Introduce Your Self

Hey all, my name is Devereaux, I am 22 years old and I am a college student.
I spend most of my time sitting in class rooms and "learning" so I don't get much physical activity, causing my weight to grow. I know my ailment is common amongst many individuals in both the learning and working fields.

I joined "myfitnesspal" in hopes of losing weight by this winter because I want to start an all new year with a fit me, rather than a New Year's Resolution to become fit.


  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Hello! My name's Nicola and I'm a 21 year old university student from Ireland. My starting weight was 177lb, and I'm currently 152lb. I hope to get down to 130 by Winter! From August-December I will be focusing more on fitness than weight so hope to lose the last few pounds slowly.
  • nxg777
    nxg777 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello I'm noemi. I'm 22 years old I work full time & will start school soon

    Highest weight was 252 but I started at 247 over a year ago. My current weight is 200 & I plan to lose another 60 pounds. My current goal is getting to 190(the weight I was before I lost motivation) I gained over 15 pounds but thankfully I began again about 3 weeks ago.

    I'm currently focused on working out and getting out if my comfort zone & gain confidence in the gym.
  • knugal
    knugal Posts: 9 Member
    ALOHA! My name is Krys, 28 and I live in So Cal.

    I started my weightloss journey back in April 2010. I weighted an awful 220 lbs. I could not stand that anymore.

    So since then, I have tried many different plans and ways.

    Currently I am down to 158 lbs and I am looking to get down to 120 by the end of the year. It would be awesome to ring in the new year at the weight. So motivate me!
  • rmidcap
    rmidcap Posts: 1
    Hello. My name is Rachael. I am 26 years old, married, and currently work as a special education teacher for severe and profound disabilities (kindergarten through second grade). This past year has been very hard - I lost my father to brain cancer, transferred schools, enrolled in graduate school, and suffered a miscarriage. After all these stressors I've gained 15 to 20 pounds. I currently weigh 145 and would like to loose 15 pounds to get to the weight I got married at 130. I've always been athletic - played collegiate sports, but working out has become a thing of the past due to a stressful and busy schedule.

    I had a break down this week - the feeling of insecurity of my appearance and not being able to fit into some of my clothing specifically a dress for a friends wedding. I'm hoping to loose the weight and feel happy as well as secure in my body image again.

