Halfway Goal

melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
I have officially met my "halfway there" goal :). 65 lbs lost, 65 to go. 8 and a half months into my journey


  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Congratulations. Just think 1 year 3 months to loose 130lbs. Thats wonderful. I have to tell myself that when the amount of time it takes feels depressing, in reality a year of your life is nothing to the lifetime you can have.

    Here's to the next 65!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Oh my goodness! That is amazing! What an accomplishment! Way to go!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    That's so wonderful! Congratulations :)

    Hope you've got some pampering (or other good thing) in mind for yourself as a reward!
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Brilliant achievement well done :)

    edit hahaha me too apparently ;)
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks guys! I've been very excited about it all day lol. All of y'all are so supportive and doing amazing things yourselves. Let's kick some fat to the curb!
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    woohoo! Great job!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    Congratulations! That's awesome!!! :drinker:
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Amazing and Awesome. Big Kudos and Congratulations.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Wow! This is great. You made me wonder about my own goals. If my end goal were actually static and set, I could figure out how close I am to it, but I don't know where I want to end up. I haven't been anywhere near 150 in almost 20 years. So my loose goal is 175 with reevaluation (let me tell you ladies, it feels weird to start any number talking about my own weight with a 1. I kept trying to put a 3 in front of my number yesterday instead of a 2...realized that and felt all wacky!)... If I do end up at 175, that is a total loss of 160, which means 80 was my halfway. I'm over that. More realistically, I'd like to be 140-ish (I don't even remember what BMI says I should be...I just can't fathom 140 on me. Ever again. In which case halfway is closer to 100 pounds. But either way, I've made a good dent. Took me 8 years and counting, but still... Anyway, just wanted to say major kudos, and thanks for getting me thinking!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    My immediate goal has been to get my BMI low enough to get surgical clearance for sleeve gastrectomy, and I found out today I did it! On JUne 17th I have a colonoscopy and endoscopy, and as long as they are okay, I will be cleared--surgery date in early July!!!

    I know for some of you, bariatric surgery is a NO, but as a 50 year old, hypothyroid, menopausal, prednisone-infused, 466 pound woman with a ruptured disk that has been strangling my femoral nerve for a year (too fat for back surgery) and a rare disease that is destroying my joints so my legs can no longer carry this big body without crutches, this is a life-saving moment for me. My next stop was going to be immobility and then early death.

    I am Wooohoooo happy to share in these milestone celebrations as we all work toward our new LIVES!

    Karen in Maine
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    Yes I would love to be in the healthy category medically but my personal goal weight is 190. Which would still be considered overweight. But I'm just under 5'9 with a large frame. At my healthiest (decade ago) being around 180-195 I'm shooting for that. Though I was a very fit 180-195ish. To be honest I may just run around naked and happy at 200lbs lol.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Congratulations!!! Halfway to goal is an awesome milestone!!!
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Congratulations Melissa on reaching your halfway point! That's so very exciting.

    And Karen, a huge congratulations to you for getting your bmi down to qualify for surgery. I remember my excitement when I finally got a surgery date. You'll pass those 2 tests I'm sure and be on your way. Very happy for you. I didn't personally have the sleeve (I had RNY) but if there's anything I can help you with feel free to hollar.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Congratulations Karen on getting that appt. x
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Congratulations Melissa!!!!