Getting pregnant

I've read that a lot of people have conceived after losing a little bit of weight and while I do want to conceive I'm worried about my weight loss if I do. I want to be able to get down to a healthy weight and I'm afraid that if I get pregnant half way through I won't stick with the weight loss but at the same time I don't want to try and prevent getting pregnant because we've been trying for two years and what if that would be my only chance? I'm just so confused. I would greatly appreciate any advice.


  • sandtisch
    sandtisch Posts: 32 Member
    Every little bit of weight loss is better than no weight loss at all. If a pregnancy happens half way through, it happens. My husband are there right now, will start our first Clomi cycle (as advised by my Ob/Gyn since my BMI dropped under 35 recently) next month.

    And I have no intention of going back to my unhealthy lifestyle when falling pregnant (despite some cravings, of course) or afterwards. It is a lifelong journey.

    Pregnancy may stop your weight loss for some time, but not your mindshift!
  • amethyst70
    amethyst70 Posts: 68
    I became pregnant on 3 out of 4 pregnancies while doing Atkins. The first time I had done Atkins WOL for over a year. So when I became pg my DR. told me to EAT and EAT BREAD! LOL. So I did. In excess. But it all worked out in the end.

    I too did 3 rounds of clomid. Good Luck. It did help with my egg release the first 2 months but the 3rd month, the month I became pg, on day 12 & 14 my follicles didn't develop enough to release an egg. I have always had missed periods, 32-45 day cycles, etc, so didn't think anything of it. Actually at day 28, started on progesterone as my TOM hadn't arrived, and it was verified at Drs. Office I was not pregnant. 2 weeks later and with symptoms took a test and was pg. Was determined I conceived on day 35 of cycle, without the egg drop from clomid. Really crazy.

    Anyways, clomid made me a walking, crying, crazy mood swing. My poor husband at the time said it was the worst thing he ever had to endure. LOL.

    NOW. IF you were to get pg during weight loss journey, which is a strong possibility, here is my thoughts as to why, and what have you.

    1. Your hormones will come back around sometimes, when you start eating cleaner, and lose weight, and stay away from processed sugar. Going more low carb, and natural definitely helps. It gives your ovaries a break from the constant attack from insulin, trying to fight the sugar highs.

    2. Your focus shifts to losing weight, being fit, and then relieves the stress of constantly thinking about getting pg.
    I know, I KNOW it sucks hearing that. I suffered for 10 years from secondary infertility, and everyone would say your thinking or wanting it too much. When you relax it will happen. As stated above, that IS when it happened. When Dr. said no way in hell would I get preggers that cycle, I totally stopped worrying about it, and happened.

    Weight Loss, MUST be done for YOU. Your health, your fitness, Your well being. Trying to lose weight, to get pregnant sometimes works, but overall, it has to be all about you first. So, If you do become pregnant, anytime during it, and you have been active, and eating at a deficit, and watching sugar, these are all very good things for your pregnancy. A Dr. specifically a reproductive endocrinologist, will be very in tune with you and your pregnancy, and will help you set a dietary plan during the pregnancy. If you are still moderately overweight, a Dr. who specializes in PCOS/OB is NOT going to demand you to gain weight. They may request you stay at maintenance calories, or hold steady, and NOT gain weight during your pregnancy. After baby was born, you would still be able to just resume your deficit and get back to losing weight. :)

    I don't know if you believe in a higher power, or the powers that be, or whatever your belief, but across many beliefs it always comes down to, everything happens in its own time. I SOOOO believe this. Things happen for a reason, and they happen as they are suppose to be. So if you were to become pg, then it was meant to be, and you go forward.

    I find with PCOS, one thing is for certain, nothing and I mean Nothing, happens in any sort of time frame we want it to happen in. I had hopes of getting pg and having all my children before 30. I had my children when I was 23, 33,34 and 39. NOT my plan at all, but more than happy with the way it has turned out.

    Don't worry too much about the "what ifs" as you deal with them as they come along. Deal with the "what nows" and move forward (hugs)
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I have two children. My younger is only four months old so I have some recent experience with postpartum weight struggles.
    With my daughter, who is seven, I just didn't give a crap after I had her and I did gain weight and had a hard time losing it. With my son, I lost all my pregnancy weight and then some right away (like seriously within two weeks). And then I gained most of it back! That's where I am right now. Trying to lose that. My advice to you is just take it as it comes. Weight does affect fertility but so does age ( it took me longer to conceive my son even though I weighed less - but I was also seven years older). So don't put it off forever while trying to lose weight. It IS hard to lose postpartum definitely but not impossible. I found that just logging onto MFP everyday (my streak goes back over two years, through my whole pregnancy and everything) really helps. Even when I was not eating the best or able to exercise much, I knew I would come back eventually. But, yes, you do have a priority shift both during pregnancy and afterward.
    Also, I agree with Amethyst about moving your mindset away from trying to get pregnant. Both times I got pregnant, I had basically given up. With my daughter, we had been trying for exactly a year and so I knew that they was the cycle they would begin to do fertility treatment so I was looking forward to trying something new and not really thinking so much about getting pregnant but I already was! With my son, we were trying for a year and a half and I had basically given up but my husband and I decided to just "pull the goalie" so to speak - to throw out all the charts, thermometers, etc. but to not use protection. I got pregnant that first month! I agree that it sucks when people are like "just relax about it" but I really do think it helps. My best advice is just go about your life and don't put things off just because you might get pregnant. I got a tattoo when I was a few weeks pregnant (a no no) because I didn't know yet.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    It's not about quitting your new-found healthy lifestyle, it's about adding a little person to it (easier said than done, I know). Two things that I learned with my daughter: reduce the amount of scrutiny while trying to get pregnant (reducing stressors can help with getting pregnant), and then when you do get pregnant, forget about the scale. Your doctor will be scrutinizing it enough for you :) Just do what you already know is right for you and then give in to a few cravings (some of them may be necessary,). Pregnancy is a trip and I did, in fact, gain too much weight too fast in the early months, but your doctor will let you know what's acceptable and what's too much, and you will know what's necessary to make you happy. I learned that a LOT of pregnancy and childbirth is deeply engrained in nature; I was just a bystander.