Salam Alakium (desperetly seeking sisters)

As Salam Alakium, Im sister Hadiya from NY living in Algeria,
Ive been dieting for 7 days now.... I first gained alot of weight 11 years ago when I was on bed rest and hormone injections to protect my pregnancy with my lovely daughter Amina! Alhumdulilah....

I blew up like a balloon, Im only 5.2 and at the end of my pregnancy I was at 210 lbs!!!!!!
Ive managed over the years to get down to 180, but ive been stuck their ever since, Now im 42
and the weight is starting to take its toll, bad back and digestive problems.....
I so desperetly want to stay motivated and keep going down past the 180 this time ameen

So im trying to find other sisters to keep eachother motivated! I started dieting last week at 186 and yesterday was 182 183,
Thats all ive done for the last years is go up and down 8-10 lbs never making it under 180!:smile::smile:

I did medifast along time ago and dropped tons of weight on it very fast, but dont have any diet products here in Algeria except teas that hurt my stomach.... Im trying to eat blah foods to avoid cravings and so far so good.... Mind u I live with my husbands family and they eat cakes and cookies every morning and afternoon with coffee!!!! So its very difficult to stay dieting.. And my nice mother nlaw tells me, What? Do u want to be a stick? :) I just want to feel healthy ameen


  • annonm
    annonm Posts: 13 Member
    As Salam Alakium sister! Good Job on your weight lose so far. What I do is eat 1200 calories a day and i keep track of everything that goes in my mouth on my fitness. I usually eat every 2 hours because I cant go over that without eating. I try to eat 100 to 200 calories every 2 hours so by the time dinner comes I have 600 to 800 calories left over to eat because dinner is when im usually hungry. You can do cardio (light cardio), maybe like 30 minutes a day to get your body moving because as humans we need to be active. Also think of the sunnah when Muhammed said 1/3rd food, 1/3rd water and 1/3rd air for easy breathing. Thats why i eat small meals every 2 hours. it keeps you satisfied and by the time you get hungry again it will be time to eat. Figure out what works for you. If you stick to 1200 calories without exercise you could lose 2 pounds a week. Good Luck sister. I hope this helps :)
  • dillasa
    dillasa Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am also on a journey to lose weight I gained through various things college, baby, and an in-law visit to Morocco (mint tea + cookies for 6 weeks = a lot of weight gain) . Inshallah we can support each other!
  • Maryam4eva
    Maryam4eva Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add:)
  • creole_muslimah
    creole_muslimah Posts: 6 Member
    Asalaamu Alaikum

    I have actually never posted on here. I joined a year ago but finally got active in weight loss in June 2014. Right before Ramadan! I was stuck at 180 pounds for a while too, then I had 2 more babies back to back. I need serious motivation.
  • renavail
    renavail Posts: 7 Member
    as salam walakum wa rahmatuAllahi wa barkatoh,
    I pray this reaches you in strong deen and eman and good health.

    I would seriously suggest no one take the over counter stuff pills . All you need to do is eat healthy . (eating clean) and exsersize and inshAllah you take off the weight. It took time to put it on . Let time to take it off. Why? If you go to fast. you may get saggy/ lose skin. so take your time. Eat healthy! Eat Healthy! Dont think about numbers. This is coming form a sister who is 5'5 260 lbs . Yes i have alot! of weight to lose but i was 298lbs . But those pills you dont know what is in them. they could make you dependent or harm you more (many people have died from wieght loss pills) and long as we practice the sunnah and eat like the Phrophet Muhammad and eat clean. What dose it mean to eat clean. ( no sugar , no preservatives, No colorings , no corn syrup ) Iam sure . Iam sure you will lose weight. learn natural holistic ways to losing weight. Juicing even if its just to add nutrients to your body. super foods (that are from Allah)

    may Allah make it ease and help you in all your affirs amen

  • Maryam2014mfp
    Walaikum assalam. You can add me :)
  • suejabin2014
    suejabin2014 Posts: 116 Member
    Salam alaykum sister I'm new to this group i am 26, mum of two and live in the UK
  • mitzi_hussein
    mitzi_hussein Posts: 4 Member
    Asalamalaikum, I don't understand how to add people?
  • Jenni4w
    Jenni4w Posts: 27 Member
    Assalaamu alaikom! I wonder how you are doing now, so many years later? I’d like to help rejuvenate the Muslima groups on MyFitnessPal because some people have better accountability and success when sisters are involved by Allah and His Mercy and Greatness. Is anyone active on MFP??