Check in May 23, 2014

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
Good morning all of you wonderful members. How goes it? Where is your mind at today? Are you down and need a boost? Are you determined? Are you moving? Let me know your plans for the weekend.

There, that should be enough to spark conversation. LOL.


  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    Well I am dissappointed...I ate good all wekk - and I thought I would have lost more than 2 lbs. I feel very dissappointed and I am tired of the battle with weight. I dont feel like excerising - its getting really hot in Atlanta so I stopped and ate a whole wheat bagel and a med iced mocha latte. Well those two things basically (well the latte)) used up everything.
    I cant find what works for me - The tamoxfien I take for breast cancer tends to make woman gained weight - and its like this HUGE struggle to lose. I am discouraged. I want the thin gene. I want my trainer back.
    Thanks for allowing me to vent
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    I am hungry, that is where I am today. Up at 7am and was starving so had brekky straight away, its now nearly 10, I do not usually eat breakfast so early so I do not plan for a morning snack, I can normally go from brekky to lunch ok. One day before weigh in and I want to eat anything and everything. Sigh. And I want to nap but there is no way my son will let that happen! Be back later to properly respond to how people are. x
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    My day is coming to an end in my neck of the woods. Did well today after being away for a week at a workshop where they had fatty, food and tons of bread stuff! Was hard to select correctly, but only gained one pound, so today I decided to pick it back up and have been good. Did a lot of heavy house work (well with 9 furballs, there is a lot of dusting and vaccuming and sweeping etc, etc) after being gone a week, so I consider that exercise for me today!! Hope you all have a great day!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm in so much better a place than the last couple days. I pinched a nerve in my next Tuesday night and have been in misery since! Went to the doc and got meds yesterday, and today I feel mostly human again! I also started following the doc's suggestion to mix up my macros, and am not worrying as much about sodium and water, which I've been obsessed with, and it seems to be helping, but I want to give it a couple more weeks to be sure. Still waiting on tests from my bloodwork, which is stressing me out, but I'm glad to be on a better path!

    @cekennon I'm so sorry you are having a rough time!! For me, I had been eating what I consider healthier for months now - this week I knocked back my high sugar fruits for lower GI ones, and upped my protein and fat (per doc), and my carb cravings have leveled some. I don't know if it is a fluke, or what, but the scale is down... It's hot here in OK, too, so I'm doing more of my walks in the am and pm... I hope you do find what works for you - I'd get your doctors together and make them give you doc is my endo, so he was really helpful... I truly and sending good energy your way today! (hugs)

    @tishtash77 - I always am hungry when I wake. They say one of the best things you can do is to drink two cups (one water bottle) of water when you wake to get your organs moving and such again. I always struggle with it, but I try. I usually eat my two eggs within 1 hour of getting up and going - and I always have snacks ready, regardless of whether I actually eat them! I learned that they hard way when PG! LOL And it is a psychological thing, wanting everything you can't have before a big moment for you. When I let go of the stress of weighing in on a certain time and day, it was so mentally freeing for me. I tend to weigh in at least once a week, but whenever the whim strikes me. Hyper focusing on that one day added so much stress for me... And the less I nap, the better I feel (with hypothyroid, napping is bad juju anyway), and whenever I want to nap, I get up and get moving. Once my heart rate is up a little and the blood is flowing, I feel less sleepy! Hope you make it through!

    Have a good day all. I hope to check back in again later!
  • momofthreeinwis
    momofthreeinwis Posts: 21 Member
    Getting ready to go camping this weekend and the kiddos are excited!! I'm feeling great today because I achieved my first goal to get under 255lbs! SLow but steady wins the race! Hope you all have a great long weekend!!
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Good morning all :wink:
    I'm in the same boat, just starvin to death because of carb overload last night!!! Oh well :ohwell: I know why I feel the way I do, so I just have to fight through the cravings.
    my plans for the weekend include a weenie roast and camp out with the nephews. Can't wait!
    BLESSINGS :flowerforyou:
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Morning loves! 2lbs in a week is great! I weighed this morning and was up 9lbs in 2 days. Woo hoo! At this I just have to grin and bear it because even at the docs who weighs me heavy were I was wearing jeans in the afternoon 3 days ago, I was down 3lbs less than that. So bright side is, I am going into this holiday weekend heavy and motivated more than ever to watch my sodium, drink lots of water and take care. Looking forward to that big water weight drop because Lord knows I did not eat over my calories this week. I DID eat up to them though and my visitor is still being.pokey so multiple things going on.

