Psyc Clearance

claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
I am meeting with my psychiatrist today! What type of things will we discuss during the session about my upcoming VSG procedure?


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    The history of your obesity and why you eat. Strategies for dealing with the stressors in your life that do not involve running to food for comfort. We don't become obese typically because we were hungry. We medicated with food. I am sad/bored/happy/fired/someone died/someone got sick/divorce/celebrating an event /depressed so I eat. The people that are successful with WLS admit this fact and change their behavior. The other 50% gain all the weight back. You have to accept that sometimes life just sucks and running to food does nothing to help you, it only makes it worse. When death and destruction come into my life now I grieve, i cry, I pray, I deal. I do not run to food. At the psych eval they want to be sure that you completely understand that you can out eat WLS. WLS does NOTHING to cure food addiction. You will have to choose to follow the new 70% protein, 25%veg-no potato5% whole grain lifestyle or you will gain every bit back. They also want you to know that it is work, there is no easy. You will likely talk about relationships as well and what your support system is. I highly recommend support group. I will go the rest of my life. The lifestyle doesn't quit when you reach maintenance. I will always have obese brain. There is no future where I will not be watching my food intake. I accept that because I want to live to play with my grandchildren if God wills it. Like any other addict I will be in recovery the rest of my life. And I thank God for that opportunity.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Mine was yesterday.. funny..she said they usually last an hour or more..mine lasted 30 minutes. She said she doesnt usually see people with long term relationships and careers. not sure if thats good or not but i was in and out quick.

    I did take a number of fill in the bubble tests too. no sweat. not sure what the next steps are.. waiting to hear from the docs office
  • claresta23
    claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you so much Mangopickle. I needed that TRUTH. That is my story as well. Emotional eater and childhood upbringing.
  • claresta23
    claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
    Ok thanks Bikemike! When I called to schedule my appointment with one of the psychiatrist the lady kept giving me 9:00am and 10:30am appointments. She didn't ask when was good for me, she just went off of openings. I told her "Maam, I am obese but immobile, I work for a living" She said, oh you didn't tell me that...I'm like you didn't ask. Needless to say, I am going to meet with my current psychiatrist which should help speed the process up since she already knows me.
  • pennysteed
    pennysteed Posts: 80 Member
    From start to finish I was at the clinic for 3 hours today. Half of that was in the waiting room ether filling out a ton of forms or waiting. Good luck.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member

    You hit the nail on the head!!!!!!
  • plmelquist
    plmelquist Posts: 42
    Mine was a brief discussion with a psychologist and then 600 questions on a laptop. It was clear this was just a mandatory thing that the insurance was behind.
  • claresta23
    claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
    So I finished mine...boy I think I answered 1000 questions. If I wasn't hearing voices before I answered all those questions, I was definitely hearing them afterward!!! (joking) It wasn't bad at all, I was there for a 1 hour session, then the questions took about 1.5 hours. The Dr. said it would take her 1 weeks to complete the process.

    I went today for my physical clearance from my primary care physician, took the EKG and got a copy of my Stress Test. I am now 3 weeks away from scheduling the surgery. Happy, Nervous and Scared at the same time!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Mine was a little on the short side and I think it was because I told the guy "Look. I don't want to model thin, I just want my mobility back and to be healthy. I have never been model thin, and have no desire to be." He laughed and said that's exactly the kind of attitude they want. It's got be about being healthy with the looking better part being a bonus of the process. :laugh: I also filled out the bubbleaire and we talked about when I eat the most.

    Good luck with everything. It is a process, but well worth it.
  • claresta23
    claresta23 Posts: 64 Member
    Ok so the UPDATE!!!!! I have now advance to scheduling...I will be scheduling my sleeve surgery for the 1st week of July, 2014! I'm excited & nervous all at the same time...
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    The one I had was really easy- mabye too easy- they were less concerned about my eating habits/issues and more concerned about what they called "suicide by doctor". They wanted to make sure I would follow the rules and adhere to the program. It was 15 min and she didn't make eye contact once.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    My psych evaluation was run by a PhD student who took me through what looked like a standard questionnaire, asking about family history, my weight loss history and attempts, questions about smoking/drugs/alcohol, whether I had ever tried to hurt myself, been bulimic, used laxatives to try and lose weight, etc.

    Then he took me through some mental status/acuity tests (counting backward from 100 by sevens, repeating a series of words after a few minutes (face, velvet, church, daisy, red - I still remember them!), telling him all of the words I could think of starting with F, some math questions). They also asked if I understood a number of medical terms, cold do simple medical math (if I need to take a pill every two hours, how long would it take to take 6 pills).

    The psychologist then came in and discussed the results. Their main concern was that I was ready to give up alcohol and caffeine forever. I stayed away from the fact that I didn't think alcohol was a 'never' thing, and told her I could do it. I was cleared pending giving up alcohol and caffeine and that if I couldn't give up the alcohol, I should seek external help. I stopped both except for a previously scheduled wine tasting dinner that my wife and I had already scheduled.

    So I was happy that they did a real work up, give me some things to work on. I have been happy about most of the things that my Bariatric Center has done. It really feels like they have put together a program where they are trying to dissuade the "quick-fixers" and really ensure success for those who they work on.
