Due in October!

tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
So I've been a member for a little while and we finally got pregnant in January. I was very sick in the beginning. Lost 17 pounds. So far I've gained 8 pounds back. I'm due in October. Always looking for friend for during and after!

Hope everyone has an awesome 3 day weekend!



  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    Hi Tammy! I am due Oct 19th with my first! Sorry to hear you were so sick. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoother for you. There is a thread on here called "October 2014 babies" there are quite of few of us due around the same time as you.

    I'll send a friend request!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I'm due Oct 4th~ I was pretty sick with my first pregnancy as well. I'll have to find that thread. Thank you! Looking forward to getting to know you!