People with 3 or more stones to lose in their 40's

pauline329 Posts: 21 Member
New here, I'm looking for friends with 3+ stones to lose who are in their 40's.
Does it get harder to lose the weight as you get older or is it just me?


  • dougt1973
    dougt1973 Posts: 1
    Hi - I just turned 41 last week and in the past 18 months I've dropped over 6.5 stone. Personally I've found it not too hard, its just a matter of finding the right food and exercise that work best for you and that you can make a permanent part of your life.
  • joblmayes
    joblmayes Posts: 42 Member
    I've sent you a FR
  • chezz
    chezz Posts: 69 Member
    hi i have over 3 stone to lose and i find its my willpwer i need a kick up the b**
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I'm 48 and have lost 82lb in the last 20 weeks if you think I can be of any help to you please add me
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I should say it doesn't matter what age you are, if you are committed to this process you can achieve your goals
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    That's my position. Turned 45 last week and have over 3 stones to lose. Recently I've been yo-yoing up and down the same few pounds and I think I'm discovering that though I've upped my exercise dramatically, increasing calories *at all* in response seems to result in no weight loss. I've also found out my thyroid is 'borderline' - not quite in a state where I need meds, but not operating optimally so I'm now really looking at nutrition as an improver to thyroid function.

    Feel free too add :)
  • HaggisWhisperer
    HaggisWhisperer Posts: 125 Member
    I've lost around 3 stone but I have about the same to go again. And the second half seems much harder. I lost a load of weight when I was in my late teens and kept it off for a long time - so yes, I think it is much harder this time around. I also think trying to fit it all in with jobs/work/children etc makes it much harder.
    MORECHABLIS2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I've 3 stone to lose... Just can't get in mood to keep to diet... But exercising hoping it will kick me into eating less...

    Feel free to FR me....


  • jillie99
    jillie99 Posts: 16 Member
    friend request sent
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    I'm early fifties and have lost over 3st now, yet had never managed it before int he past 25 years. So yes, it's possible, and entirely do-able if you are determined and have the arsenal to defeat the inevitable temptations etc.
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Great news of me then! I often think it's too late to turn my life around. It's good to see and read results to the contrary. I am really pleased with this! X
  • greentray
    greentray Posts: 35 Member
    45 this December coming. 6lb lost 3st to go. On day 22 and doing ok so far. Good luck on your journey, friends request sent x
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    47 and have more than 3 stone to lose. FR winging it's way to you. :smile:
  • robmac13h
    robmac13h Posts: 44 Member
    53 and have lost 5 stone in 8 month, not really been on a diet but have been watching what i eat and have started cycling
  • the3rdwife
    the3rdwife Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 42 and have 3 stones to loose. add away x
  • spinneyhex
    spinneyhex Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 44, have lost 2st and want to lose another :). You can add me, I log in everyday . Last two days have been a bit ropey I wouldn't look at them for Inspiration ;) ha ha
  • Curlysasha
    Curlysasha Posts: 191 Member
    Add me anyone, I'm 42 with PCOS and gluten intolerance.
    Lost 75lbs a year ago and regained after spinal surgery, now lost 63lbs
    Live in Dorset but born and bred London girl.
    Happy to support anyone x
  • sticky130
    sticky130 Posts: 101 Member
    Yep that's me then :)

    Bit more than 3 stone though :ohwell:

    Getting there slowly but surely :bigsmile:
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 40 in February and hoping to lose 50 lbs, can I join? :)
  • Creiddylad
    Creiddylad Posts: 27
    I'm early 50s and need to lose three stone, but have set myself a slightly lesser target of 36lbs for the time being. I've never successfully lost weight and kept it off for any length of time, so this time I'm doing it properly, slowly but surely and hopefully making some lifestyle changes along the way.

    I'm 'darn sarf' in Sussex.