    Really excited for our trip. Its going to be a long day. Work until 5, grab the kiddo, finish packing, hit the road hopefully by 6:30 and roll into Galveston by 11. Houston traffic better be kind.
  • BodyByChipsAhoy
    BodyByChipsAhoy Posts: 60 Member
    I am feeling a bit discouraged because I've been going over my calories by several hundred everyday. I'm having a hard time staying away from the frappucinos....also had sushi twice this week instead of the salad I've been bringing. I usually have 3 rolls plus steamed dumplings or soup. Even a California roll has over 300 calories! My sushi lunches have been 1000-1200 calories.

    Today for lunch I am going to the cafeteria, but I am going to get a salad and no soda, or diet soda, even though they say the artificial sweeteners actually hinder weight loss more than if you had a regular soda.

    Weird that I feel discouraged even though I realized a 3 pound loss when I weighed mid-week. But the same thing happened last week mid-week and I ended up gaining for my official weigh in (to be fair, I had had a lot of salt the day before).

    Not sure what we're doing this weekend, but I'm sure we will go to at least one cookout and hopefully some swimming. And its a 3-day weekend, so I'll get more time with my son, which is always a blessing.

    I wish I had proper time to respond to all of you individually today, but know that I think of this group a lot during the day and am always cheering y'all on from afar.

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hello lovelies!
    Tough struggles must be the game plan for today. Let's do what we need to do to nurture ourselves and feel good.

    I've hit that stage too where I feel pissed that I can't eat the food I like and the portions I want. I just keep trying to remember that these are cravings- -psychological- -and not physical needs.

    Yesterday was a bust for me, including sneaking two peanut butter sandwiches at midnight. I need to record everything in my food diary before I forget it all, but my day involved a lot of bread and it wasn't pretty. No sugar or fast-food though--so I'll take that victory!!!!

    Knit, my rheumatologist told me the same thing and doc and nutritionist confirmed--higher protein and fat: lower carb. I feel much better doing that, retain less water, and am less hungry. The last few days I've been eating multigrain bread at every meal and I feel like crap. Add in potatoes the other night, which turned me into a carb hound, and I really don't need more confirmation.

    My plan for the next few days is to do a good carb detox and get lots of swim time. And t i stay excited about taking good care of my body!
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    @cekennon - I live in the Atlanta area, too! I totally feel you on the heat thing. It's so hard to find the motivation to go outside and do anything when it's so freaking hot. Sorry this week didn't go as well as you'd hoped.

    @momofthreeinwis - Congrats on reaching your first goal! That's awesome!

    I've been rather busy this morning. We're leaving for the beach tomorrow, so I had to make some food to take on the trip. Black bean burgers and chickpea "tuna" salad and pecan pie bars that are totally not diet friendly - 331 calories per serving. I'm hoping to get in a lot of exercise swimming and walking around the island so I can eat desert guilt-free, but we'll see how that goes. I'll be eating well the rest of the time.

    I realized yesterday that I have reached that time where I'm starting to try to sabotage myself. Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went to Walmart to get him shorts for the beach, and we walked by donuts. I was so tempted to buy a box and split them with him like we've done before. I knew I was already borderline out of calories for the day and that I wasn't going to exercise more, so it's not like I could make even one donut fit. But it was still really, really tempting.

    I didn't get the donuts, but we did end up getting potato chips. I stuck to 2 servings, and I only finished the day about 90 calories over, but it was still a really stupid thing to do. I don't even really like chips. I don't know why I let him talk me into getting them. Actually, I don't know why I let him get them at all. We were supposed to be trying to hold each other accountable - he'll say no to my temptations, and I'll say no to his - but I guess I failed that yesterday.

    That said, I'm feeling a bit better this morning. I had a smoothie around 7-8, and it's almost noon now, and I haven't had anything else to eat, even while I was making all that food (except for a tiny taste to see if I got the balance of chickpeas and relish right). Here's hoping that if I just force myself not to buy tempting food (unless it's planned and fits into my calorie range), I'll eventually stop trying to sabotage myself.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Ok I am back and a little more human. I ended up switching my afternoon snack to morning, and I just had my lunch a little early. But saved some of the poached chicken and the fresh pineapple for my afternoon snack. I am still good for cals and feel less I want to eat so eff you allish. ;) Doesn't help I am due my TOM Sunday, I always struggle not to give in at this time, I want carbs and sweets and junk.

    I have read a lot that upping protein and lowering carbs works for a lot of people but unless I start using protein powders there is no way I can do that, I cannot eat eggs, I do not like Greek yogurt have tried it multiple times, I force myself to add beans to chili so I get some of those, but I do not really enjoy them, do not like the texture at all. And I cannot afford to be buying protein bars like Quest, or the powders. So for now I am focusing on other stuff while I still lose, fat was a problem I think I am getting on top of that. Next will be my water, then my sodium (I try to keep it under 2300, but really should be less as I am on high blood meds). When I get those worked out I will look at carbs and protein. Right now I am set at 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein. I would like at least to do 45% carb and 25% protein and then go from there. But one of the things I learnt from other weight loss attempts is not to try and make every change all at once.

    Cat I cannot imagine having that many kittys around the place! I love cats, I had 2 in the UK I had to leave with my mum, and when she died I was grieving for them too as we had to take them back to the RSPCA where I had adopted them from, to be rehomed, as neither my brother or I could take them. Then I adopted 2 strays here in Canada, but both died. I suppose at least they got a couple of years of spoiling, good food and warmth.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I bought a little stovetop espresso maker and do my own iced lattes at home now--skim milk , 2 Stevia, and a sprinkle of cinnamon or a bit of almond or vanilla extract. A tablespoon of half & half.. So yummy and very calorie friendly. The local coffee shops do skinny versions of their mochachinos etc. Just ask and be creative.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    tishtash and anybody else who doesn't like things. I think it is a great thing to change our tastes to eating healthier food but it has to be something you can eat for the rest of your life.. I am really hot on that. My Weight Watchers leader asked me last night what happened that I was so enthusiastic about simply filling to begin with and then I dropped it.. it's simple.. I don't like fat free food.. there.. I said it. I don't like fat free sour cream and yogurt and cheese. I don't like beetroot either, in fact I detest it, there is no way, no how you will ever get me to like eating beetroot. And there is no way you will get me to eat something that is the color of cheese, looks like grated cheese.. but tastes so bland it could be anything.. but not cheese, when what I love is very very sharp cheddar, blue cheese and a ton of others from all over the world. I LOVE cheese.

    Do you see where I am going with this?

    If you don't like it, make a way for what you DO like to fit into the program you are using, the way you will eat for the rest of your life.. not just while you are losing weight.. seems like common sense to me.

    Whatchya think? What do you hate? What can't you live without in your diet?
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Julie, I totally agree. And fat free cheese is revolting. I make room for the real stuff, and sour cream, and butter.

    The low carb debate is like anything else- -it works really well for some people and not for others. I love eggs, fish, chicken, beef, beans, lentils... on and on... so high protein is really easy for me. And carbs, especially bread, potatoes, and pasta make me more hungry and more likely to overeat. So for me, protein and veggies and fruit is the best plan, and I LOVE these foods, so it should be easy to live on them.

    The cravings for junk, though, are tough. I hope they diminish over time. I don't WANT to keep those foods in my life.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    The day has just started for me so nothings really happened yet. I guess this is more a checkin for the end of the day yesterday. I did fine calorie wise and my macros weren't bad either but i didn't exercise. I skipped yoga and talked myself out of a walk (told myself I had to much client work to do, wich was partially true, but i didn't spend any of the time that I wasn't walking working on client work). I need to do yoga or something in the morning or early afternoon otherwise I simply have no energy in the day. I will literally start falling asleep at the table. I've skipped it for the past two days and they have been miserable energy wise. I just have to get my *kitten* up and moving.... like i'm not doing right now.

    I try to focus on my macros and less if i go over on sodium or cholesterol act, worrying about the rest is just being too obsessive and thats no sustainable. I do need to find something to spice up walking as Im getting a little bored. I will be walking a 5k for fathers day so thats something but since I walk that distance normally i'm not too concerned. So I think my focus until then will be pace.

    It's been hot here as well, i've been having to wait later and later into the evening to do my walking, wich also makes it difficult. I'm not a morning person and really have little desire to go walking at a time of day when the temp is slowly rising rather then decreasing. It just means I rally need to be close to finished with my work for the day and have some idea of whats for dinner since when i get back all i usually want to do is rest and eat. It's a little frustrating that I will have to wait till the end of summer to start bike riding (I agreed several months back that a family member could barrow the bike for her summer nanny gig), it's something I am really looking forward to.

