June 2nd - 7th Weekly Challenge

Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
Hi Guys,

ToeKnee had a great idea to have some challenges here. I am volunteering with this thread for the first one.
It is pretty simple.

1. Anytime (starting now) post your goals for Monday June 2nd to Saturday June 7th.
2. Update this thread as often as you wish. Don't care about the format
3. Hopefully everyone will reach their goals at the end of the week.

Next week... someone else can start a thread.


  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Starting on Monday June 2nd!

    1. 360 minutes of exercise - (varied) - avg. 60 min /day - Weights, Situps, Running, Elliptical, Walking, Kettlebells
    2. 72000 Fitbit Steps - 12000 steps per day
    3. 3 Days where I do pushups!

    Go for it!
  • toeknee45
    toeknee45 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm going to start today, instead of tomorrow. I have plans on Saturday which may hamper my step count.

    1. 78,000 steps
    2. Stay under 10,500 calorie intake
    3. Go to the gym 3 times.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @toeknee Awesome Dude! (plus it was your idea!)
    I'm going to start today, instead of tomorrow. I have plans on Saturday which may hamper my step count.

    1. 78,000 steps
    2. Stay under 10,500 calorie intake
    3. Go to the gym 3 times.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    I'm in for getting back to weight training.

    Two sessions of light to medium weight lifting to get back on track.

  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Minimum of three workout sessions at the gym, at least two doing the 30 minute circuit.

    Stay at prescribed carb levels while keeping calories in the acceptable range per doctors orders.

    Walk on breaks at work on the days I get breaks, M-W-F (try to find time on Tu-Th between calls FOR a walk)
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Alrighty then... looks like we have some momentum! Good Luck!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Monday - June 2nd

    1. Walked already for 79 minutes - Did pushup sets 4 sets 3 minutes total
    82/360 - on my way

    2. 12052 steps so far today
    12052/72000 - on my way

    3. Pushups - 4 sets
    1/3 times per week.

    1. 360 minutes of exercise - (varied) - avg. 60 min /day - Weights, Situps, Running, Elliptical, Walking, Kettlebells
    2. 72000 Fitbit Steps - 12000 steps per day
    3. 3 Days where I do pushups!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Took back ONE break today for a short walk. First trip to the gym, treadmill only today, but big increase in my endurance, only the last two minutes below 3.1 mph for cool down. Max speed was 3.7, average speed 3.3, incline of 3.5 for 20 of the 42 minutes walked.

    With one meal left, I still have 50% of my allowed carbs remaining and can have up to a 400 calorie dinner to hit set medical goals.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @dward - way to go! I do that various speed thing on the treadmill too!
    Took back ONE break today for a short walk. First trip to the gym, treadmill only today, but big increase in my endurance, only the last two minutes below 3.1 mph for cool down. Max speed was 3.7, average speed 3.3, incline of 3.5 for 20 of the 42 minutes walked.

    With one meal left, I still have 50% of my allowed carbs remaining and can have up to a 400 calorie dinner to hit set medical goals.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Monday - June 2nd

    1. Walked already for 60 minutes - Burpees and Situps for 7 more = 67
    182/360 - on my way

    2. 12727 steps so far today
    55959/72000 - on my way

    3. Pushups - 4 sets - Noy applicable today
    1/3 times per week.

    4. New Burpees - set of 5 and 6 (I know pretty freaking lame LOL)

    1. 360 minutes of exercise - (varied) - avg. 60 min /day - Weights, Situps, Running, Elliptical, Walking, Kettlebells
    2. 72000 Fitbit Steps - 12000 steps per day
    3. 3 Days where I do pushups!
    4. Burpees every day
  • toeknee45
    toeknee45 Posts: 25 Member

    1. 78000 steps
    Sun 15868
    Mon 13940
    Tues 12000

    Avg 13936 steps (12000 goal) I’m ahead of my goal

    2. Stay under 10,500 calorie intake
    Sun 1649
    Mon 1750
    Tues 2221

    Avg 1873 cal (1750 goal)

    So I need to eat 1627 average for the next 3 days to make it. Might be close.

    3. Go to the gym 3 times.
    Been to the gym 2 days. Will definitely make this one.
  • msully7
    msully7 Posts: 4 Member
    Just checked back with the app for the first time in awhile. I had switched to another one because this one wasn't too active. Glad to see people trying to jumpstart this. I see I am late this week but if the challenges keep up I'll start doing them too.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Well - I am checking in.

    1. 360 minutes of excercise - Easily met - lots of walking and started doing pushups and situps
    2. 77178 Steps - beat my average of 12000 steps per day
    3. Only 1 day I did pushups
    4. Didn't do more burpees.

    1. 360 minutes of exercise - (varied) - avg. 60 min /day - Weights, Situps, Running, Elliptical, Walking, Kettlebells
    2. 72000 Fitbit Steps - 12000 steps per day
    3. 3 Days where I do pushups!
    4. Burpees every day
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Things are getting really busy at work so I will have to unfortunately leave the group. Good luck all!