So what's Your Plan?

OldChief10 Posts: 17 Member
I do much, much better when I have a plan. I'm going to follow a workout and nutritional program I found on a website...I researched it well, considered long and hard whether or not I could stick with it, and decided to commit to it starting this upcoming Monday (memorial day). It lays out what exercise to do when and what to eat, how much and when. Wish me luck!


  • mcshylie
    mcshylie Posts: 7
    Good luck to you! Every body's different and every body responds differently to a certain set of requirements and activities. I hope you'll keep us posted on how you do.
    My plan is continue using MFP - it keeps me honest. And it challenges me to exercise to change my input data. And - this has been working for me so far - when absolutely nothing else was. So - wish me luck, too. :smile:
  • maryowens1
    maryowens1 Posts: 8 Member
    My plan is like mcshylie's. I am glad I found this site, it is making me more aware of my eating patterns. What is nice is that even if I have an overeating day, I am seeing long-term improvements in my habits, and a very slow overall decline in my weight, yay.
    I am feeling more fit. This is for the long haul, so my baseline plan is, don't worry about occasional setbacks, keep exercising as much as possible, keep cooking with lots of good fresh ingredients, and make it fun. This is how I am going to live my life, so if it's not fun, I'm tweaking things until it is.

    Re: exercise, this is the time of year when life gets pretty fun outside -- like playing tennis! I am making my husband play on Saturday or Sunday mornings with me, and then getting in some doubles tennis with friends when I can. I'm planning to keep attending the bootcamp calisthenics class I go to on Mondays, yoga class on Weds evening, and will try to get 2 runs in per week. (I'm only doing so-so on that one, haven't been consistent.) I am also looking forward to getting in a weekly swim across the pond and back, half an hour from where I live. (About a 50-55 minute swim, mostly breaststroke because I've never learned how to sustain a freestyle crawl; never took swim lessons. Maybe I'll need to do that some day!)

    Also practicing baseball with my son who is in Little League. Have you ever tried a 3 on 3 scrimmage in baseball? It becomes quite an aerobic sport! Fielding in the outfield, running bases frequently -- pretty exhausting! But quite fun, if you don't collapse from exhaustion :)

    I would love to hear about what others do for exercise, that is also a good time. I bought a Groupon for Zumba lessons a few weeks ago but haven't had a chance to try it yet -- that'll be something I do soon. Also in my city neighborhood there are free outdoor salsa dances now that it's summer. I don't dance but wish I could! It looks like such a great time, and all these dancers show up from around the city. I see them on Mondays when I get out of boot camp class...makes me think I need to take some dance classes too.
  • mcshylie
    mcshylie Posts: 7
    I really like Mary's idea of keeping the 'fun' into yuor everyday, tweaking it to keep it intersting. So essential! I tend to make MFP a game, trying to stay within the numbers each day. The suppers are the hardest for me.. I'm keen throughout the day, but after my workday is finished, I like to unwind. And this is where I really need to place my efforts.
    Zumba, by the way is so much fun. You cannot smile all the way through it with that nice latino music. The group power is adrenaline in and of itself. But now, you've got me thinking of tennis.... :tongue: