breastfeeding, your period, weight loss

shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
hi ladies I have a 6 month old and am ebf and period came back this weekend, I thought you were not supposed to get it back until you started to wean. I have heard before that when you get your period back it is easier to drop those last 10lbs? did anyone have this happen when aunt flow returned or a drop in milk supply? I am nervous about my supply changing. thanks!!


  • When I had my first son, I got my period when he was 9 months old. I had not weaned at all, and he was not sleeping through the night. I guess my body just decided it was ready. As for impact to supply, it was a small decrease while I had my period, but once it was done, it went back up. As for losing weight, I can't say that I remember it making a difference at all : ( Hope that helps!
  • tracybilal
    tracybilal Posts: 51 Member
    Hi i have a 7 month who is period returned when she was 5 months old and yeah my suplly did drop a little.
    As for weight loss it did not make a difference infact i have plateaued at the same weight since then.
    Every time i lower my intake my supply take a dive down and then i struggle to bring it up again. So i have actually stopped counting calories for a while and just trying to eat better.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My baby is days away from his first birthday, but we EBFed for 5.5 months before adding solids (he still only gets breastmilk otherwise).

    My OB told me my period would return at 3 months, which was weird because that's when I got it back the first time, and I was majorly supplementing with formula then. This time AF held off for 10 months postpartum. I've had two periods since before getting pregnant this time and should have a third this weekend. My supply does seem a little iffy for the first day or two, but then it seems to recover. As for weight loss, it didn't make a difference for me. My body is being very, very stubborn about losing weight, so I think I'm just stuck with it until we wean.

    ETA that we're down to one feeding at bedtime, so I think I'm going to drop that feeding this weekend, due to the coincidence of his first birthday and the presumed arrival of my period.
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    My LO is 8 weeks old and AF paid me a visit last week :( i was the same as you and thought while bfing i would get break from the monthly cycle but no... didnt notice a difference with my milk supply
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    I breastfed with my little girl and then got pregnant with no period when she was_8 months old. Now I'm nursing again. So I haven't had a period since Feb 2012. I love that. Also an I the only one who feels terrible when they sleep through the alarm to pump at night. It starts my day off bad: ( I shouldn't stress but that pump is so important. My baby its only a week so I am still so tired but it still make me mad.
  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    Baby is just over 9.5 months. I've been struggling with my supply for about 2 months. I still don't have my period back. I would like to breast feed for a full year, but am starting to think I may have to supplement with formula. I'll probably hold off until at least 10 months.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    My period came back at 11.5 months PP, and at that point my daughter was still BFing 5 times a day (7am-7pm). I didn't notice a supply issue with my period, but it did tank pretty hard when I got pregnant again when my daughter was almost 14 months old (we were down to twice a day at that point).
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    My period came back at 8 weeks, and I was EBFing at the time. I was not thrilled. I don't recall a major change in supply, though I'm not sure I would have noticed (I wasn't pumping at the time, and she was satisfied so I don't know if supply changed).

    I had lost all the weight plus some within about 6 weeks. After I got my period, I actually gained some back. I suspect it was because as my girl got a little older I was sleeping and eating more regularly, and it was still winter so I wasn't exercising much. But I gained nearly 10 lbs back between 6 weeks and 3 months, that I am **still** working to lose. Grrr...
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    All of my babies were EBF, and only once did I wean before my period came back. Another time it came back around 6 months. Current little is 5 months right now, so fingers crossed that it stays away as long as possible!! She's my last baby, so my last chance to be period-free.
    I breastfed with my little girl and then got pregnant with no period when she was_8 months old. Now I'm nursing again. So I haven't had a period since Feb 2012. I love that. Also an I the only one who feels terrible when they sleep through the alarm to pump at night. It starts my day off bad: ( I shouldn't stress but that pump is so important. My baby its only a week so I am still so tired but it still make me mad.

    Why do you pump in the middle of the night? I've never pumped, but it never occurred to me that people would get up in the middle of the night to do it.
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    When I go back to work I work so many days and hours that I pretty much exclusively Breastpump. So I have to pump every 3-4 hours to build the supply then to keep it up. So my baby can be sleeping peacefully and I'm getting up lol. But its not really that bad. Saves on formula and its what I prefer. My kids are all excellent sleepers so it's nice I'm not getting up for both. Plus my husband can feed the pumped milk and I can sleep.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    When I go back to work I work so many days and hours that I pretty much exclusively Breastpump. So I have to pump every 3-4 hours to build the supply then to keep it up. So my baby can be sleeping peacefully and I'm getting up lol. But its not really that bad. Saves on formula and its what I prefer. My kids are all excellent sleepers so it's nice I'm not getting up for both. Plus my husband can feed the pumped milk and I can sleep.

    I did the same thing, although I wasn't working yet. I liked that my husband could feed our daughter and my mom LOVED feeding her. I pumped for about 3 months before switching to formula. A lot of people don't like pumping. It never bothered me. I'd curl up with my ipad in the middle of the night and be completely content!
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    hi ladies I have a 6 month old and am ebf and period came back this weekend, I thought you were not supposed to get it back until you started to wean. I have heard before that when you get your period back it is easier to drop those last 10lbs? did anyone have this happen when aunt flow returned or a drop in milk supply? I am nervous about my supply changing. thanks!!

    You're going to get many different answers because it's different for everyone. With two of my babies I got my period around four months pp. My supply was never affected either time. Weight came off both times too.

    With my current bundle, who is 7 months, I don't have a period yet. I'm still exclusively breastfeeding though (baby won't eat solids) and she uses me as a pacifier as well. I think all that plays a factor in delayed periods as well.
  • theoddlittleduck
    theoddlittleduck Posts: 37 Member
    I got AF back with all my kids at 5-6 weeks... My 3rd is 2.5mo, ebf and I've had AF 2x. This time my supply is a bit messed up due to tongue tie issues.

    I'm taking domperdone (starting to wean), and my weight is crazy. I was within 2 lbs of my pp weight at 3 weeks, could fit into my jeans (size 14 mind you), started this pills and I have gained 7-8 lbs in a month or so. Baby is finally gaining weight though, small sacrifices for a healthy little one.