickboxing. I refuse to believe that I burn as much as it states so I often log my 90 minute classes as just 60 on MFP.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    I always rate (BJJ, but makes no difference) sparring time as full minutes, drilling as half minutes, and general technical work that doesn't get you breathing heavy as no minutes.
  • criticaldog
    criticaldog Posts: 21 Member
    I've been trimming numbers for both my Aikido class and my TKD class. That being said, we do a solid 20 minutes of sparring just about every class, so I know I'm getting the cardio in there.

    I have a FitBit on the way, I'm looking forward to getting a more accurate number to punch in.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I found the only accurate measure is a HRM. Each class I do is 2 hours, I train 3 times a week. Depending on the class, I'll burn between 500 - 1000 cals. I did have a Fitbit, but to be honest, the calorie burn it would give for a session of TKD were just as much rubbish as MFP. Its worth investing in a HRM if you want to track your calorie burn
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Don't get caught up in all the numbers...train hard, eat healthy, and rest...that will get you results.

  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    Don't get caught up in all the numbers...train hard, eat healthy, and rest...that will get you results.


    That is about as good advice as you can give. If you know you are doing the right things to help you lose weight, or to get you physically where you want to go then don't worry so much about the numbers, just do it.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Don't get caught up in all the numbers...train hard, eat healthy, and rest...that will get you results.


    That is about as good advice as you can give. If you know you are doing the right things to help you lose weight, or to get you physically where you want to go then don't worry so much about the numbers, just do it.

    Thank you!
    I see so many people stressing about this number and that number...it's just too much.
    Losing weight doesn't have to be so tough...it's really not.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I like the numbers...it motivates me and helps me work harder, nothing wrong with that.
    Different things for different people...happy your way works for you..and happy tracking calories etc works for others!

    Seriously.. :bigsmile:
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I like the numbers...it motivates me and helps me work harder, nothing wrong with that.
    Different things for different people...happy your way works for you..and happy tracking calories etc works for others!

    This! x