New sleever looking for friends and support

I am 4.5 week post surgery and I am feeling great. I really would like to connect to some people who are in the same boat. My family has been incredibly supportive about the surgery, but most people I know think I'm crazy for doing this to myself. It would be great to have some friends who understand what I am going through and can offer support/advice.


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi, I'm Pat. I was sleeved almost 3 years ago. I'm sure there were a few people who thought I was crazy, but everyone from family to friends was supportive once my mind was made up. Other than the occasional question on why I do or do not do/eat something, everyone has really been on board with me.

    I started this journey at 386 pounds, so with 226 to lose, losing slowly as some of us do and a few long stalls, I am still working to goal. This is an awesome tool and the best thing I've ever done for myself. Feel free to send a friend request if you want.
  • Lynn1382
    Lynn1382 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm just waiting for dates now for my sleeve I'm so nervous but I know its what needs to be done I've been over weight most of my adult life and have had enough if being know as the fat one in my group time for a change can't wait to be fitter healthier and being a 'normal' size x
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 7 months out. Best decision I've ever made! Finally landed at the top of "healthy" BMI range last week! Still have 10-20 pounds to go before I make the adjustment to maintenance. Off all meds except 1 dose of PPI per day and feeling GREAT! Best of luck to you!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    6 months out and 17 lbs til maintenance, BMI of 27. My diary is open so feel free to look. Pretty active group. post a question and you will get pretty good response.
  • Ujj7
    Ujj7 Posts: 51
    Hi, I will be having surgery on may 29th! I've only told a few friends. I work at the hospital I'm having surgery at though, so each time I go for tests or appointments, more people I know find out. Everyone has been supportive so far. I have not told my extended family, and probably won't unless it comes out accidentally.
  • debhaley1
    debhaley1 Posts: 45 Member
    You and I can totally be friends. I had my surgery 4/14 and still have struggles and many people who think i lost my mind. I am not sure how to invite you to be my friend. I wills ee if I can figure it out. Look forward to our future chats, support and shoulder to listen.
  • jlbamagirl68
    I had my sleeve. 11/1/12. Have had several bumps in the road and several stalls. Still hanging in there. I have had great support from family and friends but it really helps to have people that can relate to where you are coming from. It's the best decision I ever made to have my sleeve, although there have been a lot of times that I have asked myself what I have done to myself. Lol. But no regrets!!!
  • jonanasen
    jonanasen Posts: 1
    Well I'm having surgery tomorrow, I'm nervous, anxious and excited at the same time. I do know that this is the best decision for me especially since I found out about two weeks ago that I'm officially a Diabetic. Does anyone have any advice for me? Exercise, food advice I take all.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Well I'm having surgery tomorrow, I'm nervous, anxious and excited at the same time. I do know that this is the best decision for me especially since I found out about two weeks ago that I'm officially a Diabetic. Does anyone have any advice for me? Exercise, food advice I take all.

    Walk, walk, sip, sip, get your protein in. It WILL BE WORK. You likely won't want to get the protein drinks down. Accept the process. It is all about protein, water and walking. Failure to reach good protein levels rapidly will likely result in severe hair loss 3 months later. If you get in 50g only 25 gets to your body due to malabsorption. So usually they have you aim for at least 75-100 per day. Obese people like us are very finicky about our food. We want it to be fabulous and usually simple carb heavy. Your post surgery diet will not be yummy but it must go down. Don't worry about your calories. You will only be getting in around 500 a day in the first wks. We are obese. We are covered in thousands of calories of fat. Work close with your MD. They will likely severely reduce or like me cut all BS meds. The better you hit your protein and water goals the faster you will lose wt. food that is not part of your new 70% protein, 25% veg-no potato, 5%whole grains lifestyle should exit the house today. You don't want that around. The world according to egg face website has great recipes that follow the WLS lifestyle. I hated my Unjury protein shakes after surgery so Kroger carbmaster skim milk really helped me. 11g of protein per cup 60 cals and counts as water. Nice and thin , not thick and gaggy. My surgeon gets us on solids very quickly so any ground meat cooked in broth, mashed kidney beans, stir fried kale, lentils. My grain of choice is quinoa. I don't eat wheat, rice, potato or processed corn anymore. My food diary is open and anyone can friend me. Good luck
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I had my sleeve. 11/1/12. Have had several bumps in the road and several stalls. Still hanging in there. I have had great support from family and friends but it really helps to have people that can relate to where you are coming from. It's the best decision I ever made to have my sleeve, although there have been a lot of times that I have asked myself what I have done to myself. Lol. But no regrets!!!

    Sounds like my road! Losing slow, lots of stalls, etc! I'm also still hanging in there, not ready to be done losing and continuing to work the plan. I will get it all off eventually, I know I will! :laugh:

  • swindham333
    Hello! I was sleeved almost a month ago, on May 15, 2014. I'm 30lbs down and feeling discouraged. The first 20 fell off within the first week and a half, but the other 10 have come slowly. I was scared to death before I went in, but I knew its what I had to do. Also, I am having a hard time planning my meals around full time job and college. I am in dire need of friends and supporters.
  • lonirrt
    lonirrt Posts: 16 Member
    I too am 3 years post op and still have about ten extra pounds on me! However, I feel wonderful, healthy. It is normal to have stalls, especially as your body gets to points where you were in the past that perhaps is where you stayed for awhile. Make sure you are taking measurements also as I found when weight was going no where inches were
  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    I am a little over two years out and still have a good bit to lose. Mine was not "normal" for I had a bad hip and several other unrelated health issues that casued me to have two additional surgeries in a short term -- all three in 18 months. Just know that is it still worth it. Do I wish I was where I wanted to be, sure. Am I upset I did this? Not a bit.

    Good luck and feel free to friend me if you want more cheerleaders!