Welcome and Introductions

brirandle1 Posts: 22 Member
My name is Brian and I saw this group's description and it sounded great. I guess Iam looking for support when I feel weakest in my weight loss challenge and life style change. Iam looking at this as a lifestyle change cause I would like to be healthier and be around to see my children grow up. Looking forward to getting to know more members in this site, only joined yesterday.


  • shrinkingmichelle
    shrinkingmichelle Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. I'm Michelle. I'm down from 337 lbs. to 321. ONLY about 190 lbs. to my high school graduation weight which I felt happy at! I'm 5'6" and need to be below 180 lbs. to be out of the obese category. I'm happiest at 120 - 140 Lbs. I used to weigh 110 lbs,, but that's not a healthy weight for me. I'm struggling at work because it's hard for me to be on my feet. The extra weights got to go in the next 2 years before my oldest graduates from high school. Portion control is hard for me.
  • pettry89
    pettry89 Posts: 1
    Hello my name is mary and I'm a mother of 3 and a stay at home mom my husband is gone constantly for work so all the home stuff and kids is all I do and I am struggling to stay motivated to lose weight I want to lose 60 lbs but I get so discouraged looking for some friends that are going through the same and can help keep me motivated and vice versa it's tough but I need to do it!
  • twopaulines
    twopaulines Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Shannon and need to lose about 70 lbs. I currently weigh 215 and was happiest at 140. So that's where I wanna go and where I'm headed. I want to reach this goal sooner than later however I realize I need to learn to be 140 lbs. That will take time. My max weight was 242 but I've lost down to 215 since last June when I turned 30. I am currently on a good routine right now, continuing to tweek my habits. It's a process...baby steps. BUT daily babysteps. I once heard if you to be 1% better each day, then in 100 days you'll be 100% better. So that's what I'm going for. I look forward to your success and encouraging each other to reach these goals!!!
  • twopaulines
    twopaulines Posts: 55 Member
    I can relate to some of the things you're saying! i have no one in my area and all my girlfriends and husband are perfect. So I am going at this COMPLETELY alone. But.... for me, that's all the more of a success. I count on myself to be my very best friend, my biggest cheerleader. I learned the hard way that if I tried every time I was motivated, I would only try a couple times amonth. I realize now that it's consistency. Period. I just have to go, I just have to do this, I just have to change, whether I feel like it or not. That mentality has helped me tremendously. I wish you great luck and I look forward to motivating each other!!!
  • I'm Bev and I just joined today and need to lose over a 100 pds
  • 1f1t
    1f1t Posts: 3
    I'm Brendal and need to lose 65 lbs. I was never overweight in childhood or college. However, the weight started creeping on after the birth of my first child. So, I've been overweight for twenty-six years. Of course, I've had periods of gains and losses. I would love it to be "once and for all."
  • With determination...you will reach your goal. You will see your children grow up. I just joined this group. I'm starting my "change of lifestyle" and I WILL make it stick. I just weighed and didn't even realize I've gained 10 lbs since i last weighed. So i am officially the biggest I've ever been...so i have more weight than ever i need to lose. Support from this group will help...I think. Sharing struggles and success stories...here we go !! 220lbs....50 lbs to go.
  • Portion control is hard for everyone I think. It is for me. I love food. I celebrate with food. when I'm happy I eat. When I'm sad I eat....or if I'm bored....or just because... I use food as my crutch I think. Late at night is especially hard. i can hardly eat a bite in the mornings...its completely backwards of how it should be. I was a bartender for the last 12 years so i have gotten very used to sleeping in late and staying up late. And of course eating late. I am a night owl by nature. I've got to switch everything around. eat breakfast. Get up early. ect. Not binge eat at night. TV is a big prob too...I'm addicted to it somewhat...at least at night. And what goes better with TV than munchies. Oyi. One thing at a time. I'm 220...need to be 170 at least. My knees will thank me ;)
  • Yellowbelly84
    Yellowbelly84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi I'm Karen. This is my third time here. The last time I lost 58lbs but I've put most of that back on. Hopefully this will be my last time here.
  • sure2014
    sure2014 Posts: 18 Member
    I need to lose 30 lbs and I have been struggling for last 17 years to lose that weight. I get stuck at 175 lbs and cannot go south from there. I do leslie sansone's walking tapes -3-4 times a week and that is the only exercise I do. I love food- when I am happy, sad, nervous, stressed. Especially sweets.
  • uniquesarahjane
    uniquesarahjane Posts: 20 Member
    hi Im Sarah Im from England about 7 years ago I lost 70 pounds but have not lost any since im looking to lose about 68 pounds and get to a healthy weight
  • BethE1993
    BethE1993 Posts: 3
    Hi im beth and I have just over 100 pounds to lose !!
  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm Jo and I have about 60 pounds to go. I think I've lost the same 50 pounds about 20 times.....and I want THIS to be the last time!
  • 65byJuly
    65byJuly Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all, my name is Mary and I have 85 lbs to go. Yay me because a week ago that was 90lbs! I really love to see motivational posts and having someone say hey get it together girl help me a lot. I'm tired of not being happy with myself and I feel like this is the time for me!
  • kuchurimal
    kuchurimal Posts: 13
    Hi all, my name is Kuchu and I want to lose 55-62 lbs. I used to weight 196 lbs but went down to 140 and back up again. I hope to get motivated by you all. I love fried food and cheese. It is my biggest weakness and I need to learn to stay away from them. I give in too easily and then feel guilty later. I have very low self esteem because of the way I look.
  • MimiOfTheFraserValley
    MimiOfTheFraserValley Posts: 108 Member

