Finally some movement

Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
The scales have finally started moving over the last few days and all I can attribute it to is that I got a heck of a lot more exercise than usual. Diet I kept fairly on track, snuck in a few things, but stayed under my goals.

Keeping up with an 8 year old boy involves a lot of exercise. My daughter and son-in-law also provided me with great motivation as they kept telling me how great I was looking. Nicole even told me that she didn't think I would stick to the diet and exercise and I proved her wrong and she was very proud of me. That means a lot. It's been a long time since I could have constantly walked around the zoo all afternoon without sitting down a lot and for minutes at a time. It felt great.

Today when I saw the scales had moved 2 lbs. I'm more motivated and determined. Back to being a Nanny today and that is so fun I don't even know I'm burning calories. Since my brother put together the 2nd/better elliptical duo trainer for me with the recumbent seat I get in at least 40 minutes a day in 20 minute intervals - working up to 30 straight within next couple of weeks. I've also started using the exercise ball daily, bands and focusing more on core, thighs and upper arm strengthening exercises. Some of the exercises can be done right from my chair on and off through the day.

I'm a happy lady today. (We'll see how I do in the evenings now that I'm back home and alone). That will be the big test.




  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    Congratulations and it sounds like your exercise routine is really going well. You are an inspiration to me for certain!
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    Congratulations to you! We are all so proud if your accomplishments!
  • GraceByMySide
    GraceByMySide Posts: 77 Member
    That's terrific!!! Great job and attitude!!!! :drinker:
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    One of the things I have learned here (both MFP in general and on the WLS groups) is to trust the process. If you are doing good things, the scale *will* move. It might be linear, might be in fits and starts.

    I really think this will help me when I get to the surgery to have more realistic expectations.

    To those of you blazing the trail ahead of those of us who are pre-surgery: THANKS! I will do my best to pay it forward to next year's newbies!

  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    What rpyle said... trust the process! If you stay consistent, you will see results. So many things can factor into stalls and fluctuation, especially for women. If we do what we are supposed to do, we will get results! You are doing a great job and you should be so happy and proud of yourself!
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Way to go on your consistency of following your plan. That is so encouraging. I have really been struggling with exercise lately. I have no excuses... just being lazy. I think because my last pre-op appointment went so well a few weeks ago and I feel very confident now that my surgery really is going to happen, that I'm taking things for granted and feeling a little too comfortable and over-confident. I know that this is the place to share not only successes and celebrations but also hiccups along the way. I'd appreciate any feedback on how others got themselves out of the exercise ruts when they hit them. Thanks in advance for your encouragement and feedback.:smile:
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I know that this is the place to share not only successes and celebrations but also hiccups along the way. I'd appreciate any feedback on how others got themselves out of the exercise ruts when they hit them. Thanks in advance for your encouragement and feedback.:smile:

    Questions like this are where I find the Main Forums to be very useful. The strategies have seen there (that seem to be working for me) are to change your thinking about going to the gym. If it is part of the plan, it is like your job. Most of us would look funny at someone who said it is hard to get motivated to go to work in the morning . . . so i didn't go. We go to work because it is one of the things we have to do. I am trying to make going to the gym like that for me. Just go, and if the workout isn't the best, it's still going to be better than sitting on my butt. Most of the time, when I get there, the workout is just as good as ones where I am excited to go.

    That said, the Main Forums can be scary places if you don't have a thick skin and are able to sift the good stuff out of the sarcasm and mostly good natured ribbing. There are some fantastic people, but not a lot of sugar coating of the information.

  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Way to go on your consistency of following your plan. That is so encouraging. I have really been struggling with exercise lately. I have no excuses... just being lazy. I think because my last pre-op appointment went so well a few weeks ago and I feel very confident now that my surgery really is going to happen, that I'm taking things for granted and feeling a little too comfortable and over-confident. I know that this is the place to share not only successes and celebrations but also hiccups along the way. I'd appreciate any feedback on how others got themselves out of the exercise ruts when they hit them. Thanks in advance for your encouragement and feedback.:smile:
    I love my fitbit flex. It really motivates me to walk more during my regular day.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks Mangopickle for the suggestion of the Fitbit Flex and encouragement. :smile:
    Just my putting my struggle with exercise out there to share with the group I feel much more accountable.
    This is the first day in a few that I have been under my caloric limit instead of a bit over. Even that boosts my confidence and
    I always know that I can find just what I need to hear on this forum.
    Take good care of yourself and have a great day.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I second Mango's response; A FitBit is a great tool. I do not think I would be having the success I am having without it. Seeing the calorie burn and having confidence in the numbers keeps me motivated.
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    Thanks DJRonnieLiny and Mangopickle for the suggestion of the Fitbit. I will have to look into it. :smile:
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Awesome! Being able to do things you never did or haven't done is years makes this whole thing so worth it! Looking better is the bonus! :happy:
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    Nothing feels better than seeing that scale finaly move- nice job!
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    Way to go on your consistency of following your plan. That is so encouraging. I have really been struggling with exercise lately. I have no excuses... just being lazy. I think because my last pre-op appointment went so well a few weeks ago and I feel very confident now that my surgery really is going to happen, that I'm taking things for granted and feeling a little too comfortable and over-confident. I know that this is the place to share not only successes and celebrations but also hiccups along the way. I'd appreciate any feedback on how others got themselves out of the exercise ruts when they hit them. Thanks in advance for your encouragement and feedback.:smile:

    I am in the 3 month supervised diet and I have not been sticking to the exercise. I'm on 1500 calories and I just feel too tired. Also, my allergies are really bad right now. I liked the example of making it my work. I teach an early morning class that I HATE waking up for, but I still do it, even when I'm tired and even when I have bad allergies. So, I just need to make exercise something I HAVE to do, even if I don't like it. I am really hoping that exercise will be a lot easer when I'm not 300lbs.