Week 1 - Check in

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
How did your first week go? Successes? Challenges? Non-scale celebrations?

The past week went well for me. I ate as I should, exercised as I should and I'm finally figuring out what foods keep me filling fuller longer. I weighed and measured and decided to reset my weight and measurement in MFP. I joined a killer boot camp class the starts at 6:00 a.m. four times a week. I am loving it so far because I am getting an awesome workout and I have no excuse of anything to do at that time of the morning. I think I need that Drill Sargent at least for a while.

I am amazed at how I can satisfy a sugar craving from something other than Georgia Sweet Tea :smile:

I'll wait until Saturday to weigh and report back.


  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    Week went well. Lots of Pilates, and yoga classes. Need to add in cardio, and weight training next. Eating much healthier. I feel like I'm FINALLy getting back on track
  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    Great week newlife, keep up the hard work !!!
  • daisy7870
    daisy7870 Posts: 14 Member
    I had a great week this week! Usually after a few days I start to stray, but I did all six days of workout and am looking forward to having a day of rest tomorrow!
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    It was a good week after all. I had been disappointed when I thought the scale said I had gained back 2 lbs. Today, I weighed myself again, and I'm down to 210. (That's 5 lbs. lost -Yippee!!) I think I misread it last time... it helps that I had my glasses on this time! ;) I may invest in a digital scale, to avoid any confusion (and freak-outs) in the future. I've been careful about what and how much I eat, without feeling like I'm starving or depriving myself. Still burning a lot of calories from landscaping, and been taking long walks with my hubby.
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    Sounds like everyone has had an awesome week of exercise! I have been doing well but got stressed about something last night. I tracked everything after and my dinner alone added up to almost 1,500 cals :-/

    However, this morning I slipped (well it was a little tougher than slipped) on a pair of pants that haven't fit in a loooong while!

    @newlife6745: The bootcamp sounds absolutely amazing! Are you doing it through a gym?
  • smsavoy
    smsavoy Posts: 103 Member
    Great job everyone!! This week has been great for me as well. I slipped up a couple of days without exercise because my body said it was tried. Other than that it has been great.

    Since i have been going to the gym, i have been averaging 5-6 hours a night of sleep. I was always in bed 9-9:30 before we started exercising. (I say we because my daughter who is 16, goes to the gym with me) Now we go to the gym around that time. We leave the house by 5:45-6 each morning and don’t get home until 7pm. We eat dinner, then off to the gym by 8:30-9. We are home from the gym usually by 10-10:15. By the time we get in the shower, and ready for bed, it is 11 or after.. The next thing I know it is 5 o’clock and time to do it all again.
    We have been doing this now for three weeks and my body hasn’t adjusted. Any suggestions would be great. I am tired of being sleepy.

    PS. I did lose 1.4 pounds this week. Getting closer to my first goal of 20 pounds, only 13 more to go.
  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    I had a great week! I had one rough day but I am back on track and focused as ever!
  • naj609
    naj609 Posts: 18 Member
    I had a good week. I need to make exercise a priority, but did get in 3 workouts this week. Made better choices when eating out, that's usually a struggle for me.
  • Yukisann
    Yukisann Posts: 10 Member
    hi peeps! :D
    so nice to be back here.
    Week went well, I lost so far 2lbs! (yay) lol I know, water weight probably, but still happy. :bigsmile:
    I weight every Friday at the scale in the gym...
    I do have a sweet tooth and sometimes that's a killer.
    Have to get a bit more "strict" with my diet, at least, I am not digging into the coffee, donuts and chocolates that I normally eat for my afternoon snacks.
    Taking it very easy this week, still manage to eat proper meals (healthy meals) and be in my calorie intake range although I am thinking 1500 is kinda high if I want to lose weight...
    Next week i am planning to follow a better plan see if that improves the numbers on the scale.
    Thanks for keeping this blog alive!
    Tootles! :D
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    My week 1 went alright...at first. I hit the weekend which was an up-all-weekend-so-I-can-finish-my-graduate-thesis kind of fog. I tried to stay on track, but it didn't work. I know I should've kept logging my food but I was so embarrassed and just didn't want to relive/face it again. But just when I was starting to feel like I was getting out of control, my new running shoes came in, all bright blue and fresh smelling! So in the last few days I've turned it around and am back to eating healthy, logging my food, and exercising.

    Also, I made a pact with my therapist that I'd be at 278 by the next time I see her (June 3rd). So the countdown begins!

    (P.S. 278 is the wall I continue to hit and subsequently gain all my weight back, but I absolutely refuse to this time.)
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I ate like crap for the first couple days after moving in to my unfinished apartment. Now that my kitchen is ready, and I live so close to my gym, things should be easier. I did still manage to lose a pound somehow. I guess I didn't log moving boxes as exercise, though it probably helped on the days I went over limit.
  • My week went great! I lost 2 pounds. I made exercise and eating clean my priorities. Even though I went to my friend's cottage for the week-end and there were plenty of temptations, I managed to eat well. I also got in a great long walk, and lucky me my friend's cottage is surrounded by hills (talk about a workout).
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    It was over all a good week, lots of yard redecorating and remodeling so very busy but done in time to enjoy a whole new yard for the summer, yay... with the came lots of opportunities to burn calories, enjoy kids, and geti some sun... finally able to fit back ini my capris so thats a plus, long way to go but nsv none the less. :-)
  • Northern_Girl12
    Northern_Girl12 Posts: 15 Member
    Busy week. Walked a 5k on Saturday with my daughter, it was fun but I was sore on Sunday. Did a lot of mushroom hunting and also some gardening. No major challenges this week, just continuing down the path.
  • Athena42006
    Athena42006 Posts: 26 Member
    Nice work everyone!
  • Wasn't the best. I need to start exercising and my food choices aren't exactly healthy but I log everything and haven't gone over my calories so I guess that's something.

    I weigh in on Sundays. I should be down a couple of pounds this week. I'll update after the weigh-in.