    Hi! I'm Michelle, & I'm glad to be here. When I saw this group's description, I knew that it was a place for me.

    I'm not yet ready to share what my current weight is, but I'm at my heaviest ever, & it's a mental thing with me. I've allowed myself to think that the health issues with which I deal are keeping me down & sedentary, but they're not. It really is all in my head, & my mind is fighting against that now.

    I'm ready ONCE AND FOR ALL to be done being fat, & I'm ready to get down to the goal weight I've had set for years now, or at least close to it. I'd be happy to get with 10 kg of that, heavy as I am.

    Thanks for having this group here, & I look forward to being involved. :)
  • chrissylove0
    chrissylove0 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm Christine and im down from 459. I'm at 378 and am trying to keep motivated with my food choice. I'm a sweet aholic, especially chocolate. I do really well and I need to track callories instead of weight watcher points because loosing is getting a bit harder
    I need to see success to keep moving!!! Just getting discouraged with the scale readings.
  • Hi, I'm Natasha. I am a 42 year old mother of three. I am a lawyer and spend a lot of time at work, and when I'm there, I am mostly at a desk. I need to lose 30 lbs, which doesn't seem like much, but its not budging. I am very good in spurts - meaning I start strong and stay with it for a while, but then life gets busy and I'm thrown off track. My biggest challenge is getting off track by work or family commitments (not being able to work out) and then getting discouraged and giving up. I am also interested in hearing about people's experience with low-carb diets, which I am trying now.
  • 8jaja7
    8jaja7 Posts: 5
    Hi everyone, its a pleasure to read all of your goals and success stories. My name is Jackie. A couple years back I lost 80 lbs on the Weight Watcher system but then unfortunatley gained it all back during my pregnancy. My son is now 1 year old and im ready and determined to lose the weight again and live a healthy lifestyle. Im finding very difficult this time around to stay dedicated and motivated i hope we can help each other on this journey. Last time i did alone basically this time i need support. We got this!
  • brirandle1
    brirandle1 Posts: 22 Member
    Thats the biggest struggle with me any time I have tried to eat better is not to snack in middle of night. For some reason I am fine during the day but at night I get hungry and give in to my cravings. Have to find the will power to not snack. Love to have someone or several to be able to communicate going through this changed lifestyle and support one another :)