What do you use to track your run's?

I'm currently using Strava, but I like the bells and whistles of RunKeeper. Any suggestions?

If anyone uses Strava would you like to add each other to help keep us motivated?


  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    Runtastic... I can log walking, running, other workouts. I've only used it a handful of times so far since I'm still doing C25K and don't know if I can run both at once.
  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    Icardio by digifit. The free version us pretty basic but you can upgrade for £5 to extra features like programming your own splits by time or distance, fitness assessments etc
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I used Runkeeper when I was doing C25K, now I use Runkeeper in parallel with Endomondo as the latter has some powerful analysis capabilities through the web site.

    I've used MapMyFitness and found it very unstable, I've also used Runtastic and found it a complete battery hog, as well as being quite limited in its capabilities. Lots of paid for add ons whereas Runkeeper and Endomondo have a very simple premium model to get access to all of the capabilties.

    I haven't used Strava, so can't really provide a comparison with it.
  • huntermaz
    huntermaz Posts: 37 Member
    I use ismoothrun, can export to runkeeper. It can track indoor runs which I use all the time. Our park distrist has an indoor track.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I use Runtastic Pro.

    Here are many more comments if you're interested:
  • acidstained
    acidstained Posts: 35 Member
    I used and loved Runkeeper for years, but I recently switched because it doesn't support my Bluetooth HRM. It does support the Polar Bluetooth HRM, but I did some research and decided not to get that one. I tried both iCardio and Endomondo as replacements - even paid for both - and decided on Endomondo. The only thing I don't like is that you can't edit the map if your GPS doesn't track right, but I could always export it from Endomondo, import it into Runkeeper, edit the map, export it from Runkeeper, and import it back into Endomondo if i really wanted to.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    It's getting bad. I use a C25k app, Nike+ (this has my really old data back before GPS, and I had a shoe tracker), MapMyRun, and just added Digifit for my HRM. Depending on Digifit, I might cut MapMyRun.
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    I simultaneously use Nike+ and C25K Pro that I purchased for 1.99... totally worth the money in my opinion :)
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I record the run activity with my Garmin watch, with ANT+ HRM, footpod and temperature sensor.

    I use the iPhone app RunDouble to play music and give me audio cues for the intervals. RunDouble also records a GPS track but I mainly use it just to tell me when to warm up, when to run, when to walk, when I'm half-way done, and when to cool down.

    I then use Tapiriik to sync the activity to Garmin Connect, Strava, Runkeeper and Dropbox.

    Yes, I'm a nerd.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I used and loved Runkeeper for years, but I recently switched because it doesn't support my Bluetooth HRM. It does support the Polar Bluetooth HRM, but I did some research and decided not to get that one. I tried both iCardio and Endomondo as replacements - even paid for both - and decided on Endomondo. The only thing I don't like is that you can't edit the map if your GPS doesn't track right, but I could always export it from Endomondo, import it into Runkeeper, edit the map, export it from Runkeeper, and import it back into Endomondo if i really wanted to.

    RunKeeper does not support the Polar H7. That's the reason I left it for MapMyRun.

    The main reason I stick with MapMyRun is because, while you can track any activity type in any of their apps, I have 4 of them installed so I can change the settings for specific workouts. For example, I don't post my walking workouts to facebook and I don't want any notification during the walk. In MapMyWalk, I have it all turned off, in MapMyRun (as well as MapMyRide) I keep it on. With all other apps, I would have to constantly fiddle with the settings. I usually log walks, runs and rides several times a week.
  • newmom_2012
    newmom_2012 Posts: 96 Member
    I use endomondo, I like it. There are challenges which help keep me motivated, and I can track other forms of exercise too. There calorie counts are way off though. I went for a hike with my 2 year old and we went .65 miles in an hour and it told me I burned 700+ calories. I probably only burned 1/4 of that.
  • kmc979
    kmc979 Posts: 99 Member
    I use the polar h7 and it works just fine with runkeeper. However, I am leaving runkeeper for a garmin forerunner 220 (sad to have to start earning my PR's again)
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    I use MapMyRun app on my phone. I love looking up the little peaks in my run intervals afterward.
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    I use endomondo currently. I like it, just dont like carrying a phone.
    Considering switching to a garmin gps watch.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I love Rundouble. I used it for my C25K and now I use the free run setting. I used to us Mapmyrun, but it was never as accurate as Rundouble.
  • Lachelleofthesea
    Lachelleofthesea Posts: 24 Member
    I use MapMyRun synced with my Polar HRM. I haven't had any issues with it lately. It would fail to record some workouts several months ago. I think they've fixed the bug.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member