When Are We Starting Solids?

kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
I know we're all over the world and therefore all given different recommendations, but out of interest when are you/did you start your baby on solids?

My daughter will be 20 weeks this weekend and now dribbles and flaps when watching us eat meals, so I'm thinking that the time has come. Her weight and growth has always been fine. She's not got any teeth yet, but she's clearly now showing an interest in food.

Eleven years ago, when I had my first child, babies started food at 4 months. Then the recommendations changed and stated no food was necessary before 6 months. And my mother-in-law is always telling me that 40 yrs ago she started her babies on solids at 6 weeks!

So what's everyone else doing?


  • Dedicatedmetime
    Dedicatedmetime Posts: 32 Member
    From Canada: I started my first on solids at 5 months (Dr recommended) and with my second at 6 months.
  • LJeffersSW
    LJeffersSW Posts: 26 Member
    We started when our little one turned 5.5 months. He also started showing an interest! When you know, you know. I'd start!
  • acarrillo2012
    acarrillo2012 Posts: 34 Member
    I started at 6 months because that was my pediatrician's recommendation. But my daughter was definitely showing interest when she was 5 months.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The AAP says you can start at 4 months if you like but recommends starting at 6 months. We started at 5.5 months, but he was ready around 5 months.

    ETA that I think I started at 4 months with my first, but he definitely wasn't ready.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    a baby's digestive track isn't really ready for solid food until 6 months, so that's when we started. Even then, food before 1 is just for fun!!!....Granted my 19 month old still is more of a boob man himself.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Also in Canada and started at 6 months, but like others she showed interest earlier. I also have a MIL who said 6 months was too late and that her kids were eating grated apples at 3 months old. Good for you, MIL! That was 35 years ago and in another country! :laugh:

    Anyway, I'd go with whatever your doctor says. Some babies start earlier with cereal in their bottle if there's concern about weight gain, but if her growth is fine there's likely no need to start earlier.
  • Andrea3030
    Andrea3030 Posts: 161
    I just started at 6 months, she was 5 weeks premature though. I started my other two around 5.5 months. If you start too early they just push out most of the food with their tongue anyway.

    I also think rice cereal is totally pointless, I go right to avocado, bananas and sweet potato.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Interesting to see most mothers are like-minded no matter where in the world we are!

    I also think the whole baby rice thing is pointless and will go straight for home-pureed fruit and veg :smile:
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    We started purées at 6 months and now, at 9 months, he won't eat anything off a spoon! He only wants food he can pick up himself.
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    I started making purees around 5 months - carrots, sweet peas, butternut squash. Applesauce, bananas, pears, avocados, cooked soft noodles, scrambled eggs, toast are all on the menu for our 9.5 month old twins now. They had a long bought of illnesses (pneumonia & RSV) during the winter and were on a rice cereal & applesauce diet for about 3-4 weeks but are bouncing back STRONG now. I use our Magic Bullet to whip up their rice cereal based portions and love to be able to cut up a soft food and watch them explore new textures, flavors and colors. They still get bottles but love yogurt melts, baby puffs, and really anything they can cram in their mouths.
  • Mshukh
    Mshukh Posts: 24 Member
    We started at a week short of 6 months. But we did baby led weaning so the amounts of food were negligible for a while. Only as of a month ago is he really starting to consume a sizeable amount of food. Growth is all on track, so there are no concerns. Iron checked and that was good as well. I think some studies suggest that if baby does not have the gross motor skills to put the food in the mouth, their digestive system is just not ready yet. This was the primary reason for us waiting till 6 months and just letting him lead the way. Plus I'm lazy, so purees really turned me off :)

    Edited: to say that he's 9.5 months now and I'm glad we did this since at this point they are supposed to be off purees anyhow.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    We started at a week short of 6 months. But we did baby led weaning so the amounts of food were negligible for a while. Only as of a month ago is he really starting to consume a sizeable amount of food. Growth is all on track, so there are no concerns. Iron checked and that was good as well. I think some studies suggest that if baby does not have the gross motor skills to put the food in the mouth, their digestive system is just not ready yet. This was the primary reason for us waiting till 6 months and just letting him lead the way. Plus I'm lazy, so purees really turned me off :)

    Edited: to say that he's 9.5 months now and I'm glad we did this since at this point they are supposed to be off purees anyhow.

