1st week my fitness and in wales. need a buddy

I live in wales first week on the fitness diet and want to lose weight and wondered if anyone wants to buddy up and help each



  • jobiwan83
    jobiwan83 Posts: 4

    How are you getting on? I'm in North Wales and just restarted 3 weeks ago. Did really well last time but unfortunately after my wedding stopped and started putting the pounds back on. Not sure if you've done this before but if you want any help or someone to share ideas with then feel free to add me.

    Jo x
  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, I'm in the NE atm but am planning on moving to Wales in a few months. Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I'm in Northern Ireland but doing really well on this journey if you need any help, advice or just encouragement add me and I will try my best to help you
  • greentray
    greentray Posts: 35 Member
    From South Wales, 3 weeks on MFP feel free to add me -)
  • sophieR12
    sophieR12 Posts: 43
    This is my first week too so feel free to add me too :)