Weight Concerns

It seems like alot of people are worried about gaining too much weight (as am I). That's the primary reason why I'm on here. I've gained about 30 pounds and I'm about 30 weeks pregnant, so I'm trying to make sure that I stay on course and not gain anything more than I need to for these last 10 weeks.

What are your weight concerns?!


  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    30 weeks here and definitely worried with weight gain in the home stretch! I have read that weight gain will increase in the third trimester as baby is gaining most of his/her weight now too.

    I did really well up to this point, but lately I am so hungry! I upped my Cal intake to 1700 and I still could eat more. I am focusing on healthy snacks but I still crave goodies. I try not to give in, but a nibble here and a niddle there start to add up.

    Although pregnancy gains are a worry, I am also worried (already) about losing after. I have always had a hard time losing weight after my previous pregnancies. This time I am older... will prob be harder all around.
  • I am currently in the same place. I am 30 weeks along, I've gained 21 lbs, but I was 20 lbs over-weight BEFORE I even got pregnant! So, now that I'm in the third trimester, I'm starting to really stress over additional gain and what I'm going to do to get back in shape post-partum.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I'm only 5 weeks pregnant with my second. But I plan on staying active & eating plenty of fruits & veggies this time around. I have my calories set at 1800.

    I gained 34lbs my first pregnancy, ate fast food & junk food the whole time & was on bedrest from 8 weeks til i delivered. I'm hoping to gain the same amount this time, but make better food choices. Some women just gain a little more weight, no matter what their diet is. Hang in there & eat balanced meals & exercise if you can :)
  • I know the feeling ladies!
    I was I would say maybe 10 pounds over the recommended weight...And now i'm only six months and have gained a good 25-30 pounds. No matter what I do, I gain weight! It is so depressing!
  • emschica662
    emschica662 Posts: 5 Member
    Just got back from the OB and had this convo. I was 60 lbs over my "ideal" weight when I became PG (Im about 7 .5 weeks in, so still super early). I was 100 over last year, lost 40 slowly but was back peddeling when the weight loss journey got rerailed an upcoming baby.

    Got to hear a heartbeat today.amazing. I cried. So did my DH :D

    My doctor advised I should not gain more than 25 for the entire time and being over puts me at risk for GD and Im already high risk to start with.....so this is going to be a bumpy road.

    I just updated my goals on MFP to show a 1lbs loss per week as the goal, but really thats a high goal. My main purpose is eating better. More veggies and fruit. Better meals with whole grains. More water! All the stuff I do when I track. When I dont..I just shove whatever looks good in my gullet. I know when I eat better, I feel better. I already have zero energy thanks to "sprout" so hoping this helps.
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    I hear you . I am 32 weeks pregnant and have gained about 50lbs.
    It is always a challange to watch the scale go up and feel helpless to it.
    we all know it is for a good cause, but still a challange.
  • lauradoingyoga
    lauradoingyoga Posts: 22 Member
    Yup, 30 weeks in and gained about 28 pounds. Every single appt. my dr. wants to caution me about my weight gain. I have MFP set to gain 1/2 pound a week. No matter how good (or bad) of choices I make, I still gain 1-1.5 lbs a week. At this point, I'll worry about loosing the weight in a few months. Sick of worrying about it now and trying to be healthy and yet the weight keeps coming on.