one breast dried up?

lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
LO is just over 9 months and I went from having an over supply while he was BF only, so just adequate supply after starting solids. My left breast is essentially dried up now. I think the let down was slower on if, so he never could get as much milk from it. this morning, after not nursing from that side for 14 hours, he got out maybe half an ounce before I gave up and put him on the other side.

Has this happened to anyone else? do I need to worry? I would like to make it to 12 months but I'm not sure I would be able to make it off of one breast alone...


  • I haven't had this specific experience but my 6 month old only uses my right breast. For some reason she fusses and pulls off the left. I can tell you it's not a problem with a baby only using one breast. My daughter weighs 26lbs, yes 26lbs. She only drinks my milk, no solids (why we don't know but the doctor is not worried). I can safely say my one breast is feeding her just fine lol. Good luck and don't worry mom. You'll make it to 12 months and beyond if you like:)
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    why do you think it dried up and he's not getting anything ? you just aren't feeling the let down? or is something else going on ?
  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    he isn't swallowing.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have heard of women nursing from one side only but don't have any personal experience with it. I've always had one side be a better producer than the other (and it switched boobs between kids). My only advice is to try to pump after you nurse on the "good side," or try always starting with the "dry side" and then switching sides. Maybe all you need is more stimulation?

    If not, your "good side" will probably compensate by producing more, and if not, you've done amazingly so far. Do whatever you need to do to feed your baby :)

    Also, isn't that frustrating having an oversupply, then having supply issues?
  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    I have heard of women nursing from one side only but don't have any personal experience with it. I've always had one side be a better producer than the other (and it switched boobs between kids). My only advice is to try to pump after you nurse on the "good side," or try always starting with the "dry side" and then switching sides. Maybe all you need is more stimulation?

    If not, your "good side" will probably compensate by producing more, and if not, you've done amazingly so far. Do whatever you need to do to feed your baby :)

    Also, isn't that frustrating having an oversupply, then having supply issues?

    Super frustrating! I used to leak all the time (up until 6 or 7 months) and my let down was so fast he would often gag (at least a few times a day). then he would come off and milk would be spraying everywhere. Now I am constantly worried about whether he is getting enough milk.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have heard of women nursing from one side only but don't have any personal experience with it. I've always had one side be a better producer than the other (and it switched boobs between kids). My only advice is to try to pump after you nurse on the "good side," or try always starting with the "dry side" and then switching sides. Maybe all you need is more stimulation?

    If not, your "good side" will probably compensate by producing more, and if not, you've done amazingly so far. Do whatever you need to do to feed your baby :)

    Also, isn't that frustrating having an oversupply, then having supply issues?

    Super frustrating! I used to leak all the time (up until 6 or 7 months) and my let down was so fast he would often gag (at least a few times a day). then he would come off and milk would be spraying everywhere. Now I am constantly worried about whether he is getting enough milk.

    Yup, I had the milk spray and the ridiculous letdown, too! My baby was so fussy and gassy, so I had to block feed. It worked a little too well because I seemingly had a bit of an undersupply issue, so I made some lactation cookies and drank Mother's Milk tea. That was around 8/9 months, and I wasn't sure if I'd make it to a year, but we're literally days away :)

    Have you tried any teas or anything like that?
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    1 breast will feed baby just fine, but it's also not unusual for breasts to produce differently. It doesn't mean you've dried up. I would nurse first on that side if you're worried though.
  • Mary407
    Mary407 Posts: 635 Member
    1 breast will feed baby just fine, but it's also not unusual for breasts to produce differently. It doesn't mean you've dried up. I would nurse first on that side if you're worried though.

    This is a good suggestion. Both of my girls preferred the right side as they got a bit older, and so my left breast always seemed less full. I'm sure that you know this already, but not just your baby but YOU adjust as your little one gets older, so things are going to feel way different regardless of side preference. I nursed our first for 18months and am still nursing our 2nd (23 months) now, and did some traveling for work over since our first daughter was born. It was a real learning experience to pump on the road with a 3mo at home, as opposed to an 18mo at home. When my body was used to feeding a small infant, I needed to pump all the time (I swear, I felt like I pumped in every major airport in the US). My breasts are different in every way with an older baby, but even though they do not appear or feel even remotely the same as when our girls were EBF, the pumping when traveling shows that I am still producing. You may not see the kind of big swallowing on one side, but that does not mean he is getting nothing. And by keeping him on that side at least some, he will continue to stimulate your milk production so you can breastfeed as long as you both want to.
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    1 breast will feed baby just fine, but it's also not unusual for breasts to produce differently. It doesn't mean you've dried up. I would nurse first on that side if you're worried though.

    i would seek LC to help, if you have't yet. But that is good advice ^^
  • sarahelizaaaa
    sarahelizaaaa Posts: 30 Member
    My 1-year-old son only nurses from my right breast. I used to offer the left and he would basically reject it, haha. I know it's because it does not produce as much milk. Now that he's drinking cow's milk and lots of solids, I'm not as worried about his bm consumption, so I just breastfeed him from 1 breast.
  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    My 15 month old only nurses from my right breast. It's been like that for 7 months and I've never had any supply issues. My left breast has pretty much dried up but my right one has compensated for it and produced the extra milk. The only thing I will say is that when feeding from one breast only I've noticed that one is quite bigger than the other. Not noticeable out and about but me and my partner definitely notice it. It doesn't happen to everyone though.