Really struggling

paul87920 Posts: 165 Member

I had the gastric sleeve done 9 days ago and I'm having a lot of difficulty. My 2 1/2 week pre-op liquid fast was no picnic, but I managed to drop 30 pounds before surgery.

Since having the procedure I'm down 15 more pounds. Don't get my wrong, I'm incredibly happy about the weight loss, but I'm scared.

I can't get in the 75 grams of protein my doctor wants me to receive a day. I've cycled through everything on my Full Liquid phase list. Since the procedure, my sense of smell has increased, and my taste buds seem to have followed suit. I've lost all desire to eat the cream soups, drink the protein drinks, or anything else on my list.

The first 5 days, I was diligent. I wasn't meeting my goals, but the doctor said I probably wouldn't the first few days. That being said, I was doing a lot better then, than I am now.

The last four days, I've found myself consisting off of water and the occasional low calorie G2 (Gatorade). I try forcing myself to have more protein, but I only make it to 10 grams if I'm lucky. I have no desire to eat. (if you can call the full liquids phase eating...)

Did anyone else go through a complete loss of appetite? I nearly ruined my life by eating all of the wrong things. I don't want to ruin my life by not eating at all.


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    You've got to find a way. The pre-surgery class warned us that it would be very hard for some people, but the protein and water were the biggest issues that put people back in the hospital after surgery.

    You've done so much so far, find a way to get at it and make it happen.

    Some of the others have suggested different protein drinks that have a smoother consistency. Use their experience to help you.
  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    I didn't start reaching my protein goals consistently until about 3 weeks out. My surgeon's priority #1 was staying hydrated, then protein. That being said it wasn't for lack of trying. Do you drink protein shakes? Are you allowed Greek Yogurt yet? If you can at least finish 1 protein shake that could be upto 30g a day depending on the type of protein you use. I really like syntrax nectar chocolate truffle which is 23g a scoop then add in another 8g with the milk.
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    I can relate...there are days I really don't even feel like eating anything. But the bottom line is that you have to. You'll get there...try out different shakes until you find one that you really like. In addition to the shakes you mix with milk I also really liked the Isopure premixed drinks. I had a hard time fitting in protein too. I thought this will never happen. I think I'm at 6 weeks now and it's much easier. I still struggle with getting in as much water as they want me to but the protein is no problem now.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Paul, getting your protein is extremely important. I understand the "not wanting to eat", but you are actually hurting your weight loss by not feeding your body. After surgery I really couldn't stand the creamy shakes and protein infused creamy soups either. I did better on Isopure Zero, which is a flavored water with like 45 grams of protein per bottle. I bought mine at GNC. Because it's water, it counts for your water goal for the day as well. The other thing that really helped me was Syntrax Unflavored Protein Powder. I added that to chicken broth and just about any "non creamy" drink. It has 40 calories per scoop and 10 grams of protein. My advice to you is be creative. Get a good unflavored powder and add it to the Gatoraid you like. It might make it look strange, but won't change the flavor. Try the Isopure. Make ice cubes out of the Isopure and suck on them all day. Anything to get some nutrition, you know?
  • shoerack45
    shoerack45 Posts: 30
    Having same issue; appreciate the post. Since my doctor does start us on mushy foods by Day 2/Day 3, I have a few more options than the drinks. I gagged with the drinks; it just was not happening.
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    Thank you everyone. I wanted to give an update. I'm doing a bit better. I honestly believe 75 is unrealistic at this phase in the diet, but I'm making it up to around 50, so that's better than nothing.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    75 is absolutely realistic from the first week on.

    20oz of fluid, 40 g clear protein. Various flavors, tastes like a Jolly Rancher. Sip on a bottle all day and get your fluid and protein in one shot. I used two bottles per day during the first month, then dropped to one per day as my food intake increased. Now with summer approaching I will start drinking a bottle a day to help keep hydrated while maintaining protein intake.

    Honestly, i have been significantly abouve 80g protein a day since the very beginning and I believe it has helped me heal nad avoid muscle loss.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Kroger carbmaster skim milk has been a life saver for me. 11 g of protein a cup and counts as water. Nice and thin. Lactose free so no stomach issues. Also I puréed meat I liked with some broth and put it through a sieve. This aspect of the process is work and not pleasant. Remember, not getting the protein in now will likely result in massive hair loss 3-6 months from now (you will think you got away with it then , Whammo, 4 months out you will have perfect protein levels for the past 100 days yet your hair will just keep falling out until you can see your scalp!) 12 days of low protein (under 50)was all it took for me to wreck my hair. I was perfect with my biotin and vitamins and all my bloodwork was outstanding. All the vitamins and biotin on the planet won't help you if you don't get the protein down. Remember, if you ate 50 your body only got 25 due to malabsorption. So 75 isn't in fact unreasonable. Mentally you just revolt at eating what you don't want. At this point protein is medicine- not an enjoyable relaxing meal. Also it will seriously cause a likely severe wt loss stall at 3-6wks, I mean severe. I have seen people who went 5 weeks without losing a lb. And that is extremely distressing to someone who just went thru WLS.. We only push because we know what will likely occur. God bless, we know this completely sucks right now :)
  • New Whey Liquid Protein, you can get it at GNC, it has:

    Supplement Facts
    Serving Size 3.8 FL. OZ. (112ML)
    Calories 180
    42 grams of protein.