    Thanks for letting me join the group and I wish everyone success on this journey!
  • thiswillhappen
    thiswillhappen Posts: 634 Member
    Hi there, my name is Krista! I am an energetic and fun-loving 26 year-old Canadian professional. My problem is that I like going out and eating and drinking and making merry too often, and I am a late night snacker. I am currently at 183 pounds and my goal weight is 150 pounds. It would be fantastic if I could be 150 pounds before Christmas, and then MAINTAIN it throughout Christmas and New Years 2014! Depending on how I feel at 150 I may try to go down more, but for now, 150 pounds by winter 2014 is my goal. Highly doable!! Go team!
  • KelliJ49047
    KelliJ49047 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello all.., my name is Kelli...i am 52 years old... but definately don't feel it... I have been on the diet yo-yo for years... but now have my hubby's support as he is wanting to lose weight too..secretarial work for mental health has been a stressful adventure...I have finally come to the conclusion that sensible portions and daily exercise is the way to go... I am dedicated to make this the time to make it work.. with the support of others, my hubby and the confidence to finally lose this weight and feel so much better by my 53 birthday in December...
  • cklapk1
    cklapk1 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello! I'm Christine and I'm a 19 year old college student. My freshman year of college I lost 40 pounds and this year I pretty much maintained give or take a few pounds. I'm currently sitting at about 182, so I'm really looking to kick myself into gear and get myself down 30 pounds and into a healthy weight range by the end of the year. I'll be happy just to continue a downward weight trend, but 30 pounds is the ultimate goal for now!
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    Hi I'm Tracey I'm 42 but still feel 22, I've got 2 kids of my own but look after 10 others, I love to ride my bike (who by the way is called Russell after Russell Brand, was told you have to name your bike if your going to ride it hard ????) and I love to exercise in other was too such as body pump, walking, spin and the occasional run, but I also love to eat with sometimes gets out of control which is why I'm here ????
  • Tigertylor
    Tigertylor Posts: 4
    my name is tylor, i weighed 307 just a little over 3 weeks ago and i am down 18 pounds because of this app. i hope to be down to 200 pounds by winter. I have been sticking to a 1200 calorie a day diet plus how ever many calories i burn in the gym that day. i do Shawn Ts Insanity i'm on day 12 and i do it with another friend and we both motivate each other to finish the 60 days. i want to do the Merrell Down and Dirty in Michigan August 24. Its a 6 mile obstacle course but i know with the right diet and exercise i can get in shape and do this race! check for dates in your town
  • LittleMissJamie
    LittleMissJamie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi All! My name is Ashlee. I'm a 26 year old, recently engaged student trying to get fit while dealing with rheumatoid arthritis. I'm almost half way to my healthy weight goal but have another 35+ lbs to go. Eating clean and remembering to work out has definitely been a struggle to fit into my school/social schedule. I may not have my summer bikini body but a healthy me would make the best Christmas present! I appreciate any and all support!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    hi! :) i've been on MFP for about a year now and i want to workout 5 out of 7 days a week and eat out less! :) my overall goal weight is to lose 19 lbs! :)
  • twopaulines
    twopaulines Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, I'm Shannon and have been using this app 15 days straight now. I turned 30 last June and decided to join weight watchers. I did okay, I've lost and kept off 26 lbs since then. HOWEVER, I just wasn't the biggest weight watchers fan. I'm sure it's me, not them. Anyway, I had a traumatic leg accident in January of this year that set me back nearly 3 months. HOWEVER, I am back and better than ever :) My goal is to lose about 70 lbs. I have made some habit changes that have been awesome and I'm counting on them and routine to get me to this goal. How awesome would it be to be in better shape by winter??? I can't wait to see yalls success :)
  • slenderizeme
    slenderizeme Posts: 154 Member
    I am also a college student. My name is Candis. I am in graduate school and almost finally done with school. I was a heavy person in high school but lost weight from about 200 pounds to about 165 pounds. Unfortunately I kind of let myself go and gained weight :( I went up to 185. I was able to get back on track and now am about 179 pounds. I already feel more comfortable just from losing a little bit of weight. I am hoping to use this group as a way to remain motivated and stay on track. My current goal is to weigh 150.
  • cmhoy71
    cmhoy71 Posts: 19 Member
    G'day guys! I'm Craig and I live in North Queensland, Australia Like a lot of people, I've been there and tried this and that. I'd lost weight before - usually to support others or a divorce depression comeback etc. My weight was rising again and when I hit 108kg, enough was enough! Since October 2013, the weight started coming off slowly but plateaued at 101kg. I couldn't work out why. Then I found MFP and the answer was so obvious. I thought I was eating well, apparently I was - toooo well!!!!!
    Since finding MFP I have taken control - i make my own menu, eat what i 'like' (in moderation of course) but I am more informed and aware then ever before! I eat a truely balanced diet - even fibre - shock horror!!! lololol
    Despite a serious melanoma issue annoyingly raising it's head, I crashed through my plateau and the weight is coming off nicely. I'm down to 92kg!!!! At 42 years old, the lowest in over 11 years.
    I started setting small achievable goals in smaller lengths of time - i'll be under 100 by . . . . 95 by . . . . . and now 89kg by . . . . .
    One of the highlights was being able to say i am officially no longer obese!!!!!! just overweight now ha ha ha. I have bought smaller clothes, punched new holes it my dad's belt and am even considering setting a goal to put me at my 'ideal weight' - WTF!?!?!?!?!?
    I work out when I can, bush walk, coach junior football, am stronger then ever and its just the beginning . . . . . . .MFP took a little getting use to but by perservering it has gotten easier and easier! I'll never look back
  • cmhoy71
    cmhoy71 Posts: 19 Member
    On track man!!!! keep at it mate
  • Annie831
    Annie831 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Guys, my name is Annie and I am 30 years old I have had a love hate relationship with my weight since I was very little so this is nothing new to me. My heaviest weight was 245 when I was pregnant with my daughter that was almost 5 years ago. Currently I weigh 200 so I have lost and maintained that lost for the past 2 years but with starting a new job and buying a house and raising my daughter I have forgotten about myself. I was doing really well for the last 6 months with eating better and walking at work however I suffered a back injury two months ago and although I have not gained any weight I have not lost it either . I have been cleared by my doctor to start exercising again just nothing major. So here I am to finish this weight lost journey and lose the remaining 50-60 pounds my goal is to lose 25-30 pounds by November 1st.
    Thanks and good luck to all of you too. Friend me if you want always looking for more people to talk to and always welcome the extra support.
  • TriciannT
    TriciannT Posts: 58 Member
    My name is Tricia. I live in Florida, married with two teenaged boys. I would love to lose 20 pounds by my birthday in November. Logically I will settle for 15. I have a total of 50 pounds to lose and no matter how hard I work at it I don't seem much or a result. The same 5 or 10 coming off and going back on. I am very active at work, always on my feet and walking. After quitting smoking seven years ago my metabolism tanked and here I am with a weight problem. Hoping this group will stir up some support and friendships.
  • katiedid582
    katiedid582 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, everyone! My name is Katie. I'm 32 years old and have 3 kids ages 6, 5, and 3. I'm from Northeast Ohio (Willowick...about 15 miles or so east of Cleveland). Growing up, I was always the skinny kid. I was the one people "hated"...didn't have to work at it, just had a hard time gaining weight. I met my now husband when I was 21 and due to some HORRIBLE eating habits, I gained about 20lbs in 6 months. Lost that weight, kept it off and then had 3 kids in relatively quick succession. Gained about 60lbs with the first and made the mistake of not working hard to lose it, though I dropped about 30 of that. Gained about 10 back with the 2nd, then dropped that and a little more, then did about the same with the 3rd.

    I made it to about 20lbs from my goal last year, but then fell of the wagon so to speak and instead gained about 20-25 back....then discovered that my thyroid is out of whack (actually have a doctor's appointment today to hopefully get the ball rolling on stabilizing that).

    So, anyway, I'm ready and motivated to lose some serious weight! I'm currently at 167 and my goal when all is said and done is to get down to 125-130 (though the actual number doesn't really matter, really want to get down to about 22-25% body fat).

    Sorry for the book here! :)
  • Hey all, I'm Tina. I am 43, live in Georgia and have a 13 year old son. I really want to lead by example for my boy.
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi all, I'm Stephanie. Iim 38 living in Chicago with my husband . I'm a mom of a 2,11 and sixteen year old. I'm from colorado. I moved 14 years ago, that's when I had problems with my weight. Lack of activity and not hiking and biking and being outdoors. Im looking to lose about 20 pounds by news years, and another 20 by June 2, 2015, my 20th anniversary. Looking for support,motivation and accountability.
    My highest weight 216, current 180, goal 135.