Check in May 19, 2014

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
If you have joined the group but never joined the daily check in.. get to it!!!

It's a positive morning here in Illinois. Lunch bag is packed with good healthy foods for lunch and snacks. Walking planned with maps given to us by work.. yep.. I think I will actually get out on the streets today.

What's your plan of action?


  • BodyByChipsAhoy
    BodyByChipsAhoy Posts: 60 Member
    My plan of action is to not beat myself up for the way I ate this weekend. I didnt even log my food, but I'm heading over to my food diary now to get it all recorded (as much as I can remember, anyway).

    Not really sure what happened-just got off track and then just kept spiraling. My all time favorite Starbucks frappucinos don't fit very well into my calorie range, so I try to limit them to once or twice a week and make sure I have the calories. Well, I had one everyday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday--and two of the times they were the largest size. I believe the largest size has almost 500 calories.

    Topping it off, my day to weigh is Monday and I found I have gained back 1.4 pounds from last week. So now I have a total net loss of 2 pounds for two weeks. Its still a loss, but this gain was surprising to me, even though I did get off track. I did eat some salty things yesterday, but I dont want to be making excuses for it either, if that makes sense.

    I am off to record everything I ate this weekend and own up to it. I could use some encouragement today for sure!

    I hope everyone has a great day!

  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Morning all! Yes, Starbucks is pretty much the devil to me. It's like an ice cream shake, they just add coffee to it sometimes, depending on what you get. I miss my Pacific Northwest coffee places. We pretty much had a drive thru coffee stand on just about every corner and I would always get skinny, sugar free, Jamaican rum double. Still had to count the cals in the milk though. But oh so delicious!

    I love my scale this morning. I could've bent down and kissed it. I blame it on all the water and outdoor activities this weekend. Probably a little dehydration going on and the first time I really have weighed completely first thing (5AM) buck naked, but it had me down like 5lbs over night. I know, no way it's fat, but you bet your bottom, I recorded it. I will just keep it and then when it goes up, oh well, it got me in the 200's! WOO HOO!!! That makes for a very good day for me. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Becky, good on you for going back and logging things! That's one thing I'm trying to do differently this time around. When I've tried to do this sort of thing before, I would just not log on days when I went off plan. I find that I don't feel so guilty when I'm honest about it. I hope you find that the same is true for you! And remember that today is a new day and today, you're going to kick butt.

    Today I'm working and then going to a baseball game. I'm going to buy some greens and cottage cheese at lunch time and eat that with some turkey and salsa for lunch. After work, I'll walk to the ballpark (2.5 miles). I need to figure out what to have for dinner there that won't be TOO ridiculous. After the game, I'm hoping I can convince my fiance to walk with me to the train station that's 1.3 miles away.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day!
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Happy Monday everyone.

    I had a bit if bad evening last night. One of my personal goals is no unplanned snacking but at 9pm I was hungry and I couldn't ignore it. I had a salad, and put in some cheese. I did stick to 30g of cheese but still, it is a bad choice. Then I wanted sweet and I ate a large rice krispie marshmallow bar. So not crazy over, but it is over and it wasn't planned. Going to try and make up the extra cals I had this weekend by having a couple of 1250 cal days 2 days before weigh in.

    Son seems to be fighting this cold off thankfully. We spent 6 months out of 7 of winter with him very poorly with throat or ear infections. He is on a list to see s aspecialist and I was worried when he got sick that it would turn into something that needed antibiotics again. So we may go outside for a short while, let him get some fresh air while I walk the paths around him. I probably look quite silly to the other residents of the apartments around us, but I do not care now.

    Anyway got to get the work done first of course. Will come by and catch up later :) x
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well I am new to the group, so I'll just jump on in (I already posted my intro). My plan (for the week) is to keep up on my water intake, keep within my calories if at all possible and since i just go a fitbit zip, to move it! :D I am leaving tomorrow morning with my 3rd graders to go to a huge global tournament and we'll be at the mercy of the food they serve, so I am going to keep it as healthy as possible and we will do a lot of walking, so I hope it balances out! I did buy a few snacks to take with me, to help. I won't be able to check in on the message boards until next Sunday when we return, but I do plan to log in daily and put my foods in :) Hope you have a great week and I look forward to getting to know you all better!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning all!!!

    I didn't disappear. I have been so sick. I got sick on Thursday and called in sick to work on Friday. I pride myself on not missing work, so this is big for me. I came to work Sunday and today. I am able to hold down crackers so far yesterday and today.... so here's hoping whatever stomach ailment I had is going going gone.

    I have much to catch up on. Will do that today.

    For me, today, I will try to eat something that doesn't turn my tummy.
  • EjSings
    EjSings Posts: 13
    Good morning everyone :)

    This will be my first check-in here. I'm still very new to myfitnesspal and trying to figure it all out.

