Late night snacks

daisy7870 Posts: 14 Member
I have a problem. I eat well all day, exercise while my daughter naps, and track everything I eat. None of that is a problem for me. My problem is that after the kids go to bed, all I want to do is munch on anything I can find. Usually I am not even hungry. I know it is a bad idea, but the only way to stop myself is to literally lay in bed. Anyone have any ideas to kick this habit in the butt?


  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I'm dealing with this too right now. Not with the "after the kids go to bed" aspect, but my bingeing starts right about the same time of night. I'm a notorious binge eater, but this last week it has hit me hard. Usually I'm able to identify why I'm eating---stress or sadness or worry. And usually, the tools I've been given like a 20 minute rule or drinking a glass of water between food items helps and stops a binge in its tracks, but lately it just hasn't been working. I don't like feeling out of control and it's getting to the point where I dread leaving work and going home because I worry I'll binge and that tonight will be worse than the last. I'm so ready to lose the weight; I want to fully commit but the bingeing makes it difficult to stay in my calorie range, make good choices, and even makes it harder to want to exercise. I'm interested in what others have to say.
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Could part of it be because of boredom? I know after my kids go to bed, I sometimes don't know what to do with myself. It seems like I want to nosh, just to have something to do. (Especially if I sit down to watch some TV, 'cause everybody knows you HAVE to snack while you watch TV). ;) As a mom, I sometimes seem to forget how to occupy myself without my kids around. I find if I keep myself busy (and keep my mind occupied) I think about food less often, and can control the grazing habit.

    I've been trying to really push water during the day - if I drink after 8 or 9 p.m., I can be sure I'll make 3 trips to the bathroom overnight. LOL

    I'm also trying to stick to "no food" after 8 or 9. (I usually stay up until 10:30 - 11:30). However, some nights, I'm REALLY hungry before bed. I'll try to have something light, but with a little protein so it cuts the hunger pains. A piece of string cheese or a few slices of apple with some peanut butter, for example. I figure that 80 - 100 calories late at night is better than lying awake in bed because my stomach is growling.
  • praevalere
    praevalere Posts: 24
    Sherambler mentioned drinking a glass of water, and this is a great way to help feel full. If that doesn't quite get it there, drink 2. Most people probably drink their water normally, but I always chug mine (been doing it that way my entire life). I will drink between 24-32oz of water at a time, usually in one breath. That is usually enough to get rid of any hunger late at night. If you aren't able to do that, another good alternative is to snack on something that is low calorie--celery is perfect. You burn more calories eating celery than you get from it.
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    I drink a cup of tea in the evening. The warmth of the tea seems to help me with feeling satisfied.
  • Northern_Girl12
    Northern_Girl12 Posts: 15 Member
    I was the same way. It took 2 solid weeks of literally no snacks in the house and I think I've broken the habit. We do have snacks available now but I don't even give myself the option after 7 pm unless it's a late dinner.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    What about having a few healthy snacks around. Maybe baby carrots, almonds or microwave popcorn? I usually shut my kitchen down right after dinner. I also brush my teeth because I don't want to eat after.
  • naj609
    naj609 Posts: 18 Member
    I seem to have the exact problem! I started planning my snacks, I usually don't snack during the day, so I save them. Grilled pineapple has really satisfied my sweet tooth & I made homemade trail mix for when I want salty/crunchy.
  • KreeativeKat
    KreeativeKat Posts: 27 Member
    I put a lot of energy into each day and, like you, track everything, eat sensibly until after dinner.

    My brain then tells me that this is my 'relax for the rest of the day' time and I normally respond by sitting down with a cup of decaf and a 'treat'. However, like you, the treats were getting out of hand and I felt totally out of control.

    My solution now is to allow myself around 150 cals of treats every night, a choice between ice cream, chocolate or a home-made shortbread biscuit. I also make myself wait until at least half an hour after I've sat down. The first week was really hard - it's like all pleasurable habits, difficult to break and needs willpower to start with. I also make sure that I eat my treat very slowly and appreciate each mouthful - it can take me 20 mins or more to eat a biscuit.

    Week two has been easier - I believe it takes around three weeks to break a habit - and I found it wasn't so difficult waiting for the half hour until I was allowed my chocolate. Next week I'm going to try for 45 mins before I indulge in my guilty pleasure.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Health warrior chia seed bars are my new favorite snack. They won't do much if you're really hungry, though. If you're really hungry, steam and season a good portion of veggies or just eat a small meal.
  • daisy7870
    daisy7870 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all the great ideas! I think I am going to try to keep myself occupied once the kids are in bed. I am thinking if I brush my teeth, too, that I won't want to snack afterwords:)