June 1st 2014 Start

dahulet Posts: 6 Member
I am going to start this Challenge on June 1st. I'm super excited for a healthier better me! Who wants to start on June 1st with me?


  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I will! I have already started, but I'll start over on June 1st, Give myself a day that I can take a break and then get serious. :happy:
  • KudosH3
    KudosH3 Posts: 18 Member
    I will start on June 1st with you! Probably going to be the hardest challenge - but hopefully will prove that I don't need no chocolate to keep me going aha!
  • dahulet
    dahulet Posts: 6 Member
    It is going to be a very hard challenge for me also! I'm hoping it will help kick start my weight loss.
  • dahulet
    dahulet Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome I'm so excited to have people to do this with!
  • dahulet
    dahulet Posts: 6 Member
    It's day1 of the 21 Day Challenge! Let me know how you all do!!
  • befigure8
    befigure8 Posts: 82 Member
    Starting today.......... :)
  • CJay77
    CJay77 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok, I will consider today a re-start. I gave in to stress around the middle of last week and went off the rails by Friday. New month, new resolve. And even though we went out for breakfast I did not deviate this morning.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I managed to keep to the challenge, but didn't do good today. I really didn't eat enough due to being out and about away from home. I still can't chew anything until at least on Friday, maybe longer. With that in mind and protein shakes were good, but pricey and now out of budget it's hard to come up with something I can take with me that doesn't need to be refrigerated and has enough calories to qualify as a meal. When I can chew again I'm getting lots of fruits that I can tote around with me, and I'll have the freshest lettuce one can have, it will be picked from my garden! Okay, I'm getting carried away thinking about all the things I get to have after the permanent crown is put in place on Friday!

    So, stayed away from the stuff on the list, but didn't get enough food.