    I woke up this morning to the treat that I have lost 1.5 pounds since my last weigh-in. (yay!) I'm currently on a 5:2 intermittent fasting plan and today is one of my fast days, so I won't be eating until dinnertime. This is only my second week on the plan, but it seems to be working out for me so far as long as I stay hydrated. We'll see how I fare on it in the long run.

    I have luckily had no problems with "cheating" on my diet so far, but I am a little concerned that I am going the other way and getting too obsessed with every little thing I eat. I'm tracking my calories for the first time this week, and some days I get close to my goal (around 1100 out of 1300) but then there are days like yesterday when I only ate a little over 800, and it's not a fasting day. I know I'm not eating so little that it should hurt me, but I need to keep myself in check.

    I also need to do better exercising. I only exercised moderately twice this week. Although, it feels like I've been run over by a truck since my muscles are so sore lol I'm really out of shape! I plan to do a rebounding workout today and some kettlebells.

    Have a great day you guys and keep up the great work! - We can do it!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Morning all! Yes, Starbucks is pretty much the devil to me. It's like an ice cream shake, they just add coffee to it sometimes, depending on what you get. I miss my Pacific Northwest coffee places. We pretty much had a drive thru coffee stand on just about every corner and I would always get skinny, sugar free, Jamaican rum double. Still had to count the cals in the milk though. But oh so delicious!

    I love my scale this morning. I could've bent down and kissed it. I blame it on all the water and outdoor activities this weekend. Probably a little dehydration going on and the first time I really have weighed completely first thing (5AM) buck naked, but it had me down like 5lbs over night. I know, no way it's fat, but you bet your bottom, I recorded it. I will just keep it and then when it goes up, oh well, it got me in the 200's! WOO HOO!!! That makes for a very good day for me. :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Heather, right?
    Wooooooohooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Well done! ???? Here's a camel for no reason!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Becky, you can do this! Two steps forward and one back is still one step forward!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I posted this late last night in yesterday's check in:
    Anyone else notice that without food as a coping mechanism, you are having to work through a lot of ****ty feelings? I'd really like to go live in a cave for a while. :mad:

    When you don't stuff your feelings any more, what do you do with them?
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    Becky - Great job on going back and recording as much as you can remember! I generally don't go back and record things (though I should!), so I'm impressed! And I look at this way - no one's perfect all the time. You might have ate more than you should have, but you're still down 2 pounds total, and you'll pick yourself back up and do better this week. As long as it's not a weekly thing, you'll be fine. :smile:

    Blondageh - Congrats on making it into the 200s! :drinker:

    fpelletier and EjSings - Welcome! I only joined the group this past week, so I'm pretty new, too!

    Yesterday I went over my calorie goal, but it was planned. Today's my five year anniversary with my boyfriend, but we celebrated yesterday by going out to eat and sitting around, watching movies. Had I exercised, I wouldn't have gone over, but I enjoyed my day.

    Today, I'm back on track. Lost another 1.2 pounds since Friday (even after the not-so-good choices yesterday), bringing my total weight loss to 2.4 pounds this week. I've also been drinking 10-20 cups of water every day, and I've only gone over my calories once (once yesterday and once the day before, but it was 28 calories, which I don't think matters in the long run as long as it doesn't happen all the time).

    I also found out last night that my sister's wedding, which was going to be next June, is now going to be in March, meaning I have 3 fewer months to lose weight. I'm not losing weight just for that, of course, but it's still a bit disappointing. Oh well. I can still lose a lot of weight in 10 months!
  • BodyByChipsAhoy
    BodyByChipsAhoy Posts: 60 Member
    This is the first time I have ever gone back and logged after going off plan, so that is a victory in itself. I was pretty shocked and horrified to see the results though! Right now I have my calorie range set at 1800. Friday-Sunday were pretty much 3300 calories days. Yikes! But I'm glad I logged it!

    Blondageh, awesome getting into the 200's! That has to feel so good!

    Welcome to the new members. I've only been here for a couple weeks myself, but find this group to be the most supportive I have ever been in, both of this site and other sites.

    Happy anniversary Kaliya!

    Karen, yep, I absolutely notice a lot more feelings come up when I am not stuffing them down. I dont really have a good answer of what i do with those feelings though. Writing in a journal helps, and I need to get back into seeing a therapist and exercising more. I think those things should help.

    Ej, keep us posted on how the 5.2 program is going. I have been hearing a lot about it lately and wondered what it was like.

  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Blondageh wtg on hitting the 200s.

