Living with Obesity



  • SunkissedBrownSugga
    SunkissedBrownSugga Posts: 64 Member
    lorarity I think I spelled the name wrong and I apologize if I did but my sister and her friends love to cosplay. They even go to BellaCon in Florida every year. My sister is really small and petite and they have one friend who is a plus size young lady and she always says she feels like the odd person out because she has to "settle" for what she can find instead of going as the characters she likes.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    When its a sweating chore to just reach down behind to wipe yourself :(
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    the seat belt plane thing never bothered me, I had no problem asking for an extender for the seat belt - but I would hate the middle and aisle seats as in the aisle seat, I would be in the aisle and get hit by people and the cart - in the middle seat well, just no - so I always sat in the window seat to take up as little room as possible. The sideways waddle to get down the tiny aisle wasn't a whole lot of fun either or smacking people with either my boobs or butt...

    Restaurant booths, like others mentioned, could be awful - I was always happy to find ones that did not have bolted down tables so I could move the table

    the thing that used to bother me may be silly and stupid - the fact that I would have to walk around some parked cars instead of in between them - because you generally go, hey I can fit... until you don't
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    The worst for me......the soul virtually single solid reason Ive embarked on this whole gotta lost weight as fast AND healthy as possible isnt because of the things y'all have listed here in there entirety ...

    Sure I wanna be thinner, move around easier, look better et al.

    But what I want more than almost anything in this life and would give almost anything for breathe better. 4 years ago my place flooded due to a major pipe freezing and thawing too fast. We had the place professionally taken care of with industrial dryers etc. Little did we know that mold would settle where it couldnt be seen and Id develop a form of lung infection from it. Ive struggled daily to breathe since. The doctors can all tell me what it isnt...but not what it is. I'ts not emphysema, its not COPD, its not lung cancer. Dont get me wrong...Im eternally greatful for what its not.

    BUT I still cant breathe very good. It limits even walking a lot of the time. It seriously limits even shopping, thank GOD my fiance' is pretty good at it. Walking to and from the office is even hard

    So..they say my weight didnt cause this....but it isnt helping, so it's got to go............NOW. Every pound that comes off will make it just a little bit easier to breathe and move around.
    ..........................and that' WHY Im HERE
  • jschwend1
    jschwend1 Posts: 15
    I am so incredibly happy that I have found MFP, I agree with everyone's post from going to the bathroom to getting an extender belt on a plane. With summer finally on it's way, I HATE that I can't get on the rides at amusement parks, I love roller coasters. I spent the last 3 years not wanting to be around anyone except my family, and since my job allows me to work from home whenever, there were actual weeks that I never left the house. One of my sons got married this past October, and I will always regret not forcing myself to go out and do things with he and his then fiance, she and I are attempting to build a solid relationship now, but this could have been done all along. I don't intend to go back to that place mentally, and getting rid of this weight will allow me to do more things with my friends and family. So yes...I can say I have experience all of the frustration listed, but with God's help and the support in MFP, I won't be experiencing them much longer.
  • luvforever
    luvforever Posts: 502 Member
    Mine has a lot to do with trying to get on an amusement park ride with my kids and realizing I really couldn't.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi ladies, if you scroll down past the sticky threads, you'll see that every day we start a new dated thread--so today's is July 16, 2014. That's where you'll find most of the activity in this group. Welcome!
    Karen in Maine