early menopause from PCOS surgery... cant lose weight!!

dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
Back 2 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and I ended up having en endometrial ablation procedure done.
During the healing process I noticed premenopausal/menopausal symptoms happening...hot flashes :devil: , night sweats, decreased energy,:yawn: : low estrogen...(with it already being low from PCOS I developed acne and middle weight gain:indifferent: . .)
at the time I was a stay at home mother of a young ASD child who had PLENTY of time to exercise, etc...:smile:
Now I am a 37 year old full time employed, single mother of a special needs child , who doesn't have enough TIME to do anything .
and it seems that I am stuck... VERY STUCK actually at the same weight and have been stuck even with decrease in calories.. and exercising when I can ... NOTHING is working.

ANYTHING work for you ladies out there in the same situation...


  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I had an ablation done a few years back which yeah, threw me into early menopause. Two years ago I started hormone replacement therapy injections and it was WONDERFUL but pricey so I had to quit a year ago. Recently I got tested at a compounding pharmacy for HRT and it's helped, but I can't quite rein in my eating. Every day is an incredible struggle because I am always on the go. It is RARE for me to be home.
    For the flashes, black cohosh helps a LOT.
    Persistence helps, changing up routines help as well.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    I used the black cohash daily up until a few months ago.. I found that ALOT of my symptoms had ceased so I didn't see the point to continue using it. But my weight has plateaued and wont budge up or down no matter the changes I make... *sigh* I guess I am stuck with this poochy /bike tire stomach...