Discomfort Food

Maybe it's just me, but I have, historically, looked to food for a hug. When I'm stessed, sad, lonely, bored, overwhelmed, confused... nothing felt as good as Alfredo sauce over ANYTHING, & buttery garlic bread. Nevermind the fact that my stomach would feel bubbly later. Who cares that my jeans got tighter & tighter.... I still looked good in'em.

This was all bearable until I owned my Purpose. It was easy to be content, until I accepted that I was committing suicide. Slowly. With every fattening, delicious bite. The truth is I am here to express some aspect of Divinity, & this body is my space ship, allowing me to move around in space. The space ship is awesome in its technology. It's able to do miraculous things.... but that joint will also break down, over time. This ship needs to be fueled on pure energy, not oils that clog its pipes. The older I got, I could feel how years of comfort food had slowed me down, made my mind less sharp, & made my body feel like a heavy sack to drag around. It dawned on me that I actually needed to be in a well-maintained machine in order to let Divinity shine through me more fully. If the machine is breaking down, it is no longer conducive to maintain so much light. We call that "death".

I re labeled these foods "discomfort foods", because I craved them when I was uncomfortable, AND they were only temporary comfort. They always manifested in an uncomfortable way in my body. I started looking at how I used food, how I abused food, & how I had avoided going within to heal the discomfort. I thought that if I put food in me, it would all get better. My body got heavier, but my soul wasn't freer to fly. I started going inside myself to face the moods/feelings that triggered my food cravings. I started saying positive things in place of the negative thoughts. "I'm so overwhelmed" got replaced with "There's a lot going on. None of it would be happening if I hadn't called it to me, or if I wasn't ready for it." "I'm so lazy" became "Eagles rest on plateaus. A plane has to sit on the runway before it takes off. Butterflies need a cocoon before appearing on the scene. I need to sit still, too."

Addressing my negative thoughts, healing my pains...These helped me find comfort in my Source, not outside of me through food. Instead of putting food in me, I found comfort by engaging with the Inner World. This world has eternal comfort & doesn't clog my pipes. I found that my cravings were not bigger than my light. My relationship with food began to change into a loving, healthy one.

This week, take time to go within & face your reasons for any unhealthy habits. Notice negative thoughts. Replace them with true, loving thoughts. Be honest with yourself about why you eat anything unhealthy. Don't judge yourself. Have compassion for the part of you that struggles with food. Then begin to tell that part of you, "I don't need you anymore." Watch your space ship re-energize when you pick healthy foods. Slowly but surely, be ok with letting go of the discomfort foods.

Please share your thoughts, challenges, & triumphs here. We heal well when we heal together!


  • Radoncrn
    Radoncrn Posts: 1
    Awesome article!!! Well stated!!!! I love that we are chosing to live and not die! I love that we are encouraging and inspiring others even without knowing it or aiming to. I am learning to exercise my will power. I am in control....food is not in control! Today again I affirm....I CHOOSE LIFE!!!
  • dtermn05
    dtermn05 Posts: 2
    This was a really great message!! I am just reaching the spiritual side to clean eating and find it remarkable how we just let life slip by!! I have always considered myself conscious, but my journey has taught me that wisdom comes from time and effort in dealing with the layers of life!! #cleaneating #awakenmysoul #felloffandback