Week 2 Challenge

strawmama Posts: 623 Member
We're gonna do @crepes_ idea this week. Let's work on some positivity. At the end of each day, (or at least a few days this week) write down 15 things you are proud of yourself for, or things you did right, etc.
If you struggle with 15 things a day, how about coming up with 15 things for the entire week?

Happy Memorial Day y'all!


  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    That is an awesome idea! I think so many times we forget to be positive. We get so tied up in our normal everyday stuff we just run on auto pilot! Great idea!!!
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    I think for me it will be easier to do 15 for the week. I tried, but only came up with a few for yesterday.

    So, my list starts with these:

    1. I bought boiled peanuts yesterday. One of my absolute favorite foods. I didn't eat that many of them, and I've been known to eat the entire bag!

    2. My other absolute favorite food, macaroni and cheese. I made it homemade last night and did really good...only had a little over a half a serving.
  • angieshubin
    angieshubin Posts: 99 Member
    This is a great idea!

    1. Drinking more water
    2. Gave up soda
    3. signed up for 5k color run in Sept.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    This is a great idea!

    1. Drinking more water
    2. Gave up soda
    3. signed up for 5k color run in Sept.

    Have fun on the color run!! I've always wanted to do one, because they look like so much fun and like they'd be extra rewarding. Found out that the color dust they throw on you is made of corn, which I'm allergic to. But maybe someday I'll run it in a full spandex suit, hahaha!
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    3. Eating mostly those comfort foods (favorites) yesterday and staying within my calorie goal.
    4. Weird, but I cried yesterday because I knew I wasn't going to get my steps in.
    5. Sticking with my one soda a day rule. Yesterday was hard since I wasn't home much but I managed it.
  • ashleighrose13
    ashleighrose13 Posts: 16 Member
    This is for yesterday:
    1. I had my last cigarette.
    2. I only had 1.5 glasses of wine (a personal best)
    3. I was in a good mood all day.
  • Robme123
    Robme123 Posts: 10 Member
    This is for yesterday:
    1. I had my last cigarette.
    2. I only had 1.5 glasses of wine (a personal best)
    3. I was in a good mood all day.
  • Robme123
    Robme123 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow some great stuff going on! OK yesterday cleaned the fridge and freezer ! Walked around the lake, Made a decision to not overreact to anything yesterday. I kept it light!
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    1. I stayed on my macro plan and ate only when hungry. I'd been having some serious binge issues for weeks, so this is a great one for me. The first couple of days back from a binge period are always hardest.

    I only have the one for the week so far, but I'm so happy with it. I'm sure there are more to come.
    This is for yesterday:
    1. I had my last cigarette.

    Congrats on quitting! The health benefits will be so worth it.
    4. Weird, but I cried yesterday because I knew I wasn't going to get my steps in.

    I find this so adorable.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    This is for yesterday:
    1. I had my last cigarette..
    Congrats! I sooo wish I could quit!

    1. I stayed on my macro plan and ate only when hungry. I'd been having some serious binge issues for weeks, so this is a great one for me. The first couple of days back from a binge period are always hardest.
    This is great!
  • cjthurman
    cjthurman Posts: 56 Member
    1. Got my water in
    2. Hit my macros

    Sadly, that's it! I'm not meeting my other goals at present (mainly exercise).
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    1. Got my water in
    2. Hit my macros

    That's good! I NEVER hit my macros. I think it may have happened by accident, twice.
  • schafmom
    schafmom Posts: 106 Member
    This is for yesterday:
    1. I had my last cigarette.
    2. I only had 1.5 glasses of wine (a personal best)
    3. I was in a good mood all day.

    Congrats on having your last cigarette....I quit 6 months ago you will never regret it.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    6. Personal best time walking, 15:02 per mile!
    7. I hit 20,000 steps again yesterday and my feet weren't killing me...think my body might be getting used to this!
    8. I am SO FRIGGIN' close to my 150 miles in May step goal...and I really want to make it happen, although it's going to be a tough two days!
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    9. I hit my May goal of 150 miles! Holy cow!!
    10. I had a gain last week and I was SO disappointed, but I got over it, logged it, and moved on. Mystery gain ended up being my TOM and since then that weight has come off :)
    11. Yesterday, knowing I was close to my goal for May, my husband asked me if I wanted to walk in the morning. He's really trying, and I'm so proud!
    12. My clothes. OMG, nothing fits. I think I will HAVE to wear some old, smaller jeans to work today.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    13. I bought new underwear yesterday. Smaller underwear. They fit. Oy.
    14. I decided to up the ante for June and try for 155 miles logged with my Fitbit.
    15. I felt famished last night. Like I haven't eaten in FOREVER. So, I ate. And ate. Felt better, went over on calories, didn't stress. Shoot, I was way below on calories all week so it's all good!