Check in for week of May 21-27, 2014



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Jean: Belle immagini!

    Wanda: Congratulations! 25! I just want to get mine to a solid 35!

    Ker: Have fun!

    Me: For the first time yesterday, I walked over 10 miles total. I was very busy at work and did walk about 3.5 cardio miles, so that contributed, too. Is supposed to be a nice day today, so I should get out at lunchtime.

    Was having problems yesterday with both my phone app and internet connections. Couldn't complete my diary until this morning for yesterday. Makes it harder not to do it as we go.

    I upped my calories starting Tuesday and wanted to do a really big shock of 1800 yesterday, but couldn't eat 1800 (managed 1600+). (How did I do eat so much for so long before this endeavor?). Back to 1504 today. I do think it is going to help my digestion though. Maybe once it helps regulate me, I will try to drop down the calories slowly as opposed to just going back to 1200 at once! I think that that was too big a shock to my system when I first started. Trying to get more fat and fiber with the extra calories.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Jean, Your pictures are so pretty. Thank you for sharing.
  • missyfit13
    missyfit13 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Internet was wonky last night so I waited until this am to check in. I don't know if I lost weight or not this week. I am maintaining and I do think I have lost a little bit, but it changes up and down so much that I don't want to post a weight loss only to find out that I didn't lose it.

    I've been working hard in the yard and playing golf, but not much walking otherwise. I have no excuse, just lazy. Wooken has inspired me to pull out my bicycle. I've always enjoyed it, but couldn't go too far. I'm a bit afraid to go by myself in case I fall. I like the idea of a more comfortable bike. Mine is a mountain bike and I have a hard time getting my leg over. It is one of those unisex things, and I prefer the old fashioned girls step in bike. Time to peruse yard sales for used bikes!

    I'm having to start wearing the dreaded support stockings again. I have chronic edema in my lower legs and the only thing they tell me is to prop legs up above heart as often as I can, and wear the support stockings. I hate them, but have agreed to do the nylon support hose that look a little like nylons. It's the best I can do.

    I loved the pictures and everyone is doing so well. I hope I have something better to report next week. My diet has not been very good.

  • missyfit13
    missyfit13 Posts: 19 Member

    So great about the little kitten. It is so tiny! I admire you for fostering it. I had to help feed my english pointers brood years ago. She had 16 puppies and could not handle them. So out came the doll bottle and they all lived.

    Thank you for doing that.

  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Evening to all,

    I was not doing so well the today and yesterday, so decided to change my calorie intake to 1200/day. I think the 1700+ was too high for me to lose any weight. My weigh in day is on Monday so I will be sure to check back and fill you all in!!!

    Have a Happy Memorial Day :flowerforyou:
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Just a quick update to my post from last night. The little kitty went to the Rainbow Bridge this evening. :cry:
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Aww, BV, I'm sorry to hear about your kitty...

    Nothing new to report here.

    I did buy a small Kroger's sugarless angel food cake today, and we had it tonight with sliced strawberries.

    :indifferent: It tasted weird. (made with Splenda) I had to put some Dannon Lite and Fit Vanilla Greek yogurt on top of the berries
    to make it better. Blech.

    I think next time I'll just buy regular angel food cake. In fact, I thought I was just buying a smaller cake; didn't notice until I got home
    that it was sugar free.

    So much for trying to treat myself. (The berries were good!)

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Ker: My resistance band came, but it is way too light. I have been doing light weights, so I need to get a "heavier" one.

    Also got an armband for my Galaxy S4 since my latest pair of yoga pants don't have a pocket. Unfortunately, with my short build, it is way too uncomfortable.

    Guess those two purchases were busts!

    Cris: Sorry about the cake. Heck, angel food doesn't have many calories anyway for a dessert.
  • missyfit13
    missyfit13 Posts: 19 Member
    So sorry about the kitty. You tried and that means so much.

  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Sorry about the kitty. So sad for you.

    Cris, Sorry the cake was blah. Next time get the real deal.

  • Baco10
    Baco10 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm back on track today! I was inspired by somebody's 700+ days of logging in.
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello. BV, I'm so sorry about your kitty. It's very hard losing a pet.

    No plans here for the weekend other than just chilling out.
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    hayleyandpaigesgrandma Posts: 83 Member
    I'm feeling great tonight. Just got back from my weigh in and I lost 2.5 lbs. After only a quarter pound last week 2.5 feels great. My hairdresser has just hired a lady who does manicure s and pedicures along with facials etc. I have decided that when I can get down to 170 I am going to treat myself. So 21 lbs to go. It will be a little reward for me and hopefully make me want to continue this journey. Thanks so much for the encouragement! ,
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    hayleyandpaigesgrandma Posts: 83 Member
    So very sorry to hear about the kitty BV. It is so very hard to lose a pet. We will be thinking about you.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I had an appt with my doc this morning and she's very happy with me.

    My BP is down, my A1C is down, my weight is down *just a teensy bit*.

    So after lunch I sat down at the table with my husband and we each had coffee and the last 2 slices of CHOCOLATE cake that had been lurking in the back of the fridge for the last week.


    I'm back on track though, it's gonna take me 3 days to work that sucker off!

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,148 Member
    Cris: Congrats on the positive Dr visit, improved BP, WTG. What is A1C pls?
    Yep, you will work off the choc cake, it was only 1 PC!
    We started another weekly post so you may wish to share there too? Tks for updating us on the good news, cheers,
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Wooken: I love that you ride your bike every day. It's very healthy being outside in the fresh air.

    Jeanrob: your vacation looks absolutely wonderful. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    My favorite exercise is dancing. I love to out on music--country or oldies--and just move around to the beat. I don't have a really good routine, but try to get it done in the morning. I'm maintaining--for almost a year now. It doesn't seem to matter how many calories I consume, scale stays within 2lbs. But since it is a healthy weight, I'm thinking of finally accepting it and moving on. I know I will have to continue to log my food for the rest of my life because I've proved to myself that if I don't the weight comes right back again.

    You gals and guys are doing great! Keep it up.
  • jackjb2
    jackjb2 Posts: 83 Member
    a1c is a blood sugar test that gives you a blood glucose reading for the past three months. More long term accurate than daily testing. Any number under 7.0 is good under 6.0 is excellent