    Im so glad I don't like coffee or coffee based drinks, or alcohol.

    Julie, I agree with you. Eating should be enjoyable. Their is no point in losing weight to foods and meals you dislike or don't enjoy, you'll never keep doing it, why would you want to. That was a big difference for me this time around, make sure i'm enjoying each meal, and if I don;t then don't do that meal again. Also try to make that meal fit within your macros and calories (everything else can F*** off). I also hate low fat foods. In my mind the reality is if it has enough packaging to put the words low fat or fat free then most likely you shouldn't be eating it. For the most part its usually processed and unenjoyable. I rather have a controlled portion of something good then a larger portion of something bland. I have noticed that the more I avoid eating these foods the more my tastes change and they become less enjoyable as i notice how flat and one note they are. Just look at the nutritional label, that all we need to know about how much fat is in something. If one thing is lower fat then another without being fatfree then i'll go with that. Thats just better eating rather then eating to food manufactures interests (besides it usually means they have upped the sodium to compensate).

    Have what you love in a proper portion, and enjoy it rather then filling yourself on fat free fakes and diet foods/drinks. Question what you think you really like or can't live without. You can probably do without those coffee drinks, and will enjoy them more when you do.

    now i need to get moving or risk being more of a hypocrite then usual.
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks everyone for posting - I feel a bit encouraged...Julie - so right about eating food you like - for me - its the portions...Im trying - I just want to be thin now - I know not realistic - I am so successful in all other areas of overcoming...but I am NOT giving up - youa ll inspire me.
    This weekend Im not really doing much of anything - cleaning out a storage place, laying in teh sun and I am going to some sort of excerise
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I'm dead tired. Yesterday I didn't move around much at work so I tried to make up for it with walking home and going to the gym. I didn't get tired until a little after midnight so I probably didn't get as much sleep as I should have. I also probably should have eaten a bit more yesterday, and definitely more protein. Today, because I'm tired, I don't feel like counting calories and thinking about what goes in my mouth. I still will because that's What I Do now, but mehhhhhh I don't wanna!

    It's funny that folks are talking about low/no fat things because last night I bought some "extra light" sharp cheddar and I've been having 1% cottage cheese for snacks. My big problem is that I know I have more energy when I get more protein, but I have a really hard time doing that without getting too much fat or carbs. I've been searching for high protein/low carb/low fat foods and coming up with very little. I actually really love the cottage cheese, and the sharp cheddar isn't bad, either. I still eat regular cheese, but I need things to eat when my macros are out of whack and I have to fill out some calories.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I love how active this group is. I like to check in on my phone every hour or two for a quick minute. Keeps me motivated. Thank you all!
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Me too Karen, instead of snacking I can sip water and read here, or type, or re-read old posts and I remember a) I am not alone and b) I can do this.

    I get some reduced fat stuff, like sour cream we do not have often so I get reduced. Light laughing cow wedges, 1% milk (have never liked full fat milk anyway) and light cool whip. But I get real cheese otherwise, regular butter or becel, 2% milk for my son. I do not normally by fat free as when I have in the past I have never actually liked the taste and a rule I have now is no wasting calories, it better taste good or I am not eating it.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    No wasting calories is a good concept. A few weeks ago I had a splurge--a medium vanilla chai and a muffin from dunkin donuts. The calories were crazy--I think about 900--and after I discovered that, I decided that if I'm going to blow 900 calories , it's going to be on something indulgent that is fabulous, not a dry muffin and an overly sweet tea.

    I'm also trying to re-train my brain to see healthy things as treats. Like a splurge on some fresh cherries (they are SO expensive right now but YUM) or a peach. This weekend I'm going to the fish market to pick up some fresh haddock to cook on the grill with some fresh lemon and pepper. How good does that sound? And some oven roasted brussel sprouts.

    I'm hoping hubby and I can take a road trip north to buy some meat from a friend who is raising her own pigs, steer, chickens and turkeys. She'll sell it to us for much, much less than the price of the organic, grass fed stuff down here. I cooked some of her ground beef last month for chili, and it was so lean, I didn't even have to drain off any fat.

    If I can focus on the goodness of a lean protein, a fresh fruit or veggie, a nice piece of cheese, then maybe the other stuff will stop calling my name.

    Hahahahaaa... I apparently need to eat something and drink lots b of water since I keep thinking and writing about food!!!