Struggling tonight

tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
It is TOM so that may be why, or maybe it is just one of those times but I am so struggling right now. I went over a little but I want more, I want chips, dip, and more chips. I am so tempted to get into my outside clothes and go to the shop. I am sipping a hot drink hoping that will distract, I am here, I am repeating to myself over and over weigh in is just 2 days away. It is 6pm I can't go to bed! I want to cry that this is such a struggle. Tough day and tough week. No awful choices just general overeating at nearly every meal and still its not enough. I am not hungry. I just CRAVE. :(


  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm right there with you! I'm not really sure what my problem is. I think I'm just having issues re-adjusting to being back from vacation, which is stupid because I was only gone for like three days. I had a pizza buffet two days ago. Yesterday I didn't exercise at all, at two pecan pie bars, and had ice cream cake. And then today my boyfriend and I made this macaroni and cheese dish, and I had alcohol, and I had a bunch of sweets. I did exercise, but it wasn't nearly enough to make up for it.

    I know once I get into the swing of things again I'll be fine. It's just getting there that's the problem.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Hang in there hun. I hate days like that. I have them and have noticed that getting out of the house or getting busy helps. Just as long as you don't get out and drive to a McDonald's. Sometimes I clean. I hate cleaning but moving makes me less hungry.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    I did actually do that, not the mcDonalds lol, I did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, put on washing etc. The hot drink helped a little too. Still want it all but not likely to go and get it now, out of the danger zone!

    I am going to a Chinese buffet Saturday. Oh lordy. lol. I love Chinese but DH isn't a fan so we only go 2 or 3 times a year. Which is good in terms of my health of course, but it means when I get to go I get all pouty and DONT WANT TO BE GOOD lol. So I have full sympathy for your pizza buffet woes Kali.
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Just say to yourself...I've lost 64 pounds, it wasn't easy and I don't want to lose the same 64 again!!!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I can totally understand where you are, we have all ben their and will undoubtedly be their again. Sometimes it's just the perfect storm of every little thing coming together to make a week where everything is just difficult. I wish I also had better advice on how to deal with it but its just one of those things you have to try and stick out. Make the best decisions you can, talk through every choice and log. Their have been many nights I have paced back and for in front of the door with car keys in hand for half an hour trying to work out those urges. I have to go through it all in my mind and ask myself if I will really be happy or satisfied with the choice if I make it. Will the calories be worth it, will the taste really be worth it. Maybe in the end you let yourself do what you want to do, and when your satisfied or have control again you can decide how you felt about it and see if you can figure out why you felt that way.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    I could see you pacing RatPat.. I was rooting for you!

    tishtash and kaliya.. remember my mantra.. well okay it isn't a mantra but it's fast becoming one.. NO GUILT.. no beating yourself up. Now that doesn't mean you don't sit down and track, I am with Karen that it actually is helpful to try to track when you go over then at least you know how much damage you actually did.

    Here is where the tough part comes. Please track, maybe do some reading here, sit down and make a list of all the things being a healthy weight will mean to you, anything and everything to bring you back on track asap. Remember what I said about a bad day or moments.. those happen.. they are not the end of the world. It could be TOM.. I don't know I haven't had one since 2007 YAYYY. But I do seem to get one of those spins about once a month.. what is changing for me now is getting right back to it.

    Those moments or days are fine.. but don't let them become weeks or months or years. Then you can claim victory.. no matter what you ate.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    stay strong!! you can do it!
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    I have been there too...and often. I decided to try and do something productive with my hands to stop them from putting food in my mouth! I took up knitting....just those round hoops for neck scarves that you can get at a Walmart in the craft section. Easy Peasy to do...and the scarves make great gifts. You can sit there for hours and just 'knit' (not actually 'knit wth needles' , but wrap the yarn around the hoop and then pull it off). I also started to make jewelry....beaded necklaces, etc.....whatever it takes to keep my hands busy!!
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    That is a good idea Cat and you reminded me I love to cross stitch and have several pictures I have started and not finished or not even started yet. Maybe I need to get that sorted so I can grab it for those times. Thanks :)

    I made it btw so thank you guys. I didn't leave the flat and when DH said lets watch a film but that he was hungry I told him if he was eating I was going to bed. There was no way I could resist with him eating. I was tired anyway so off to bed it was, since the movie was one we'd already seen anyway. I dreamt of food lol. I was making rice krispie squares and was experimenting with different toppings. Drool lol
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    WELL DONE!!!! I have had the food dreams too... dreams of tables laden with every type of yummy cake imaginable!
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    Please track, maybe do some reading here, sit down and make a list of all the things being a healthy weight will mean to you, anything and everything to bring you back on track asap.

    I did track everything yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (thought still not good). This morning I'm feeling better, more determined. I'm definitely going to work on that list! I think that's a great idea. A letter to myself to read whenever I'm feeling down or like this isn't worth it.

    Thanks! :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I find that indulging in any of my former vices - or cravings - becomes an addictive downward spiral. I have to beat the addiction all over again. So if I have carbs in particular (whether the bread type or the sweets type), I crave MORE MORE MORE!!! So, I have to be super careful. Maybe one day I won't face this drastic of a restriction, but it is what it is.

    However, I'm the type of person that the more I try to make myself not have something specific, I will hoover up everything in the house trying to avoid it. So, if I can have a bite or two, and I make my guy be bad cop to me sometimes, I will usually be able to deal. But sometimes, probably at least still 50/50 if not higher, I end up binging and eating way more than I should...

    *le sigh* So, I usually end up forcing myself to walk it out, listen to loud angry rock music, or just going to sleep, if I can. None of these are an answered overall, but we just keep keeping on.

    Congrats, TishTash77 for making it through your craving without giving in. Today, you are STRONGWOMAN!! :)
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I find that indulging in any of my former vices - or cravings - becomes an addictive downward spiral. I have to beat the addiction all over again. So if I have carbs in particular (whether the bread type or the sweets type), I crave MORE MORE MORE!!! So, I have to be super careful. Maybe one day I won't face this drastic of a restriction, but it is what it is.

    However, I'm the type of person that the more I try to make myself not have something specific, I will hoover up everything in the house trying to avoid it. So, if I can have a bite or two, and I make my guy be bad cop to me sometimes, I will usually be able to deal. But sometimes, probably at least still 50/50 if not higher, I end up binging and eating way more than I should...

    *le sigh* So, I usually end up forcing myself to walk it out, listen to loud angry rock music, or just going to sleep, if I can. None of these are an answered overall, but we just keep keeping on.

    Congrats, TishTash77 for making it through your craving without giving in. Today, you are STRONGWOMAN!! :)

    Same here. The psychological cravings are a pain, but the physical cravings brought on by indulging in carbs are INTENSE!!!