When to adjust Macros?

I have a question for you re keto. I think I have been doing it wrong because I just noticed when I add exercise in MFP my macros increase! Should I increase my Macros with exercise or keep them the same every day regardless of expenditure?

Also, at what point do you adjust your caloric intake and macros? So far I have lost 7 lbs, should I adjust at 10 lbs?

Thanks :)


  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    How long have you had your macros where they are now? and what are they set at? I've been told to leave them for a couple of weeks at a time, changing them too much does nothing. you need to give your body time to adjust to the changes. Unfortunately when you work out they do change your macros but if you don't eat back your exercise calories just keep in mind what your usualy numbers are.
  • blushingbride2bee
    blushingbride2bee Posts: 39 Member
    They are 16g carbs, 105g fat, and 73g protein. I have been around that since I started keto 5 Weeks ago.

    What I also want to know is if people on keto increase those macros on days they exercise to eat the deficit.
  • carltonstedman
    carltonstedman Posts: 18 Member
    I would not adjust my macros unless I'm not hitting my goals (e.g. lbs/week, performance goals, etc.). If your primary goal is to lose weight, and you are losing weight, and feeling good, then I wouldn't adjust the macros much.

    If you're feeling like increasing weight loss, you could increase your caloric deficit, e.g. lower total calories by just consuming less fat/protein (depending on your goals, decreasing protein may not be ideal, like if you care about maintaining or building lean muscle). I would increase caloric deficit no more than 5-10% of total calories per week and get a feel for it.

    On days I train (strength training), I may have an extra 10% calories, if I feel I need it, mostly from protein. As far as other exercise, if it is low intensity and/or aerobic in nature, like walking, jogging, distance running, et cetera, I would not increase my calories unless I'm starving, treating it as an extra caloric deficit for the day.

    This is all assuming you are getting plenty of sleep and relaxation, of course. Otherwise, focus on that first before mucking with macros, I'd say.

    Hope this is insightful.
  • Caeyla
    Caeyla Posts: 42 Member
    Just curious--how did you choose your macro settings that you have now?

    I used http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ to set my original macros, and I refer back to it after every few pounds to make sure I'm still fairly in line with what it says. I did recently raise my net carb goal a little after being at 20 for the first 2 months (not for any particular reason--just because I felt like it and want to see what effect it has), and am experimenting with a dose of carbs before lifting (again, just to see what happens).

    I don't intentionally eat back exercise calories, but I do look at it as a cushion if I'm extra hungry (which usually only happens during PMS week lol). I basically ignore the "extra" added on to all the macros after I've put in exercise. I wish there was an option to turn that off. I like seeing how many calories I burned, but I don't like them screwing with all my macros because of it.
  • blushingbride2bee
    blushingbride2bee Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the good advice. I think I have been seeing better progress by keeping my calories a bit higher while keeping the macros the same and then not to consuming my exercise calories.

    I used this site to determine my macros http://www.mydreamshape.com/keto-calculator/

    I think once I lose 10 lbs I will re-calculate.

    Also, I liked the comment about getting enough sleep! That is always a challenge but I know how important it is for my health! I am working on that :)

    Thanks all.