when was your "OH HELL NO" moment ?



  • mrincredible93
    Starting a new job and when the life insurance company called me to go over a few questions, they finished with "Sorry, we can't give you life insurance. You are too obese". The implication of course being they thought I would die sooner rather than later.
    Oh Hell NO!
  • Coach_Simon
    Coach_Simon Posts: 254 Member
    Oh I remember that one. It was coming out of the shower and seeing myself in the mirror. I couldn't see passed the fat and was seriously wondering how the hell that happened. That moment is definitely where it all began!
  • kobrien65
    kobrien65 Posts: 24 Member
    I guess mine was a series of events. Oh, I'll just buy those size 40's and I will start to get serious someday and get back down to those 36's. Then the size 40's starting getting tight. Buying those cool slip on shoes using the excuse that everyone is wearing them, and inwardly thinking that I can put these on without running out of breath because my fat got in the way when I bent over to tie my other shoes. And of course the obvious photos that someone else took of me at a Superbowl party that I was pissed off about, because I was adamant to avoid any photos of me, even family one's, because I knew what I would look like. Hey, as long as I can't see it, it doesn't exist right? Enough is enough....personal accountability, and of course the HAT. AHTH.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    I knew I was gaining weight but it truly didn't slap me in the face till one night watching The Biggest Loser on TV. I was sitting with my wife on the couch and they were doing a weigh in with some of the male contestants. One guy who looked just huge to me got on the scale and he weighed like only 20 friggin pounds heavier than me. I think my jaw hit the ground. I mean this guy was in rough shape....huge gut, saggy titties, double chin....everything. I told my wife, "This guy is only a few pounds heavier than me, I don't envision myself that big". My wife said I didn't look that big (God bless her) but I kept thinking about it. I mean how can someone be only 20 lbs heavier than me look so....fat.

    It was at this exact point that I realized I was fat. Not just fat but gol-damn obese. My wife spared me the realization but I guess it had to be made by me anyway.
  • charcoalgriller
    charcoalgriller Posts: 17 Member
    First my 34 waist pants got too tight, then my 36 pants, and then my 38 pants started getting really tight.

    Then I couldn't breathe and had to start doing gymnastics just to put on my shoes. "Oh hell no!":mad:

    MFP is a great tool to help see calories and how they build.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Being told I was "borderline" for diabetes at a workplace health screening.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    When I went to Target and upgraded all my nice medium shirts with XXL tee shirts and size 36 pants......
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    When a 5 year old can out run you even with short legs, you know that there is a problem. Only found MFP a couple of years later and made the conscientious to loose the weight.
    Now that the little bugger is 12 guess who runs faster and further.
  • ausheli
    ausheli Posts: 43 Member
    I had to visit the medic after I cut myself badly at work on a night shift, the medic was unsure of the dosage of pain killer to give me while she stitched it up, so she called the medical hotline or whatever from the other room, she referred to me as a "morbidly obese" patient...OH HELL NO!!!
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    accidentally double posted
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    I have been overweight my entire life. I can look to my little league photos for proof. When I was in my early 20's I dieted strictly and excercised like a mutha to compete in the dating pool. I looked better but was still overweight.

    Lately I have been distracted with medical issues (not related to weight) and the comfort of a wonderful woman. I am now convinced I will not die soon so I care more about my health.

    I had 2 recent "OH HELL NO" moments. The first was when we litterally broke the bed about 1/2 year ago. The 2nd was a review of our wedding and honeymoon photos.

    Since then I have lost 10 lbs but I still have a long way to go.
  • pctyler94
    pctyler94 Posts: 18 Member
    It has been more of Hell no moments, but none really pushed me to make a significant difference. Recently I went home to the Cayman Islands and taking my shirt off was embarrassing with the size of my man boobs. I was always active growing up and the last 8 years I got away from that and the weight slowly crept up, but had now been over 200 pounds for two years and could barely run a sub 9 mile.

    I am down 10 pounds now, just broke under 200, and I have about another 10-20 to go. I am doing three days cardio and three days weight, so I will be ok with only 10 more if there is muscle instead of fat there, especially if it means I can get back into my size 34 jeans and pants again, an added benefit would be if I could get off my cholesterol medicine as I am on a low dose and want to be off that completely!
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I bent over to pick up a bag of dog food at Wally World and my pants ripped allllllllllllllllllllll the way up the seam!! LMAO.............. The lady next me eyes got big as baseballs!!! lol.............................
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member

    I have had my pants split on my a couple times but unfortunately nobody got to witness. Oh well. Here's looking to the future.
  • TheAverageDan
    TheAverageDan Posts: 10 Member
    Two weeks ago.... my first softball game of the season after a very inactive winter. Slow, tired and unproductive... I felt like the old guy that everyone looks at and quietly wishes would hang them up. I have lost 10 lbs since then and it has made a world of difference already. Good luck to everyone!
  • TheWorstHorse
    TheWorstHorse Posts: 185
    The first, and biggest... I was buying a suit and the tailor mumbled something while he was trying to fit the pants. I asked him to repeat it and he said, "We need to get you a 40inch waist to start." I was twenty-three. I left the suit in the store and joined a gym. Eighteen months later, I was fifty-five pounds lighter and in significantly better shape. I did pretty well holding it together for more than twenty years.

    The second, after a long illness and my second aortic valve replacement (bad luck, that). When I realized that (a) I had gained forty-five of that fifty-five back in the last four years, (b) I couldn't walk my dog for an hour let alone run or ride a bike for that long and (c) based on the meds my cardiologist wanted me to start taking I was going to be a sick old man way before my time if I didn't get my act together. The hell with that!

    Six months later, I an thirty pounds lighter and planning to be in better shape at sixty than I was at forty, which is saying something.

    Funny thing, though. I am just back to doing what I had been doing for most of my adult life.
  • agousetis
    agousetis Posts: 113 Member
    Seeing the pain that my parents are going through....bad knees and back, that's shoved me off the starting block.