Things I won't miss

NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
I won't miss my belly bumping the water fountain so water sprays when I'm not expecting it.

I won't miss my belly bumping the "pause" button on the treadmill when I go a little too fast and get too close to the front of the machine.

I won't miss wondering if my arms will fit in a shirt that's my size because they're disproportionately wide.

I won't miss squeezing into chairs at restaurants.

I won't miss that feeling of dread when the escalator isn't working at my metro stops.

I won't miss stuffing myself into Spanx anytime I want to wear a dress and look nice.

What are some little day to day annoyances that you won't miss when you're in better shape?


  • EjSings
    EjSings Posts: 13
    Oh boy, there are SO many things I won't miss lol A couple of things specifically:

    I won't miss the anxiety of trying to decide if I am going to break a chair or not and trying to sit in every chair as *carefully* as possible.

    Along the same lines, I won't miss having to wonder if I am going to even FIT in certain spaces like plane seats, amusement park rides, chairs with arms.

    I won't miss having to say no to people when they want to do something outdoorsy or that requires physical effort for fear that I won't be able to keep up with them or I will spoil the fun because I have to stop or go back

    I won't miss the looks that people give or I am perceiving they are giving when I have to sit/stand next to them in a confined space like a crowded elevator, plane seat, bus seat, sporting event, concert

    I won't miss feeling self conscious eating in front of people because I'm always feeling like I'm grossing them out or they are judging me for eating.

    I won't miss not being able to go up a flight of stairs or do minimal physical activity without huffing and puffing

    and soo much more, but those were the first things that came to mind
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I won't miss the crutches I use to hobble around on uneven ground.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I wont miss not being able to breathe. Ever since I had that mold infection in my lungs I havent been able to breathe good...or even normal. It has encompassed my lungs like a fishnet stocking and wont allow me to take a deep breath.

    BUT...after just more than 2 weeks Im seeing and feeling a huge change. I CAN and WILL do this

    Congrats to everybody on the awesome successes and NSVs y'all are seeing, experiencing and feeling
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    :huh: I won't miss my belly hitting the steering wheel as I'm stretching to reach the peddles in the car.
    :frown: I won't miss the pain in my back, because of all the weight in my front.
    :grumble: I won't miss the shopping difficulties.
    :indifferent: I won't miss hearing my huffing and puffing when hiking and playing with the nephews.
    :embarassed: I won't miss the personal hygiene issues.
    :angry: I won't miss feeling like I'm slowing everyone else down, or holding them back.
    :flowerforyou: But all that's quickly changing, I see improvements daily!!!! :wink:
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    :flowerforyou: But all that's quickly changing, I'm see improvements daily!!!! :wink:

    That's right! Maybe not so quickly for me, but definitely seeing improvements. Two steps forward, one step back is still one step forward haha
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I won't miss my underwear rolling down!

    Today---YES!!!!!---I dug around in the dresser for a pair and pulled out a nice new pair, looked at the tag that said size 12 and thought, no, too small. But I tried them on anyway and HURRAH! So I get to spend the day in nice new underwear , a pretty violet color, with a little support and no rolling. I'm so happy.
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Things I won't miss:

    Going shopping with my girlfriends and spending a good 45 mins going back and forth looking at the same one rack of shoes and one rack of accessories because the clothes don't even come in large, while cashiers eyeball me as a potential shoplifter.

    Trying on an old "fat dress" only to find that it doesn't fit me anymore...and not in the happy way.

    Trying to convince my friends and family with flimsy excuses that I should take the pictures because I don't want to be in them.

    Having people stare, snicker, laugh, or gawk at me as I walk.

    Feeling my whole body shake as I walk.

    Watching a show or movie when someone cracks a fat joke and having the whole room turn to me and judge my reaction so they know whether its okay if they laugh or not.

    Not being the partypooper---I'm always worried about breaking chairs that look unstable, sliding between tables when chairs are pulled out, being surrounded by too many thin people, or what I will look like to other people eating whatever food it is that they serve...I have to make stupid excuses to convince my friends that we can't eat there.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I wont miss doing the T-shirt shuffle. When you have a freshly laundered shirt and you have to use your hands to stretch it out so it fits comfortably.

    I wont miss leaning over my desk to adjust the window blinds and nocking something over with my stomach.