    What kinds of foods did you use for the baby-led weaning? This is the approach I'd like to take. My daughter is just over four months and doesn't seem to have any interest, but I was thinking after five and a half months, giving it a go (per our ped's recommendation).
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Well, our Rosanna is 20 weeks and 3 days and had her first meal today. She ate just over a tablespoon of apple and pear puree and seemed to enjoy it :smile:
  • kozlow27
    kozlow27 Posts: 53 Member
    We started solids a few days shy of 6 months. DH bugged me to start around 5 months but I stood my ground and waited until 6 months. My personal opinion is that their gut isn't ready for solids before then. DS is now 12 days shy of his first birthday and we are working on incorporating more finger foods (besides the normal puffs, yogurt melts, Cheerios, pancakes, etc).
  • LylaM1986
    LylaM1986 Posts: 1 Member
    We started about 4.5 months. My husband was eating one day while holding her and she lunged forward to try it. She's now about 6.5 months and will eat any and everything....including pork chops and pickles!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I wouldn't say that rice cereal is pointless. It's used as an easy/gentle food to sort of practice for "real" purées, but it has a lot of iron, which is much needed. I prefer to use baby oatmeal, which has just as much iron, and it seems a better choice to me than just rice cereal, but baby cereals do have a purpose. I generally don't feed them on their own, though, but mix them with veggies/fruits/meats. My baby likes thick foods now, so I can take a stage three pouch and mix it with cereal to thicken it up.
  • Mshukh
    Mshukh Posts: 24 Member
    We started with Avocado and broccoli which he loved. He still loves avocado but isn't as crazy about broccoli any longer. In general though, he loves veggies and fruit, but is not as interested in fish and meats. Also, not so crazy about eggs yet either. He does try almost everything we put in front of him though and that's all I ask for. Plus a preference for veggies / fruits is not something I will complain about. I know that will change as he gets older.

    As far as rice cereal, I think that's one of those things that doesn't have a right or wrong answer. Just a right or wrong answer for the particular family, baby, and situation. Personally, I don't think it was worthwhile for us and the negatives outwheigh the positives.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Well, after ten days of flatly refusing food after the first mouthful each time we're having a rethink. The first spoonful she gets all excited about then refuses to open her mouth for anymore, lol. We've tried sweet fruit puree, savoury veg puree and a mix of both - apple, pear, carrot, swede and parsnip so far. Taking a break, then will start again with new flavours. Would be good to find something she likes and will eat more than a spoonful of by the time she's six months. Lots more to try :wink:
  • vlsay4what
    vlsay4what Posts: 10 Member
    I started my first (7 years ago) on solids at 9 months.
    The little greedy man I have now started at 5 months!
  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    late to the party. we started around 5 months. we started off slow, but by around 7 months he was eating three meals a day. I think if we have another kids, I would start at 6 months and do more of a baby led weaning approach (maybe with just a bit of cereal with meals to meat the iron demands.

    at 9.5 months I am now having problems with my milk supply. I've cut out water completely for a few days am pumping to empty the boobs after nursing (I am Canadian so I'm at home for the first year), and am taking blessed thistle and fenugreek to try to keep my supply up. I think if I had been slower with the solids, my milk supply would be better now. I partly pushed to try to make him sleep better at night, he pretty much stopped nursing at night, but was still waking up every few hours, so it really didn't help with that.
  • kozlow27
    kozlow27 Posts: 53 Member
    We started solids a couple days before DS was 6 months. And I only did that because DH had been hounding me to start solids since DS was 4.5 months. I wanted to wait until 6 months because baby's gut isn't developed enough for solids before then. We started with pureed butternut squash. It took him a few weeks, maybe even a month, to get the hang of really eating solids.

    Here is some research that helped me decide when to introduce solids: http://kellymom.com/nutrition/starting-solids/delay-solids/
  • kozlow27
    kozlow27 Posts: 53 Member
    late to the party. we started around 5 months. we started off slow, but by around 7 months he was eating three meals a day. I think if we have another kids, I would start at 6 months and do more of a baby led weaning approach (maybe with just a bit of cereal with meals to meat the iron demands.

    at 9.5 months I am now having problems with my milk supply. I've cut out water completely for a few days am pumping to empty the boobs after nursing (I am Canadian so I'm at home for the first year), and am taking blessed thistle and fenugreek to try to keep my supply up. I think if I had been slower with the solids, my milk supply would be better now. I partly pushed to try to make him sleep better at night, he pretty much stopped nursing at night, but was still waking up every few hours, so it really didn't help with that.

    Maybe I'm reading your post wrong but if you are trying to keep your supply up you should not be cutting out water from your diet. You would want to increase your water consumption. If you are dehydrated your supply will most definitely take a hit and decrease. You can also try eating oatmeal (old fashioned oats) and taking More Milk Plus. Also, lactation cookies are awesome at helping supply. You can Google "lactation cookies" and you will get tons of great recipes. The brewers yeast, rolled oats, and flaxseed are essential to the recipes.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Well, after ten days of flatly refusing food after the first mouthful each time we're having a rethink. The first spoonful she gets all excited about then refuses to open her mouth for anymore, lol. We've tried sweet fruit puree, savoury veg puree and a mix of both - apple, pear, carrot, swede and parsnip so far. Taking a break, then will start again with new flavours. Would be good to find something she likes and will eat more than a spoonful of by the time she's six months. Lots more to try :wink:
    We started over at 28 weeks and now she's happy to eat rusks and a little mashed banana. She definitely prefers lumpier food to smooth puree and we have lots more to try. Funny, but she's the exact opposite of my boys at her age.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    late to the party. we started around 5 months. we started off slow, but by around 7 months he was eating three meals a day. I think if we have another kids, I would start at 6 months and do more of a baby led weaning approach (maybe with just a bit of cereal with meals to meat the iron demands.

