June 4 - Wednesday weekly check in

ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
Setting this up Tuesday night for our British friends & all you early birds. 'Tis now my bedtime :yawn:


  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Morning all

    Not recording my weight today as I did it on Monday and was pleased that I had got into the next kilo down - which is where I thought I was a month ago when my scales went blip by 2 kilos!
    This morning (and yesterday) it was up by 1/2 kilo again -just over 1lb for you over the water! But I know this is a direct result of the heavy weight training I did Monday evening - heavy squats, and my legs and bottom are still suffering. Clothes still feel the same so no problems.

    Off to have a read of other posts now.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Thank you Ker...and Hi to everyone.

    I have dropped a pound so feeling pleased.......after my holiday in Italy I have been eating a little more for breakfast and I think this has cut down on snacking during the day..... we'll see during the next few weeks if this makes a difference. At this stage trying to do something different, shake things up a bit ,might be the answer! :bigsmile:

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I still am not down to 187 (my weight last week at this time). Last Friday I was at 193.5, I think, and I have seen 188, but I was back to 189.5 today. So, I'll say a 1.5 pound gain. :sad:

    Did all my walking outside yesterday. Was hot at lunchtime, but last evening it got cloudy and breezy and was a beautiful walk in the park. The metro park is always crowded, but I didn't run into one person on the nature trail yesterday evening. After that, I just dropped in at the gym and did my 30 minutes on the bike. Community Center is on summer hours now and are only open until 9 p.m. so I have to remember to plan for that.
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone!

    With new footwear and encouragement (prodding) from my beloved MFP I have been walking some distances over the last couple of days (shocking as a sloth) and the results are good. I'm not only feeling more energetic, I am now at 163 down from 165.8 last week. Going to treat myself to an at home pedi/mani tonight as a self reward!

    I better get off the computer and get my butt to the walking trail.

    Have a positive week everyone :flowerforyou:

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    congrats to everyone's progress! I'm checking in with a 2 pound loss - never been so tempted to round down that .4, but am resisting. Walking has been mostly on hold - doc has me back on steroids and I'm kind of taking it easy to save my ankle for the trip (I leave tomorrow).

    The ToDo list beckons.....

    -marilyn/ ker
  • ginnylee75
    ginnylee75 Posts: 29 Member
    Just started getting serious again on Monday so i will weigh on Mondays or catch up to Wednesdays next week. I don't want to weigh every day. It distracts me too much. Off to a day in town running errands. Have a great day all.:bigsmile:

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi all,

    I did ok last week. Exercised 4 out of 7 days. I have lost 4 of the 10 pounds I gained back, so happy with that. Not in one week though.

    This week I hope to pay more attention to what I am putting in my mouth and to exercise 5 out of 7. I also want to do more walking, now that I am able to.

    Have a great week and see ya all next Wed!
  • jjjbkkkk
    jjjbkkkk Posts: 14 Member
    Checking in...........not sure how or why, but I'm down .5 a pound. Was really expecting to go up or even stay the same after my splurging all week. Maybe it will show up next week, who knows. Anyway, I'll take the .5 loss................:heart:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Checking in:

    By leaving the house at dark:30, I will still be able to bike outside for a few more weeks.fiets128.gif

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Biked 74.6 miles (average speed of 10 mph)
    -- Under carb goal every day yipee.gif

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Reduce fat consumed (over 5 out of last 7 days) :sad:
    -- Continue to chant, "You can't out-exercise a bad diet."

    "If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health." ~Hippocrates

    Good job everyone and have a great week. :flowerforyou:
  • bethann316
    Hi gang, I'm new to this group...but have been with MFP awhile. I was (am) washy washy when it comes to staying on track but this time I am determined. I have been told it's a fun and crazy group, so here I am. I need friends for motivation.....have a healthy day.
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone: Last week I reported being down 1 lb. and now I am down 4 so I guess I must have lost 3 more this past week. It doesn't seem like a lot for 24 days but the good news is that I am 1-inch less around the waist and my pants fit better. I am trying to not get discouraged. On the upside, tracking my food had enabled me to get my sodium in line and I am also working on increasing my calcium. Congrats to everyone on your success and to those of you who are doing so much exercise!!!! That's just awesome!
    Alex :flowerforyou:
  • Becky60s
    Becky60s Posts: 11
    Wishing everyone a pleasant Wednesday! Everyone seems to be doing so well, and it's inspiring to see so many over-60s actively exercising. (I'm not one of them yet, except for walking around the shopping center yesterday.)