    Since it is only 3.8 OZ, it is easy to get in during the day. It comes in several different flavors, orange, fruit punch and watermelon that I know has helped me so much getting in my protein each day, if I didn't take this I would fall way short. It was recommended by my doctor. I am starting my 3rd week out of surgery and am down about 15 pounds.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Chocolate protein powder in decaf coffee tastes kind of like Starbucks mocha to me. Mixing protein powder into hot liquids can be iffy, (you can cook the protein chunky, ewwww), so mix with a small amount of cool first to firm a a paste, then add the hot, but not too hot liquid. I find it works best if I do it in a shaker bottle. Close the shaker tight as hot liquids tend to spew a bit if you're not careful. Good luck!
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    Paul, I also had no desire to even drink water which I have always loved (it's my drink of choice), but I made myself sip it throughout the day. The only way I got to my protein levels was from the shakes, puddings, yogurt, smoothies I use either Dannon Lite Greek 2X Protein in Vanilla or Fage 0% Greek yogurt. As I don't like the Fage by itself I either mix half and half with the Greek Dannon or add a little honey (surgeon suggested), then it's great and packed with protein. What I do with all the aforementioned is after I blend them up, I put them in the freezer until they fet the ice-cream texture. They are so good I really don't like them any other way.

    My surgeon also recommended either non-fat/skim milk or Carnation Powdered Milk for protein (1 cup has 9g protein), or even Carnation Breakfast Essentials.

    My taste did change for the first month or so, but have come back. Good luck on your new journey and I think you did a stupendous job of losing weight pre-surgery and haven't do so bad post. Like other say, water-water-water, protein. Even I almost always hit my protein goal about a month ago a huge chunk of my hair came out. It would have been much more without the level of protein I was consuming.

  • Carronna
    Carronna Posts: 1
    Isopure was my protein of choice during those first few weeks. My husband recently had surgery to remove a lap band from his eroded stomach. He, too, had no appetite and had to force himself to drink. He tried several, but he loves Bolthouse Farms Protein Plus drinks with 16g per 8 oz, which he can get in just about any grocery. He lost 50 pounds in two months.
  • lucyw70
    lucyw70 Posts: 37 Member
    I had my surgery on 5/22. I just started the soft food phase. My nutritionist had a great suggestion to sprinkle (use salt shaker) unflavored protein on your food throughout the day. Helps to get in extra protein. My doctor's office has the packets that I could buy there. Haven't tried it yet had my post-op appointment today and bought 6 packets to try it out. Also there is a milk called Mootopia that has a lot of protein, 16 grams I think.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Hey Paul, please continue to post and let us know how you are doing. We are rooting for you.
    I'm writing down all the suggestions of products so I can start looking for products here in Canada. My surgery is in a few months.
    Hope you are feeling stronger and stronger each day and able to get a little more protein down each day. :smile:
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Hi Paul. Not every surgeon demands high protein intake. Mine says don't panic. The body will convert. But he does demand hydration. 9 days out is still really early. At that stage I was sipping water, any juice and making stock powder soups just to survive. I didn't even take notice of nutritional values because my body just needed time to heal. I have never reached the protein levels that others aim for(80). I have occasionally reached 60 on an exceptional day. But 40 is my most common number for protein. Not saying ignore your Dr but I think there is plenty of scope in the early days. I am glad my surgeon told me to not worry about the protein or I would have obsessed over it.
  • GraceByMySide
    GraceByMySide Posts: 77 Member
    My wonderful Dr. told me at least 64 oz of water and 60 grams of protein at the beginning. Anything between 60 and 100 is great, he said. Now, to actually get that down is a trick. I'm 3 days out and am having some difficulty, too. We'll get through it!!! I'm a dig my heals in and say no kind of girl. I have to tell her to shut up and do what I'm supposed to do!!

    That being said, today I'm going to really work the New Whey into my water. I can't drink that stuff in the tube, but adding it to water helps a lot!!! It's 42 grams if I add it and sip all day... Also, the Unjury protein powders have been a LIFESAVER for me!!!! They are really excellent!! No residual flavor at all. That's what turns me off with all the others. I really love that they have a chicken broth variety that tastes pretty darned good! I don't like the sweet drinks, so that helps me a lot! I get it at my Dr., but the company sells it online, too.

    Hope this helps!! Yell if you need more help!!!

  • kathywithakay0428
    kathywithakay0428 Posts: 7 Member
    I found Premier Protein drinks worked well for me. 30 grams of protein in an 11 oz bottle. 160 calories and 4 or 5 carbs. It was a bit too sweet for me but I mixed it with iced tea. Surgery was 9/23/13 and I am down 127 pounds. You must work on getting protein. I still have a protein drink every day and try go get 90 grams of protein daily. You still have a lot of healing to do and protein is your best friend
  • shoerack45
    shoerack45 Posts: 30
    Thank you everyone. I wanted to give an update. I'm doing a bit better. I honestly believe 75 is unrealistic at this phase in the diet, but I'm making it up to around 50, so that's better than nothing.

    I will say my doc only asked for 60 and after my one month they lower it. Different surgeon of course, but just another tale
  • shoerack45
    shoerack45 Posts: 30
    I should add, the 64 ounces of liquids was very important to them. When I explained my struggle with protein, they did get comfort from the liquids, supplements and walking.
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    I need to weigh in on this issue.

    without me knowing - I had a stricture that prevented me from eating and drinking. I ended up dehydrated with my electrolytes all down and in the hospital.

    talk with your surgeon about these issues. don't be afraid to do this. I ended up in the hospital twice.

    I had my surgery on March 27 and out of the two months - I have been in the hospital one month. this is important. friend me if you would like to chat more.