Goal sharing thread: May

electriq Posts: 359 Member
Hi everyone,

A while back there was a call for more action in this group so I have been thinking about what I might want to contribute or be part of and hope that others will also be interested. I propose this thread to be a sort of goal sharing place where we can talk about what we are hoping to achieve each month and post in some weekly updates plus encourage and celebrate together. I don't have any particular preference for what your goals might be, they could be fitness oriented for example running a certain distance or speed, working out for a certain period of time, they could be weight loss or measurement decrease or they could be something all together different like lifestyle or work etc. I know there not much left of May now but I thought rather than waiting until June I would jump in now as the whim took me.

I'll go first...

My weightless goal for this month was to loose 2kg, I'm pleased to say I have achieved this already so I'm going to aim for 2.5kg now
My fitness goals are to run a total of 65km (I've managed 40km so far), and to go for another 2 45 minute swims before the end of the month.

What about you?
Any goals you'd like to share? (or achievements you've already made, seeing as we're quite far through May now)

My idea would be that we check back in here once a week or at least at the end of the month to say how we've done.

I will create a new thread for June when the time comes.

So how about you? What are you aiming for this month?


  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member

    My goals for this month were to meet my stone weight loss - done and done as MFP is 1lb out - and to maintain my eating

    I was supposed to be lifting again but have an ongoing shoulder issue which has been joined by a crazy sore hip thing - off to the doctors to see what the hell is going on as right now I am headnig to skinny fat territory and it ain't looking good kids!

    However still walking every day, jumping on the powerplate to try and keep myself loose - and really getting more and more interested in my nutrition.

    Oh, I alos appear to have broken my addiction to the scales - I wegh as and when I feel like it and have stepped away from daily weighing. Clothes feel better and that's the biggest thing :)

    Great idea for a thread, I hope we get some participants :)
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    well, may's almost over, but for june, i'd really, really like to get down to 151ish from 155. i've even gone so far as bribing myself lol. anyway, i think this is a great idea :)
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member

    Glad to have you both on board ...I'll definitely get a June thread going
    Whats your bribe if I can ask?
    I'm totally into rewarding myself with little milestones, find it works very well
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    i made myself a tier of rewards but the next one is new shoes. there's a pair of skate shoes i've had my eye on for a while xD

    i realized my list is mostly clothing/accessories lol. except the 135 mark, which i'll reward myself with the industrial piercing i've wanted. i hadn't really been rewarding myself too much as of late and i kind of need the extra motivation. i've been hanging out at my current weight for a while.

    what kind of rewards have/will you give yourself?
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    My weightloss has stalled...almost completely. I'm three pounds away from my first "goal/milestone"...So thats my goal, to finally get to 150 like I've struggled to for a few years now. Soooo close but now its gotten more difficult. Keep pluggin away I guess. I don't really have a rewards list set for myself, I guess maybe I should do that.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome Zoopergal!

    I have a variety of rewards (or celebratory treats as I like to think of them), some are big some are small ...a new song for my running playlist, bath salts, Film festival tickets, slippers, new underwear, getting some stuff framed. My most recent bigger reward was a heart rate monitor, and my next big one is new running shoes.
  • jabberwockgee
    jabberwockgee Posts: 49 Member
    So, I took a break from mfp pretty much all winter (but only gained about 8 pounds, hooray).

    I've already been training for a half marathon (starting week 4 out of 12 next week), but haven't gotten into the habit of logging food again yet.

    I think I should be able to lose some more weight if I do that, so my goal for June is to lose those stupid 8 pounds.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome jabberwockgee :-)
    Sounds like a good goal, you might want to add it again to the June thread once that goes up too.

    Update on my goals for May:
    Weight loss goal 2.5kg -achieved last week!
    Running goal: 57.8/65km ...still a few days left so I'm confident I'll make it
    Swimming: Another two swims before the end of the month - achieved yesterday! (and planning another tomorrow).