    I find it very difficult when DH and I argue, I just want to go comfort myself with food afterwards. I hate arguing anyway and he is not an easy person to argue with, he is unable to see other point of views. Maybe I should journal or something I do not know. Once we argues and I went out for a walk, there are a lot of hills around here and I actually steamed up and down a couple and then had to work out out where i was and how to get home. So maybe I need to try and exercise after them, I was so sore though the next day!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I'm up and about to get dressed and head out the door to meet a new client. I'll grab one of my low carb protein bars and perhaps pickup a small low fat Jomba Juice to help keep me filled and satisfied till i get back.

    Get home, do my yoga and figure out lunch, something plus salad. Then get to the rest of my work.

    Then a short walk in the evening concentrating on my pace and then dinner. Then back to work till bed time.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Thank you all! Honestly, I drink. Its terrible. Trading one vice for another. Empty calories too! But lately I've been on a 95 calorie beer kick where even if it is just one, it is all I need to get my nerves calmed down. That and reading. I love to read. Its another form of escapism. I read almost all of Jane Austens' books last month because they are free to download. Lol. I have been looking into painting classes. I went to a paint nite thing and enjoyed it so much. Of course I was drinking massive amounts so that was part of the fun. I really should try exercise as an outlet. I have a negative feeling on that right now though over my gym membership and the manager being so rude to me I don't even want to go. That's not hurting anyone but me but it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth I just want to punch everyone there.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I am struggling today and really glad I have this group to come back to for staying focused and centered. I'm having marriage issues for the stupidest reason--I am very independent (and lately very focused on going to the gym and eating healthy) and my husband is a classic knight in shining armor who likes rescuing people, especially women. He is feeling neglected (doesn't want to go to the gym; misses our food dates) and has been spending a lot of time online listening to the tales of woe of all his damsel in distress female coworkers and friends. Of course, half of them fall in love with him because he's such a nice guy. We've had arguments about this in the past, and although he swears he would never be unfaithful, I think he needs to find other things to do with his time. One friend in particular has crossed the line a few times (like suggesting he leave me for her), but he continues to hang out with her and tells me he has made it clear that he is just available as a friend.

    I'm sure this feeds his ego and massages his low self esteem, and I wish I could fix those things for him, but I can't. I just want him to find better tools for feeling good about himself. I also think he is feeling threatened by my weight loss and impending bariatric surgery.

    Honestly, it takes all of my resources right now to fight Still's disease, keep the household together, and stay on track with my diet and exercise. Instead of feeling supported by my partner, I am feeling sabotaged, and I really am thinking about leaving him. He's a great guy, and I do love him, but maybe he's not great for me. Then again, maybe I shouldn't make any big decisions when I am SO FRICKING HUNGRY!!! ????
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    Its a not so god day. I ate more chocolate than I meant to yesterday but still stayed under my calorie goals.

    The baby is still super fussy. I don't even know how many days its been now. And she's starting to get her days and nights mixed up. Hubby has been letting me nap when he gets home in the mornings which gives me 3-4 hours of sleep but that is not enough and that was supposed to be my exercise time.

    Also, I fell today while holding the baby. I managed to situate her in such a way so that my arms cushioned her from the ground without me falling on her. It scared her but she's fine. Somehow I manged to knock the TV over on top of my self, I have a nasty patch of rug burn on my right knee and I somehow bruised my right foot.

    Add to all that the fact that its that time of the month and I'm plain cranky.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Its a not so god day. I ate more chocolate than I meant to yesterday but still stayed under my calorie goals.

    The baby is still super fussy. I don't even know how many days its been now. And she's starting to get her days and nights mixed up. Hubby has been letting me nap when he gets home in the mornings which gives me 3-4 hours of sleep but that is not enough and that was supposed to be my exercise time.

    Also, I fell today while holding the baby. I managed to situate her in such a way so that my arms cushioned her from the ground without me falling on her. It scared her but she's fine. Somehow I manged to knock the TV over on top of my self, I have a nasty patch of rug burn on my right knee and I somehow bruised my right foot.

    Add to all that the fact that its that time of the month and I'm plain cranky.

    Oh my God! You and I need a Spa Getaway IMMEDIATELY! !!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    God Lord ladies. Hugs. Falling with the baby sounds scary. I do remember the lack of sleep. I slept sitting up for what seemed like months holding her. She was such an easy baby though. I do remember being tired but nothing as bad as up all night. Karen, definitely no rash decisions on an empty tummy. Sounds like a good hubby but he needs to be your knight by being your cheerleader. I wonder if there is a way you can get him more actively involved in your own process? Whether it be helping you cook healthy meals or exercising with you?
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    A quick check in before I run around with some errands. I am still around , but was really busy this past weekend. We went to a couple of farms and picked a bushel of corn; which I had to learn to can and freeze lol, and we picked a few pounds of blueberries at another one. I made a few jars of jelly out of those, and even used Stevia to sweeten it so we don't get the added sugars :) . I am going to try to catch up on everyone here in a bit when I get a free moment. I have missed reading the boards this weekend!!!