Welcome and Introductions (May 31st.)

1013carl Posts: 376 Member
This Group and Topic are a continuation from the May group named “10lbs. By June”.

Where it all Started? It was a jay_taay idea, so all credit to her…
It appears that DEPick who originally built the site has deactivated his MFP account.

Anyone wanting to participate is welcome to join the group. Our goal is “10lbs By July”
Please make a posting here and introduce yourself!

In the group there are 2 topics to start with. One for posting your “Daily Workouts”, and the other one for you to post your “Weekly Weigh-Ins”.

Take it from there and add as needed. Any other related topics or member discussions are encouraged.

Enjoy yourselves, help each other, and Good Luck to you!


  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Hello, I just joined MFP about a month ago. I joined the original 10lbs by June group and met many great members .

    I took the mindset to begin taking baby steps.... my SW- 206, my CW= 197, my CGW=186, my UGW=180...
    So far I'm right at the 10 lb. mark and I did it last month walking, biking and watching the calories. For the first time ever in my life.

    I thought being 196 lbs. five weeks in would be enough for me to be motivated for quite a while.

    So I'm ready to double up and take the challenge again!

    Carl -
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Count me in for this challenge, I found the one in May to be very beneficial and was helped by the great support and encouragement, hopefully June will be just as successful.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    I'm in again too!
    There are going to be a lot of changes for me this month, including not being able to prepare my own food from now on, not being able to weigh it, not getting time for my workouts every now and then etc. So I'm going to see how much I've learned abut portion sizes and 'making time' in the past couple of months. It's going to be trial and error mostly, but I hope to find the right balance.
  • pmackey49
    pmackey49 Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks Carl for starting the new challenge. I joined the end of April and was a bit skeptical at first, but came to love this site. I enjoy reading other member stories, they're very encouraging.....looking forward to July...Happy losing everyone.
  • smithelly
    smithelly Posts: 24 Member
    I'm new to the challenge; count me in! I was able to get back to my pre- 2nd baby weight by his first birthday in March, but I'm still 10 lbs above my weight before my first. He turns 4 in July, so it is time! I have more to lose from there, but hitting this mark will make me very happy!

    I look forward to seeing everyone's hard work pay off:)

  • Cereceresl
    Cereceresl Posts: 14 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    hello my name is liz, and this is my very first time to really try to loose weight, I got 72 pounds to lose, so here I am.
  • IzzyRoseDixon
    IzzyRoseDixon Posts: 17 Member
    Hey I'm Izzy. I have 75lbs to lose in total so I know it will be a long journey. But I have a friends wedding in July where I am a bridesmaid along with 2 other friends who happen to be avid runners; we are all wearing the same style dress so I want to look as good as I can when next to them. My SW was 17st3 and my CW is 15st11. If I can get 10lbs more off by July I will be a very happy bunny.
  • carefulkate
    carefulkate Posts: 34 Member
    I am retiring in July and want to lose 10 lbs before then so I can start my retirement at a more healthy weight
    my SW 152lbs
    MyCw is 151.5
    my GW is 135
    I will log in daily to stay motivated
    Good luck everyone
  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    Hello I'm Terri , I have 81 more pounds to lose to I reach my goal weight . I been a member of MFP for a while but just started really using it and getting serious about my weight lose last year. I am not looking for fast results but 10LBS off each month will make me happy and keep me moving right along.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Well I failed to stay motivated at the 10lb/June challange....hoping that I can buckle down and recommit and lose a cool 10 by July!

    SW 242
    CW 226
    GW 150

    Good Luck all!
  • heather_dunphy
    heather_dunphy Posts: 53 Member
    Hi my name is Heather. I am new to MFP and would love to lose 10 pounds by July 1st. I think that joining a group will really help with that.
    I have a long ways to go but know I'll get there this time. I've tried other diets and always ended up quiting. I didn't know much about dieting but now I do and hopefully that will help out.
  • atherine79
    atherine79 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, my name is Katherine and I've been using MFP pretty diligently since December 2013, but have tracked my calories on and off for several years. I started out in 2006 using Spark People and lost almost 40 pounds, but then I went back to school (working a full-time job can make being conscious of your calories so much easier!). So I'm basically back where I was right before I went to grad school and I'm hoping to get fit in a reasonable and healthy way. I'm biking to work everyday, and running long (for me it's 7-9 miles) on the weekends, although I'm hoping to fit more runs during the week too. Also, I'm getting married in almost exactly a year. I don't want to be the cliche, but I want to be as fit as possible for that event. My family is also on MFP and we are trying to keep each other accountable, even though we live far apart. These last couple of weeks, I've been maintaining my weight, so I would like to start seeing progress again this summer.

    Height: 5'0"
    SW-206 lbs (93 kg)
    CW-165 lbs (75 kg)
    GW-111 lbs (50 kg)
  • tpeirona
    tpeirona Posts: 572 Member
    Hi everyone! Shout out to Carl, thanks for making this group for June weight loss! I loved the May challenge and even though I didn't lose 10lbs it was great to be accountable and have the awesome support of everyone in the group.

    My name is Teressa and I'm aiming to lose 50 lbs total. I've lost about 12.5 so far and hoping that I can get closer to the end goal with this challenge. Also am going camping at a lake for 4th of July and would love to be in the 170s rocking a bikini!
  • tyana223cutie
    Thanks Carl for starting up this group. I will do my best to lose 10lbs. by July 1, also thanks for the invite :wink:
  • committed17
    committed17 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everybody. I'm Sylvia and get getting back with MFP today. Like the motivation this group has and glad to be able to join.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 490 Member
    Didn't do well in the May challenge. I'm hoping to get my act together and see some results for June. I lost 10 pounds last Nov & Dec but have since put them back on( well most of them) and am having trouble breaking through the barrier to stay under 200 pounds.
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 765 Member
    Just found this and I'm in if you dont mind. I joined MFP about a year ago. started off great, fell off the wagon for awhile for no good reason. a lot of excuses since then - some acceptable most not but anyway. I'm starting at square one - reset my weight and all and away I go.

    Im Ann. 58 yrs old. Live in the Los Angeles area. CW - 191 - GW - 145 - 150. I fractured my hip a few years ago and had replacement surgery. Its been work -mental & -physical to get back at it. Love to walk, cycle, play golf and garden. I love the idea of 10 lbs a month. I'm around a lot. Love to give support. I normally weigh in on Sundays but did weigh this morning so the above is accurate.

    Some great stories here. Look forward to getting to know everyone and keeping it going
    Have a great day and let's go!!!!!!
  • 4franny
    4franny Posts: 4 Member
    H, I'm Franny. Just restarted MFP. I will be 31 in a week and my goal is to start being healthier and happier! I'm tired of excuses and being lazy and unhappy with my appearance. I've lived my whole life being heavier than all my friends. I'm tired of being sad and frustrated trying on and buying clothes. I do better with teams and groups than alone. Thank you for creating this group.
  • ashkiener
    ashkiener Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm Ashley and I'm new to MFP. My daughter turned two years old last month and I am finally motivated to lose the rest of the baby weight around my stomach. I'm turning 30 in August and I want to start making healthier lifestyle choices. I want to be strong and have energy to chase my toddler around. I'm excited to join this group and see what we can all do this month and beyond! Good luck to everyone!

    CW: 147 lbs.
    challenge GW: 137 lbs.
    UGW: 130 lbs.+ some muscle!
  • northernmum
    northernmum Posts: 7 Member
    Hi - I'd like to join in please.
    CW 171
    GW 154 so would be happy with 10lb off in June!
    Good luck everyone!
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