    Well, I started MFP on Monday, and despite eating leftover Hamburger Helper for two dinners in a row (it was already in my fridge), I've still lost 2.2 pounds in just 3 days. Very pleased with that. I have decided to take any remaining processed food items in my kitchen to the food bank, though, and start eating "clean," as they say. Or at least making an effort in that direction. One great thing about this time of year is all the good fruit.

    Starting weight June 1: 286.6
    Wednesday weigh-in June 4: 282.4

  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Good job Becky! That's an awesome weight loss for such a short time. Give yourself a pat on the back & keep up the good work. :flowerforyou: Alex
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Becky! And congratulations on your weight loss. Log your food as much as possible. That will help you tremendously to stay on track. Tracking what we eat keeps us accountable to ourselves.

    Welcome Bethann! Loved reading everyone's weight loss successes for the week. What a great group we have here.

    Happy Trails,

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone. It is a perfectly lovely afternoon here in paradise.

    Special hello to Bethann and Becky. I hope you get as much support from this group as I have had. It is so pleasant to belong to a group that is positive and accepting.

    Ker...have a safe trip. Steroids....blah:ohwell:

    I neither gained not lost weight this week but I am really content with that for a change. The reason? I decided to take Saturday off from logging and went out and partied. A pot luck barbecue with so much luscious food. There is no doubt that even with all that temptation I eat less now but was still well over my calorie count.

    Also this week I joined another group on MFP called "Managing Depression" which has been inactive but I thought a lot of people could use support if they suffer from any of the mood disorders. I am now co-admin and if any of you need support or can offer support in that area....come on over for a chat.

    I wish you all a healthy and happy week.

  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    This was my first week with this group and I am sure the positive comments from all really helped. My simple goal was to get back on track by logging every day. And I did it. So thanks to all. Next week I want to continue doing that and include my daily exercise also. The heat has come to Northern California, so I am adjusting to it by getting up earlier to workout. Ugh, I am not an early bird. Good luck to everyone in accomplishing their individual goals. :flowerforyou:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    Welcome to our newbies! :happy: Glad you found us! And sounds as if you are doing super duper already!!

    I had successes this week.

    1) I am wearing a straight size 18 capris today - :bigsmile:
    2) The scale showed me 246.6. :smile: I have not seen that number for a very l o n g time!! Thank you to each of you for all of the support you have given me!!

    Now my not "successes" this week
    I binged last night about midnight. I wanted something crunchy so went through my kitchen eating a little of a lot. :mad: I should have gone to bed - but no I ate!

    Today I am moving onward and downward b/c it is Jolly June!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,143 Member
    Hi Everyone: gosh what a lovely group, welcome all our newbies :flowerforyou: and so proud of everyone for partaking of our Wed checkin. Thank you Ker for getting us organized yet again! This past week as been a little 'odd' for me in that I did lose a pound which is great but having to deal with my Mum's eye surgery I am not doing so well with my attempts to change some of my habits that I have been working on. For me it is improving my eating habits that is so important to me. So this week I really want to get back to making those really filling salads, both veggies and fruit, and less of the quick fix meals! My Sloth exercise regime is doing ok but again I seem to be falling back a little to my old habits, 'I am too tired, etc' type whining! So, weather forecast for the next few days is lovely and sunny and as I plan for an early night to bed there is no excuse not to have a morning walk ... Oh did I really commit to a morning activity just now :blushing: ? Kinda pleased that I recognized the opportunity to revisit my habit improvement plan and knowing I could blab on about them to my dear MFP friends. It is all good and sending happy and positive vibes to all, Have a great week everyone, cheers, Marian
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Marian, you are doing so well. Sometimes, we can have a little set back, but keep in mind how far you have come and just don't give up. All those walks and healthy salads have improved your life style and given you all the more energy to help your Mom.
    And don't forget to have a nice glass of that red wine :-)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    How did I miss this yesterday?

    I feel great getting back to tracking, stopping a slow slide before it got very far, and I thank you all for being there with this group.

    Lost one pound, had sore muscles more than once, feel happy. A great week!