Monday! Lets go guys and girls!

FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
Accountability starts with just checking in and making sure your making time to check into the group post and comment!
Its been a long weekend for most of us here because of the holiday. So for some of you Tuesday is day one of the week. Tonights tips are:

#1 if you are going to work out tomorrow set your work out clothes aside ready to go with your sneakers. This will help make it easier for you to get going.

#2 Meal plan: Figure out the night before what your meals are going to be for the next day. This will help cut down on unhealthy choices while your trying to figure out meals at the last minute and you find your self at a drive through window.

#3 When you wake up in the morning remind your self of your goals! Post them with sticky notes every where! Steering wheel, pocket book, mirror, phone background pic.... Every place that will make you think about a healthy decision before you follow through with a bad one.

Hope these tips help you guys and I hope some of you actually try them out. :)
Take care and have an awesome start to your week! :)

FitCoach Shawn


  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Useful points.

    Today I'm at a disadvantage with meal planning as I need groceries. I am going to try to track a head of eating especially since I don't have a packed lunch today.

    For me, working out comes down to getting out of work on time, getting sleep the night before, and NOT turning on the computer...

    The day after a long weekend always feels completely disorganized to me.
  • laurawelch62085
    laurawelch62085 Posts: 8 Member
    I haven't posted for Memorial day weekend - figured I got a pass! Will be better moving forward.

    However, here is where I landed yesterday - not great but not horrible either!

    Ran 4.2 miles
    Drank 5 glasses of water

    Breakfast - almond milk and strawberry smoothie
    lunch - starbucks reduced fat turkey bacon and egg white sandwich (no cheese)
    dinner - 2 cups edamame, 6 pcs of salmon sushi, 6 pcs eel avocado sushi

    Snacks - Gatorade (small bottle), kettle corn (1 1/4 cups), 2 fortune cookies
  • thatsmrshodos2u
    thatsmrshodos2u Posts: 5 Member
    love the idea of sticky notes every where!!!!
  • mhill40
    mhill40 Posts: 16 Member

    Checking In! The holiday weekend wasn't terrible, but so far so good today, I won't get to workout today but I'm eating well and drinking my H2O!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi, I have been slacking lately, can't figure out how to get going again, I eat junk get mad then eat more say I won't do it again still eat more, a vicious circle
  • ddrmaster07
    ddrmaster07 Posts: 41 Member
    Very useful tips. I definitely cant go wrong if I make my food the evening before.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Hi, I have been slacking lately, can't figure out how to get going again, I eat junk get mad then eat more say I won't do it again still eat more, a vicious circle

    I get into a viscous cycle too. To me, tracking no matter what especially before I eat something helps curb it some. Habits are hard to build and break but I am sure we can do it.
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Most people have been there! I know I have. It accumulates. Try not going cold turkey with the junk food wean your self off like a cigarette smoker. ;) What I find happens more often than not is people try to cut junk food out all together and they end up binge eating at the end of the week. All there hard work and progress through out the week is hindered by the binge that's about to happen come Sat and Sun. Working out and eating healthy is a LIFE STYLE change. Doesn't happen over night and we cant kick all of our bad eating habits our over night. If you can try and make a conscious effort every day and week to improve upon your daily goals then maybe at the end of the month you will find it easier to eat healthier and you will not crave the unhealthy food as much.
    Also try to find HEALTHY snacks and maybe lemon water to snack on that you would really like. Have them handy so when a craving hits you have some thing readily available to eat that wont be junk. Just some food for thought. :)
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Today was a good day for me... started out with 18 min yoga. I really think the yoga is helping me with stress and eating. I feel a calmness and I feel relaxed. I found it hard to track everything yesterday while at a friends barbecue so I just started over today. I'm on week 4 of Zombie 5K and completed day one of week 4 today. I am participating in a 5k on June 7 and I'm starting to feel the pressure.

    I have been slowly cutting down on junk food and making healthier choices.... I feel like if I have things on hand I can make good choices. A few of my go to snacks are chobani flips, skinny pop popcorn, smashed avocado on toast, veggies with greek yogurt dip, or a tall nonfat vanilla latte from Starbucks.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Food: did well. Went over on calories but it would have been fine if I had not been behind tonight and would have gotten exercise in.

    Goal for tomorrow: get out of bed at 5 to workout. But will need to see how I sleep. Tiredness leads to bad food choices for me.