Most challenging aspect of losing in your 30s?

shawmutt Posts: 74 Member
Mine is the stress from wearing so many hats. I'm expected to juggle working, parenting, housework, yardwork, and being a husband. Added to that accelerated college courses to get my B.S. and eventually MBA and get out of my crappy job. Added to THAT is the fact that I'm not a young buck anymore and got injured at work. I've been on light duty for over a month, with hungry 20-somethings wanting my job and a boss that's getting impatient.

Yeah...the stress...


  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    Well I'm a SAHM so I don't have as many challenges as most but I would say for ME, it's not having that kick *kitten* metabolism I used to and having to adjust my life for it and NOT eating what kids leave in their plates (I hate wasted food). I've always been thin so when I hit my 30s and I was gaining weight, it was very weird to see myself as chubby. This is the first time I've really tried to lose weight (the healthy way) and it's opened my eyes as to how unhealthy I ate before.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Mine is the stress from wearing so many hats. I'm expected to juggle working, parenting, housework, yardwork, and being a husband. Added to that accelerated college courses to get my B.S. and eventually MBA and get out of my crappy job. Added to THAT is the fact that I'm not a young buck anymore and got injured at work. I've been on light duty for over a month, with hungry 20-somethings wanting my job and a boss that's getting impatient.

    Yeah...the stress...
    You totally sound like my man to a tee for realz. I truly commend you for even attempting to try and exercise and eat right because I know you pretty much have like negative 2 hours ME time. Being pulled in so many directions at once is exhausting and depressing isn't it. :devil: LOL I smirk but it's the truth.

    I as his partner help him with the yard work and parenting and school (on occasion) and I do all of the cooking( <--doing that while working full time myself) and even with that he has very little time to devote to health and fitness. That has left him with about 15-20lbs to lose and no time to do it. When he can he goes walking with me after work (roughly 15 minutes/.5 mile). This evening I cleaned off the back porch and dusted off the weight bench so while he/we are on summer session he can do a Saturday workout with me.

    I have been walking 2x a day during the work week which so far has been so helpful with keeping me moving (I was taking an online class these past 12 weeks so my evenings and weekends were dedicated to mostly that). That may not be your thing - kinda girlie I know but find something quick you can do - 15 minutes at a time. Do the weekly challenge - its free and easy strength training that will work your core, every little bit goes to the cause.

    I wish you much luck and we are all here rooting you on. :drinker:


  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My biggest struggle is making time for myself and not letting my hubby influence my decision making. With working full time and parenting 2 kids under 4, it is tough to make time to exercise and cook. Sometimes I just don't have the energy. I find myself really struggling to hold myself together sometimes and then trying to take care of others needs is impossible. I need to learn to make myself a priority. On the days I do this I feel great and stay on track.

    When I am tired and just don't have it in me I do not have the support at home that will say "No we are not going to get take out" or "No you don't need that piece of chocolate cake". This wasn't a major issue when my life was a little simpler because those indulgences were few and far between. They are starting to become more commonplace as life gets more stressful. I can attribute a lot of my yo-yo-ing to these poor decisions.

    So I am just plugging along and doing the best I can. I will figure it out at somepoint and I figure the parenting thing can only get easier as the kids can do more for themselves (I HOPE).
  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    One of my biggest challenges is trying to do too many things. I'm a full time college student and work full time (no children though, just a cat, lol) Plus I tend to volunteer for lots of things on top of that... But I don't have to energy levels I used to have in my 20s so it's easy to find myself exhausted at the end of the day and just eat some random junk food/take out/etc. cause I don't feel like cooking. I've gotten better at meal planning and having quick, healthy food available though. But I'd love to have that metabolism I used to have, when I could stay thin without counting calories. I've just learned to accept that if I want to be at a healthy weight now, I have to be very conscious about my food choices and keep track of what I eat.
  • RaeRum82
    RaeRum82 Posts: 22 Member
    Same as the OP to many hats! I'm a single mom of an almost teenage girl (help!) working 40hrs a week. I live at with family right now (they are helping me and I'm helping them so its cool) but with 4 adults in the house I'm the only one doing anything!!!! I clean and I cook and I do the yard work and I take out the trash and I take care of the cat and Lord forbid if someone doesn't have clean clothes because that means that I didn't get them washed and folded! Add to that I'm attempting to have a somewhat social life and possible thinking about dating again (if I can find someone)! I also have been thinking about going back to school so I can maybe have a bit of a better and less stressful job! Or at least make more money! lol. At some point during all of this I need to find the time to exercise and find tasty but healthy things that my child and nephew will eat!!! Sigh....Lord help me!
  • adstott
    adstott Posts: 102 Member
    I think my biggest challenges is just not having the time I'd like. I work full time I have a family and house that needs to stay together and function.

    But I want to have the energy to be there for my son and I think I'm finally starting to get that, and being able to do things with him has been great for the both of us :)
  • dashaclaire
    dashaclaire Posts: 127 Member
    My challenges center around how much more serious things are than in my younger days. Trying save enough to buy a house, caring for/ living with a elderly and often confused future MIL, my Mom is seriously ill and I'm scared I'm gonna lose her, bills mounting, entitled customers at work... The stakes feel higher! So...
    I want to dive into a swimming pool of homemade white cheddar Mac followed by a hot tub full of southern style banana pudding. But I must resist unless I want to add personal health problems to that list.
  • LavendersMom
    LavendersMom Posts: 17 Member
    My challenges are that I have so much responsibility now, I just don't have time to cook. So what do I out. After work, its helping my daughter with homework, play, bath and bed. By the time I put her down, I'm beat myself! I've gotten better though. I eat good, but I never realized how many carbs I eat a day, so I'm working on it.