    at 9.5 months I am now having problems with my milk supply. I've cut out water completely for a few days am pumping to empty the boobs after nursing (I am Canadian so I'm at home for the first year), and am taking blessed thistle and fenugreek to try to keep my supply up. I think if I had been slower with the solids, my milk supply would be better now. I partly pushed to try to make him sleep better at night, he pretty much stopped nursing at night, but was still waking up every few hours, so it really didn't help with that.

    Maybe I'm reading your post wrong but if you are trying to keep your supply up you should not be cutting out water from your diet. You would want to increase your water consumption. If you are dehydrated your supply will most definitely take a hit and decrease. You can also try eating oatmeal (old fashioned oats) and taking More Milk Plus. Also, lactation cookies are awesome at helping supply. You can Google "lactation cookies" and you will get tons of great recipes. The brewers yeast, rolled oats, and flaxseed are essential to the recipes.
    ^^^ Completely agree ^^^
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Depends on the child. 3 of our children started around 4-5 months. Our last baby refuses solids and she will be 7 months next week.
  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    late to the party. we started around 5 months. we started off slow, but by around 7 months he was eating three meals a day. I think if we have another kids, I would start at 6 months and do more of a baby led weaning approach (maybe with just a bit of cereal with meals to meat the iron demands.

    at 9.5 months I am now having problems with my milk supply. I've cut out water completely for a few days am pumping to empty the boobs after nursing (I am Canadian so I'm at home for the first year), and am taking blessed thistle and fenugreek to try to keep my supply up. I think if I had been slower with the solids, my milk supply would be better now. I partly pushed to try to make him sleep better at night, he pretty much stopped nursing at night, but was still waking up every few hours, so it really didn't help with that.

    Maybe I'm reading your post wrong but if you are trying to keep your supply up you should not be cutting out water from your diet. You would want to increase your water consumption. If you are dehydrated your supply will most definitely take a hit and decrease. You can also try eating oatmeal (old fashioned oats) and taking More Milk Plus. Also, lactation cookies are awesome at helping supply. You can Google "lactation cookies" and you will get tons of great recipes. The brewers yeast, rolled oats, and flaxseed are essential to the recipes.

    I meant cutting the water that LO is drinking so that he has to nurse for hydration :)

    Also taking blessed thistle and fenugreek pills.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    late to the party. we started around 5 months. we started off slow, but by around 7 months he was eating three meals a day. I think if we have another kids, I would start at 6 months and do more of a baby led weaning approach (maybe with just a bit of cereal with meals to meat the iron demands.

    at 9.5 months I am now having problems with my milk supply. I've cut out water completely for a few days am pumping to empty the boobs after nursing (I am Canadian so I'm at home for the first year), and am taking blessed thistle and fenugreek to try to keep my supply up. I think if I had been slower with the solids, my milk supply would be better now. I partly pushed to try to make him sleep better at night, he pretty much stopped nursing at night, but was still waking up every few hours, so it really didn't help with that.

    Maybe I'm reading your post wrong but if you are trying to keep your supply up you should not be cutting out water from your diet. You would want to increase your water consumption. If you are dehydrated your supply will most definitely take a hit and decrease. You can also try eating oatmeal (old fashioned oats) and taking More Milk Plus. Also, lactation cookies are awesome at helping supply. You can Google "lactation cookies" and you will get tons of great recipes. The brewers yeast, rolled oats, and flaxseed are essential to the recipes.

    I meant cutting the water that LO is drinking so that he has to nurse for hydration :)

    Also taking blessed thistle and fenugreek pills.

    I am using Earth Mama Angel Baby tea to boost supply so that I can pump enough at work and it's been fantastic. I've used pretty much every other brand and theirs is the only one to noticeably increase my output... to where I pumped 9 oz Saturday during my baby's nap, because I had no choice, I needed some relief. I don't typically have that problem.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Even then, food before 1 is just for fun!!!....Granted my 19 month old still is more of a boob man himself.

    ^ That. I start letting my babies have little bits of whatever is on my plate whenever they start trying to grab for it, which is usually around 4-6 months. But I don't bother with rice cereal, purees, or any kind of baby food because I don't expect them to be getting their main nutrition from anything but breastmilk until they are at least a year old. Anything before that is purely for the joy of trying out new tastes and textures, and practicing eating. You don't need baby food for that.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    food before 1 just for fun! We don't do any food before 6 months. When we start we do veggies first. Cereal is useless.