Medicine Question

amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
I was diagnosed with T2 at the end of April 2014. The doctor put me on 500mg of metformin two times a day and 10mg of glipizide once a day. Also for high blood pressure I take lisinopril and metoprolol. They seemed like they were working and my blood sugar and blood pressure have been lowering. For the 2 weeks prior to my doctor appointment last week. I was in the 80's/90's before eating and no higher than 140 two hours after I ate. I had a couple of 60's. Last week I went to the doctor and she changed my medication to 5mg of glipize once a day and 500mg of metformin three times a day. She up'ed my metformin because she said she wants to get my A1C down. It was 8.9, a few weeks prior when I was diagnosed it was 11.4.

I've been trying to eat a little better but I also have been staying around the 1780 calories MFP set for me. I exercise a couple times a week. Well now it's been a week since I've seen the doctor and she changed my meds and I've had a low of 62 or so every day, usually in the morning two hours after breakfast. I take the glipizide in the morning and the metformin with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even after I ate over 70 carbs for breakfast yesterday (It was a test) and my blood sugar only got to 88 two hours after. I start to get panicky when I get in the 60's. Maybe that's just me.

Should I talk to my doctor about this? I tried to tell her things were going well at my last visit but she still wanted to add the extra metformin. The only thing I did get her to do was drop the glipizide from 10mg to 5mg. My mom, who has had T2 diabetes 15 years and is on insulin, said I should stop taking the glipizde. I don't think I should just stop taking it. The doctor should know best, right? Maybe I'm just worrying too much?

Sorry if it's long and confusing.


  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Talk to yor Doctor again. It is up to you to get your Dr. to listen. I understand the A1c she is shooting for, but it is a three month number test. Having lows after meals is something your Dr. needs to hear about. Just my opinion but I believe you should always be on the least amount of meds you can be.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Talk to yor Doctor again. It is up to you to get your Dr. to listen. I understand the A1c she is shooting for, but it is a three month number test. Having lows after meals is something your Dr. needs to hear about. Just my opinion but I believe you should always be on the least amount of meds you can be.

    Thank you. I will call her. I would like to be on least amount of meds as possible.
  • 5LilMonkeys
    Definitely talk to your Dr. Seems odd to me that she lowers your glipizide and you have lows like that. I'm on 5mg glipizide once a day and 1000mg metformin twice a day. Are you taking the glipizide 30 min before you eat?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Definitely talk to your doctor. Do you record your numbers? I found that if I can give my doctor specific averages and numbers she can get a better feel for what is happening (unless I am in the office where she can download the numbers from my monitor). I have an Excel spreadsheet where I record my numbers and I have it set to give me averages for each time of day, the whole month so far, and all months combined.

    I am only on 2.5 mg glipizide so I can't help with the med question.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Definitely talk to your Dr. Seems odd to me that she lowers your glipizide and you have lows like that. I'm on 5mg glipizide once a day and 1000mg metformin twice a day. Are you taking the glipizide 30 min before you eat?

    Yes, I'm taking the glipizide 30 minutes before I eat.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I talked to the doctor this afternoon because I went down to 60 again. She said to stop taking the glipizide and see how I do and stay on metformin 500mg three times a day. She said if I go above 110 to call her back and she will adjust my medication again.

    Thanks everyone for your input.
  • 5LilMonkeys
    Sounds like a good plan.:)