First Plateau! Help!

Tamipopek Posts: 9 Member
I am 13 weeks out and have lost 56 pounds. I have had steady loss until this week, I did not loose even a pound this week! It is very discouraging and hard to understand because the low amount of calories I am consuming (700-900) per day. I was hoping to that some of you might have some input/advise. Has anyone had the same experience?


  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    56 #! You've done well, I think. And I think everyone goes through stalls and plateaus. I know I do. Just trust the process and keep doing what you need to do. Check your measurements if you are really going crazy. Sometimes measurements change while weight stays the same.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I had a week where I lost nothing. It was very frustrating. it was my 5th week after surgery and I totally thought that this TOOL failed me. I was eating according to Dr.s plan and still nothing then this week I have been losing a half pound a day, which is good for me. So stick with it and you should see results. Are you exercising? If so, then switch it up, do something new. I bet next week you will see some losses again.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    Just remember that you didn't gain all the weight in a week or a month or probably even a year. It does take time and your body needs to adjust.

    Trust the process and follow the diet. Get exercise in and YOU WILL LOSE! Congrats to you!
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    I hit my first stall at 3 weeks and I am currently in another stall at seven weeks. I was told lots of protein, lots of water, and exercise will help you move through the stalls. I was also told by my surgeon that you lose inches not pounds during a stall.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I honestly haven't noticed any stalls at all, but, I don't weigh myself more than every two weeks. If I did have a stall, my weight probably adjusted in that amount of time. One of the reasons I don't weigh myself more often is because like a lot of people, I can get way too fixated on the numbers. Like kglowins said, you could very well still be losing inches if you aren't losing pounds, so taking measurements periodically is a good way to track your progress. You really are doing great!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I feel you!! I am 16 weeks out and hit my first week with NO loss! It is frustrating, and yet... when IN YOUR LIFE did you lose weight this easily and quickly (by easily I mean minimal hunger, getting full on just a little bit of food, not feeling deprived, etc.)? I know I never have... so I try to keep it in perspective. Hang in there!!
  • Tamipopek
    Tamipopek Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone for the tips and encouragement!